Roosters are not legal here & hens don't crow!
P.S. I just found out our neighbor behind us also has chickens!
...uh, haven't had to clean the pen yet huh?
Was gonna get chickens but my neighbor put a refrigerator in their driveway and started selling eggs out of it for $3.00 a dozen. No fuss, no mess, and the cheapest best protein. Was away and bought some store color no taste...
Thanks neighbor!
Well that's the problem right there. In Puerto Rico if you can catch that chicken, you can do whatever you want with it. I grew up hearing my grandmother talk about all the times my grandfather would come home with a chicken he'd caught on his way home. They'd kill it, pluck and cook it that night.There's a way to determine the sex of chicks, so that the roosters can be culled- you hold the chick in your hand and gently squeeze it. Hens will have poop come out, roosters won't.
Even if you have all hens, they will still be rockus at times, but they are sooo much easier to have around than the roosters.
It's really a touchy subject where I live, a majority of the population has grown up having chickens in the yard, so they're used to it. It's "outsiders" like me that the chickens drive nuts, and the locals just can't understand what our problem is!
The feral birds have overpopulated several residential areas, and are now running in the streets. People refuse to deal with them, opting for the live and let live philosophy. The Humane Society, Animal Control and the Dept. of Health won't lift a finger to help, but God forbid you shoot one off your property, and a well meaning neighbor calls popo...
Actually, I believe that you can sell them via the agricultural 'farm stand' law. The state has a law that says that you can legally sell any produce from your property *on* your property without a permit (for selling the produce itself) being required. We have lots of folks with signs by the road offering fresh eggs. There's an 'honesty stand' down the road a ways from here selling kiwis, someone's got kiwi vines growing well nearby (don't produce the best fruit, but the price can't be beaten with a stick! $1/bag, usually has about 2lbs of kiwis in it).I wish I could do that. In CA I think ya need a license to sell eggs.
I've been thinkin about starting a lil neighborhood CSA too though, I wonder if I could put a few eggs in w/o raisin a fuss.
What do you do with turkey eggs? Here they are just thrown into the yard for the chickens and ducks to eat. The duck eggs are great for baking and chicken eggs are great for all kinds of stuff!