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Auto Zamaldelica feminized


Well-known member
The tall one hit the roof and refused to flower, so she got cuts taken and killed.
This one smells of lovely oranges and funk.
Weather has been terrible here in the uk. Barely any sunshine this summer and mostly wet rain. But I’ve popped a fan in the hoop house and am hoping for no rot. She looks clean so far.



ACE Seeds Breeder
My two Zam autos are just reaching sexual maturity and showing the first pistils. It has been an unbelievably wet season here; I've never had to water them yet but I have had to hide them from some storms. One is also showing some holes in the leaves from insects. But they seem fairly healthy and will hopefully start to really stretch out soon.

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Sorry to hear about the bad weather, @gedLang. Autoflowering plants really need warm temperatures and strong light intensity in their first month of life to maximize growth before the unavoidable flowering. They should stretch in those big pots now flowering is coming under warmer July sun.

Looking good in early flowering @moofingaround all the best for the flowering stage.


Well-known member
She produced a quite high yield despite the yellowing @badass-eu The way she shapes the flowers and lemony-melony sounds are very familar to me, such expressions are really good to smoke :) looks like she will be ready end of this week or next week.
Thanks for stopping by😊 Dubi, these terpenes excite me, can you tell me which way this is going in your opinion?
You have a very good eye, I was planning to harvest this weekend or at the start of the week given the progress...now the temperatures are calming down for 2 days and are picking up well from Wednesday so I'm hesitating whether I harvest as presented or I wait for this second wave of heat because I don't want it to dry too quickly... dilemma dilemma


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks for stopping by😊 Dubi, these terpenes excite me, can you tell me which way this is going in your opinion?
You have a very good eye, I was planning to harvest this weekend or at the start of the week given the progress...now the temperatures are calming down for 2 days and are picking up well from Wednesday so I'm hesitating whether I harvest as presented or I wait for this second wave of heat because I don't want it to dry too quickly... dilemma dilemma

Such floral-fruity terpene profiles in Auto Zamaldelica usually translate into thick sweet creamy fruity in the mouth, delivering potent accelerated-trippy effects of 2-3 hours of duration.


Well-known member
Hi @BumSplodgeBrownPants looking great as she reaches mid-flowering ;) Very healthy green natural color.
Place the plant in the sunniest spot possible in the greenhouse and add a bit of PK from an organic source (liquid organic fertilizer) to increase yield in the next 2-3 weeks.
Thanks @dubi ... If we ever do get any sunshine here again, she will have the full force of it being in the most open SouthWest facing spot in the garden.
This has to be the worst summer weather I've known or can remember. Humidity is up in the 85% most days and flat grey rain clouds.
Being stuck indoors is no fun when there's lots of work to be done outdoors, so I took advantage of your sales over the weekend to cheer myself up. :good:


Well-known member

They are filling up nicely. Living such a busy life I'm sometimes amazed how much happens in a week or two.

Here are mine. Unfortunately I can't make any male flowers out resultinv from the first STS spray. I applied another round on Monday, but the solution is more dilated thsn planed and also maybe too late...




They have all the same sweet and folral smell. Quite delicious and unlike anything else I had so far except the other Auto Zamaldelica two years ago.


I am excited about this girl, she looks very good, and I hope that her quality is as they say... Now I just hope to be lucky and that the rains remain absent for the next few weeks.

I was unlucky and only this 3-seeded plant that I used prospered, but I will definitely grow this magnificent variety again next season.




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