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Auto Haze hybreeds

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
Here is LBH's Blue Ruder Haze @ latitude north 62, eastern Finland



carrying seeds to the f2 generation (open pollination)

Much respect you crazy flying dutchman! :wave: :tiphat:

hi my friend ever grow the F2 this year outdoors?
i have back crosss the auto blue ruder haze (is a cross of LBH's auto Blue Haze#1 X (Suomo-PrKl's) Pehkuruder af) too auto Blue haze gone try the 2013 outdoor

peace LBH


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Lbh copped is slang for purchased.. he wants to know where to buy them. Peace


I don't know either... Maybe LBH could give us a hint?

Something I've been pondering... (copy/paste from 100% sativa's thread)
A lot of people are now crossing sativa dominant hybrids with autoflower strains. The sativa genes means autoflowers with a longer flowering time but a huge increase in yield.
It would be totally awesome if someone would cross PURE sativa's like colombian or malawi with ruderalis, so they could be grown anywhere up to 60N if planted early enough, you could even start them a month or two indoors if needed.
Thing is ruderalis adds unwanted qualities to the high... Though I don't believe anyone ever tried backcrossing until they got a stable strain that only has the autoflowering gene from the ruderalis.
It shouldn't be THAT hard I believe... It would take a lot of time, especially with the longer flowering genetics involved, but that's what decent breeding is all about... Putting in a lot of time.
Colombian X Ruderalis -> Stabilize to F3 to get true autobreeding Colombian Ruderalis hybrid, selecting for Colombian dominance as well. Backcross this to the original Colombian. Again stabilize the autoflowering gene in the F3 cross and select for Col dominance.
Now you have a backcross that is on paper 75% Colombian genes but in reality much more colombian dominant already.
Repeat once more and you have 87.5% Colombian genes... Repeat once more and you have 93.75%. By then the ruderalis high should be virtually gone even if you didn't particularly select for Col dominance, and you have a nearly pure sativa strain that can grow anywhere a 5-6 month season is possible.

This would also be a great parent for future autoflower crosses. Cross any plant with this AutoColombian and stabilize the F3's, not only would you have a true autoflower with big yields, it would also infuse a great sativa high in the strain, rather than having to select against the dumbing ruderalis stone and never really getting rid of it...
If you think about it this could really be one of the most interesting crosses ever as they the extremes of the spectrum. 10 weeks lifetime ruderalis crossed with 1+ years equatorial sativa's.


Any plans on backcrossing your Auto Haze with Haze? How does your Auto Haze's effect compare to Haze?


Problem with crossing very long flowering extreme sativas with rude, is that the end result will be a autoflower with a VERY long flowering times. Possibly even too long for growers above 60 deg.

There already are strains that are like this. For example the Zamal. This strain can autoflower but can also flower in optimal conditions for extremely long!

The trick would be to use some short flowering sativa's in the breeding program. A long a tedious work for someone who wants to take the job.

You are right though, the ruderalis genes have to be "watered" out as thoroughly as possible. We also need the same done to an extreme Indica!


New member
Respectable results done with breeding La Buena Hierba!

They seem to perform well here in Finland, considering pictures by Suomi PRKL and BadTicket.

Have to get that one on my collection.

Is there any on seedbay yet?


Sounds like we should crossbreed Haze plants with Ethiopian Highland Sativa. Then select for shorter season plants. That would virtually be the same thing as doing the autos except no Ruderalis genes would dilute it.

While I am quite the auto advocate but if there is a different way to get a regular type plant to grow quickly I am all for it.


New member
Hi HBL, wonderfull work mate! Been following your work on different forums, looks perfect for what I'm after!

Im growing in steep mountainsides in Norway, mostly danish and finish early genetics. I think your strains would do very well there (61N). I cant send PM here, but maybe you can contact me ? Have something for you as well mate.

Again...Fantastic work!

Good vibes from the north!

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
Respectable results done with breeding La Buena Hierba!

They seem to perform well here in Finland, considering pictures by Suomi PRKL and BadTicket.

Have to get that one on my collection.

Is there any on seedbay yet?
yes they dith verry good in Finland see here pictures from Suomi prlk

no seedbay yet! but soon they will be for sell on other please first!

Hi HBL, wonderfull work mate! Been following your work on different forums, looks perfect for what I'm after!

Im growing in steep mountainsides in Norway, mostly danish and finish early genetics. I think your strains would do very well there (61N). I cant send PM here, but maybe you can contact me ? Have something for you as well mate.

Again...Fantastic work!

Good vibes from the north!

great you following my work :tiphat:

yes im sure mine strains will do verry well norway

if you make more post you will can pm

peace LBH

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
some new auto haze crosses i maked for fun

some new auto haze crosses i maked for fun

litle fun seedrun in garden with some of mine new crosses i make this winter and a new auto haze strain i get from MJBadger fon haze f9 (AAH) i use a nice FON male too get seeds in mine LBH's auto Sour Diesel Haze x lbh auto BlueBerry ace Haze
outdoor 2013
seedrun no feeding and dint take care of them they staning in conner of my garden

left the LBH's auto Sour Diesel Haze x lbh auto BlueBerry ace Haze
right fon haze f9 from MJBadger
(the mutant in the front is a auto SDH x F13 X blueruderhaze)

LBH's auto Sour Diesel Haze x lbh auto BlueBerry ace Haze
(the mutant in the front is a auto SDH x F13 X blueruderhaze)
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La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
the litle seed bud picters of the LBH's auto sdh x auto blueacehaze cros too FON auto haze male dint take care ore feed them




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ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Nice pix man :)
Smoking on some ASDH now, pretty strong smoke. Head feels weird, and went a bit to my legs, too. :D

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
I don't know either... Maybe LBH could give us a hint?

Something I've been pondering... (copy/paste from 100% sativa's thread)
A lot of people are now crossing sativa dominant hybrids with autoflower strains. The sativa genes means autoflowers with a longer flowering time but a huge increase in yield.
It would be totally awesome if someone would cross PURE sativa's like colombian or malawi with ruderalis, so they could be grown anywhere up to 60N if planted early enough, you could even start them a month or two indoors if needed.
Thing is ruderalis adds unwanted qualities to the high... Though I don't believe anyone ever tried backcrossing until they got a stable strain that only has the autoflowering gene from the ruderalis.
It shouldn't be THAT hard I believe... It would take a lot of time, especially with the longer flowering genetics involved, but that's what decent breeding is all about... Putting in a lot of time.
Colombian X Ruderalis -> Stabilize to F3 to get true autobreeding Colombian Ruderalis hybrid, selecting for Colombian dominance as well. Backcross this to the original Colombian. Again stabilize the autoflowering gene in the F3 cross and select for Col dominance.
Now you have a backcross that is on paper 75% Colombian genes but in reality much more colombian dominant already.
Repeat once more and you have 87.5% Colombian genes... Repeat once more and you have 93.75%. By then the ruderalis high should be virtually gone even if you didn't particularly select for Col dominance, and you have a nearly pure sativa strain that can grow anywhere a 5-6 month season is possible.

This would also be a great parent for future autoflower crosses. Cross any plant with this AutoColombian and stabilize the F3's, not only would you have a true autoflower with big yields, it would also infuse a great sativa high in the strain, rather than having to select against the dumbing ruderalis stone and never really getting rid of it...
If you think about it this could really be one of the most interesting crosses ever as they the extremes of the spectrum. 10 weeks lifetime ruderalis crossed with 1+ years equatorial sativa's.


Any plans on backcrossing your Auto Haze with Haze? How does your Auto Haze's effect compare to Haze?

sorry mist this post mine autoflowering Haze is already backcrosst many time too pure haze strains
that why mine pure LBH's autoflowering Haze (that i dint release yet!!!)
smoke like the pure oldschool original haze strong great high!!

here is pedegree of some of mine LBH's autoflowering Haze
(got more auto haze strains)

When I started crossing the first crosses years ago I started with
Auto AK47 crossed too a great very very old cutting from a The Flying Dutchman's 'The Original Haze (the old genetics) that an old friend here in Amsterdam had .(our location)

I selected this cross for auto flowering traits and crossed back too the old Flying Dutchman's 'The Original Haze cutting .
(so I got (Auto AK47 x Haze) X Haze .. I worked this for a long time for auto flowering traits and Haze type .

For the last few years I have worked the cross of the auto AK47 x Haze X Haze that was fully auto flowering crossed too a green old timers Haze x Meao Thai Male and I work that too now til autoflower!

So the LBH's auto f lowering Haze = (auto AK47 x Haze X Haze ) X old timers Haze x Meao Thai !!
and this LBH's auto flowering I am cross testing now with more Hazes like Neville's Haze Seedman Haze and a lot more im still working on it!
I have a lot of auto flowering strains and crosses but this is the story Of La Buena Hierba
Auto flowering Haze.

pic lbh's auto asian haze


That is very interesting, thanks LBH. Now I want to get some of your seeds :)

So you didn't have to take the auto x haze cross to F3 first to stabilize the auto gene before backcrossing? That would save tons of time...

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
no i go with ak x haze til f3 selected a autoflowering and cross too haze back yes dont expect short cuts wen breeding like this like i dith!!
there is a other faster way (but i like mine way but takes years)

for expempel
coss a haze with 4 difriend autoflowers
let sey
auto blueberry x haze
auto ak47 x haze
aut whitewidowx haze
auto thaipan2.0x haze

select in the f1 of each of the crosses the most haze type of plant
(stil no autoflowering in thise f1)
so you breed the most sativa/haze plant let sey
auto blueberry x haze male x female auto ak47 x haze
aut whitewidowx haze male x female auto thaipan2.0x haze

now thise F2 you pup up a lot of beans and select
the autoflowering ones and most sativa /haze in type

so you got F3 from ,
auto blueberry x haze male x female auto ak47 x haze
auto whitewidowx haze male x female auto thaipan2.0x haze

with thise you select and breed till fully and stable autoflowering the Haze will be dominant in thise cross this way

sorry for the bad english but hoop you guy's understand

peace LBH

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