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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Sticky Sat

Active member
Wow, we just had a mass shooting at two Mosques down in the South Island. Sorry to dampen the mood, but it's pretty unbelievable, up to 30 people have been shot by two gunman who opened fire during afternoon prayer. Two gunmen in full combat gear and using automatic weapons, which you can't get here legally unless you're military personnel or have a law enforcement endorsement. We've had a few shootings here before, but nothing of this type. I'm floored and pretty saddened by this, really unexpected here.


On a positive note, my plant is coming along well...

Like Rod, i woudn't have expected such thing in NZ... Really sad... Wonder if there's any record of a pot user ever doing such a terrible thing...

Glad your plant is doing good man :)

Brother Nature

Well-known member
40 people murdered, 20 more injured at this point. Still kind of in shock, the guy filmed it and streamed it on fb apparently as well, 17 minutes. 4 arrests, one of the shooters was also an Australian citizen. :( Sorry if sharing this bothers you guys, just hard to process it at the moment I guess. New Zealand as a country is kind of like a small town, everyone has a connection to everone, when things like this happen it shakes us all.


Well-known member
Yeah out there all right. .. fuckin wankers... makes me want to move out to the middle of know where that much more. Feel for all the families affected by these dickheads.... it's a horrible reminder how lucky we all can be, stay safe everybody.

Dr Watt

Who What
Accept Some News

Accept Some News

I am here. You know me by now k.


lockdown 23 hours a day, 10 minutes Woolies (formerly Safeway the Supermarket chain - i'm f'n lovin' it !!!!!!!!!!!!) .......... WoT ..... and I come to the only ICMAG to be informed of a mass killing in NZ, via link I see first hand footage of the shoot - (not news version), white guy starts breakdown afterwards (now what ?)

I was going to end my speech with just my Water Pipe to keep me company !!!! ........ not any longer, it was meant to be a good speech 23 hours lockdown, safeway the supermarket, WoT, Dr Watt, WoTDr etc

Ok. Look at this photo of my pad. I could show you some PPP final Pindica limon right now ! But I'm too disturbed


Brother Nature

Well-known member
Here's some happy weed photos.





stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
Have some Swazi skunk (Africa seeds) I'll post when they gain a bit of weight but for now some blue sky for you Sticky.... :smoke out:



I'm in the Sth East and this is the worst snake season I can remember. I've got 3 resident snakes now; a big Tiger, a kinda golden one with a yellow belly and a black that's lived here since he was a baby and they all seem super mellow.
Went to pick up a bale of pea straw and as I touched it a 2 metre snake that I didn't see raised it's head to about a third of a metre from my face and we both looked at each other with “wtf, what's next” looks. No bad vibes, it was just startled, like me, but I didn't move until it left.
Anyone else seeing more snakes than usual this year?


lol no but i'm looking, went to pat the cat yesterday in passing to garage when I looked a goanna was laying right beside her , no one was moving. nice n warm where they were lying.


Active member
I'm in the Sth East and this is the worst snake season I can remember. I've got 3 resident snakes now; a big Tiger, a kinda golden one with a yellow belly and a black that's lived here since he was a baby and they all seem super mellow.
Went to pick up a bale of pea straw and as I touched it a 2 metre snake that I didn't see raised it's head to about a third of a metre from my face and we both looked at each other with “wtf, what's next” looks. No bad vibes, it was just startled, like me, but I didn't move until it left.
Anyone else seeing more snakes than usual this year?

Yeah Mick, lots of snakes this year, blacks, copper heads and tigers here, the misses stepped on a black snake walking the dogs, she wasn't happy lol, still go's and walks them tho


Yeah Mick, lots of snakes this year, blacks, copper heads and tigers here, the misses stepped on a black snake walking the dogs, she wasn't happy lol, still go's and walks them tho

I bet the snake wasn't too happy either :biggrin:
A couple of weeks ago I was walking my dog and I noticed him sniffing at something on the ground, and when I got closer I noticed he had his nose right on a big Tiger but neither of them seemed the least bit worried, and this dog will ark up if a Blue Tongue Lizard gets too close. Got a couple of mates that have had similar experience with their dogs. One guy was mountain biking and when he came around a corner he nearly had a heart attack, as his little Pittie was nose to nose with a Tiger snake in the middle of the track and they seemed cool about it. Same thing happened with my X's little white fluffy thing. The X came to the bottom of the stairs and was horrified to see her dog and a Tiger nose to nose and no hassle. Wtf is going on there? It's like some kind of communication happening.

Sticky Sat

Active member
Have some Swazi skunk (Africa seeds) I'll post when they gain a bit of weight but for now some blue sky for you Sticky.... :smoke out:

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Thanks a lot Smurf ! :)

Looking great ! Wish you a perfect weather until harvest :)

Same for you Rod, she's a beauty...:)

Strange and interesting 'peaceful" animal's behaviour... Let's hope it spread to humans... ;)


LESS snakes than usual, Mick.
I consider the wildlife around here to be under lots of climatic pressure and think there is a general reduction in wildlife, snakes included.

I'm in the Sth East and this is the worst snake season I can remember. I've got 3 resident snakes now; a big Tiger, a kinda golden one with a yellow belly and a black that's lived here since he was a baby and they all seem super mellow.
Went to pick up a bale of pea straw and as I touched it a 2 metre snake that I didn't see raised it's head to about a third of a metre from my face and we both looked at each other with “wtf, what's next” looks. No bad vibes, it was just startled, like me, but I didn't move until it left.
Anyone else seeing more snakes than usual this year?


Well-known member
I have been battling rot left right and centre with this year's lot.. just trimming out infected areas but it comes back fast thenot I can manage... most the plants would still have 4 weeks.. some red hues with purple tinhe's but lacking the size. .. might just have to call it a year. What would you fullas do?


Active member
i feel for you guys who have to deal with rot . i don't know if there's a safe way to fix it or not .
i've just trimmed three big plants and one bud had about an inch of rot on the tip .
i can't believe how quick these plants have matured and really packed the weight on ..and the resin , sticky as feck !
the only one of this breed still going , and maybe still two weeks off , is a different pheno completely , thinner leaves and the smell is very ..fuely ? quite a bit taller as well compared to its sisters . they never got taller than maybe six feet but every branch budded from near the ground up . eight or nine major bud clusters ! ...joy !

Sticky Sat

Active member
I have been battling rot left right and centre with this year's lot.. just trimming out infected areas but it comes back fast thenot I can manage... most the plants would still have 4 weeks.. some red hues with purple tinhe's but lacking the size. .. might just have to call it a year. What would you fullas do?

Very sorry to know that my friend... There's an interesting thread about mold control (by Silverback) recommanding to spray potassium bicarbonate just before the stems are covered by the buds but i guess your girls are past that stage... Hope your removal of infected areas will be enough.. In the worst case scenario, it should be potent enough for cookies... Granted it's nobody's first goal when starting a run but still, it's a very enjoyable thing... :) Wish you the best man... :)
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