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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge TEMPORARY thread.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Quote of the Day
The only way to great happiness and deep satisfaction is to do something you love to the best of your ability” – Richard Feynman (American theoretical physicist who revolutionized the field of quantum mechanics and formulated the theory of quantum electrodynamics)


Well-known member


Red Sapphire (purple) euphoric, uplifting then turns Into a more relaxing high.
Cherry, red wine savoury aromas.
Extremely smooth

Bangi Congo x Panama (100% sativa)
Extremely potent, psychedelic.
Vanilla, lemon and incense flavour.
Very easy to overdo.

Hope that helps
Both for Ace seeds.

anoydas 666

I'm pretty frugal also, I make my own vodka.


Donald Mallard

el duck
Nice report fronk ,
sounds like u have all bases covered with those two ,
something with a relaxing high thats tasty ,
and something with a strong , robust high thats also tasty by the sounds ,

they do some good stuff ace seeds huh ...


Well-known member
Anoydas, you have seriously had that booze for over a year. I can finish that off for you on a weeknight :D

anoydas 666

mate makes a ton n his daughters drink most lol. I just shoved it into cupboard fer a rainy day sorta.


Well-known member
another semi-hermit here...can go days without interacting with others...makes a nice change to the full on, in your face work i do...

weening myself off the booze atm...not completely, but a definite attempt at seriously reducing consumption...feeling better for it already...

hoping to get into some mushies if and when the rain decides to arrive...time for a reset...

keep safe peoples...


Well-known member
I think we could do a bit of mushroom hunting photos when the season starts. Love to share my finds with you. Not that I have a reason for looking. Hardly put a dint in last years. I used to go pretty heavy on the psychedelics, but been taking it pretty slow lately. Still it is my all time favourite group of drugs. Pretty fucking amazing. And much respect to the chemists out there who have got me high, and their sacrifices. And RIP Shulgin, and thanks to all my other heros. The people who work in that field really make the impossible possible. MAPS seems to be doing some great work and gaining traction. I hope we are having a psychedelic resurgence, because it is probably a great time in human history for people to examine themselves without their ego getting in the way, and probably time we get more connected with our environment and stop fucking that shit up. Anyway... Happy hunting :D


Well-known member
Kinda weird we are all hermits. I don't necessarily want to be a hermit, but it is also basically a job requirement. Being social and drug production do not go hand in hand. Whenever I take a drug, i quietly thank the producer for their sacrifice. I think most drug producers make sacrifices to provide drugs they believe will do others good. Especially with psychedelics. Maybe it is just my bias also. I am sure there are very selfish drug producers as well, and a lot of Chinese as well :) but that wasn't my point. My point was, get high, love everything, and love your planet. THE END

hard rain

I think we could do a bit of mushroom hunting photos when the season starts. Love to share my finds with you. Not that I have a reason for looking. Hardly put a dint in last years. I used to go pretty heavy on the psychedelics, but been taking it pretty slow lately. Still it is my all time favourite group of drugs. Pretty fucking amazing. And much respect to the chemists out there who have got me high, and their sacrifices. And RIP Shulgin, and thanks to all my other heros. The people who work in that field really make the impossible possible. MAPS seems to be doing some great work and gaining traction. I hope we are having a psychedelic resurgence, because it is probably a great time in human history for people to examine themselves without their ego getting in the way, and probably time we get more connected with our environment and stop fucking that shit up. Anyway... Happy hunting :D
I used mushrooms and trips in my 20's a bit. Didn't touch them for over 30 years but have got back into them. I try and take gold tops a couple of times a year now.
There seems to be a bit of a resurgence in their use. There's a great book by Michael Pollan, author and journalist, called "How to Change Your Mind; The New Science of Psychedelics", which I can recommend.
I have a few dried mushrooms in the fridge and planning a trip in my couple of weeks off during Christmas.

I have also had a go at growing them on several occasions which is really interesting and even more fun than growing pot.:tiphat:


Active member
Right with you Ozzie. Some shrooms are definitely in order.

Hard to pry the Caribbean Cask out of my hands atmo. Best of luck to you keeping off the grog.


Active member
lol.. so i went for a very early walk into the bush here with the intentions of planting the last of my seedlings ..
i stumbled onto 4 half 1000ltr shuttles that had been painted camo !
not yours pumpkin ? hahaha
anyway i should have left a note suggesting that they hide them a bit better !
made my morning and i hope i never left any tracks that they abandon their grow ..


Well-known member
I am not aussie at all but I find your posts the most interesting from the english language countries, probably because you talk quite a lot about Thailand and I used Thailand as the hub of my life for 18 years

There is a Thai saying, anyone who has been in Thailand long enough has heard it and they translate it "If you do good you get good if you do bad you get bad"

I would like to say the use of Rainman as derision is very sad and negative. It has been used by a couple of people posting here and I believe you are talking about Kim Peek who had Oppitz Kaveggia Syndrom and was misdiagnosed and observed and studied like an animal by a doctor called Darold Treffert who had no clue about what was this syndrom and invented some bullshit called savantism about which he wrote books and made a lot of money and in reality it does not exist and the only analogy I am seeing here is that you are misdiagnosing and misunderstanding people because like it or not, EB said truth but I agree there are ways to say truth without hurting people and I doubt there is any empathy issue here.
From the posts it seems you know each other in real life and that you are friends.

It is very difficult for very smart people not to be pessimistic about how the world is being managed, there are plenty of examples about it

This is a piece of clairvoyance, this is what happens in the environment where I am which is a competing market with Thailand and certainly the investments are flocking here and not to Thailand, laws are being written in favour of the canadian corpos which are my neighbours. At around end of march to 20th april, the robberies are massive here and nobody is paying a cent for it, imagine if there would be a institution paying such bullshit prices like 70.000 Baht a plant.
The canadian corpos are selling their rubbish hemp at farmacies at 1u$s a gram, numbers dont add up:
The idea that medicine could be grown under no regulation .
Collected from multitude different environments then mixed back together .

No pesticides , no heavy metals , no mold . Can get away with that in the black market .
Try going legit and you will get sued .

Then there would be all the thievery .
You have 10 grand in your garden .

DM, I just have found I have a cross made out of a freebie you shared from your seedbank called Zoidzilla.
Is your seedbank still alive? I am curious about some stuff you might have and for sure I am not the only one, I didnt know you where a seedbank until I read about Zoidzilla
I saw this thread at your seedbank and I think it should be a sticky, so much truth!!!
You people complain, I dont know if you can you imagine the mess latin+thai is


I also would like to say that I certailnly dont understand why I should know DM smokes tobacco or is overweight. You are the only forumer I got such a private info. I guess most people over 50 years of age are overweight. I am writing this in the hope to put things into perspective. Really, wtf @ us knowing such private details of other forumers??? Who the fuck cares about it???

I would like to say here because I am sure some people read this thread that EB is wrong about tobacco and how it affects tobacco smokers. As a south american, I would never mix tobacco with ganja but europeans do and is a norm for them. The way it hits a non smoker is like EB describes. But for a tobacco smoker making a bong with ganja mixed with tobacco is like diluting the ganja or making it last longer without any side effect because tobacco is like nothing and is normal for smokers
Tobacco is a medicinal plant and south american aborigins in the Amazon make something called rapé which is really medicinal. Tobacco has the capability to hide muscular pains too. I see in english rapé is called snuff:

In latin countries to call someone fat is a common nickname and it is used affectively and not as something negative
I hope you dont mind my 0,02$ and thanks for the knowledge shared by fellow hermits

Donald Mallard

el duck
hey funkyhorse ,
thanks for your insights man ,
its always refreshing to hear other folks opinions ,
and i appreciate you taking the time to post ,
hermit to hermits ,, lol .. ..

im not sure i made zoidzilla , its certainly sounding like something made from the stock myself and moonunit shared though , we have quite a few zoidfuel crosses ,
maybe someone else made it , or renamed it ,

i cant be sure , any idea of the lineage etc >??

that thread about wives was pretty fun ,
i really enjoyed globules posts in that one ,
hes a funny man indeed , tells it like it is ,, lol ..

i told eb i put on 20 kilos , he imagined the rest funkyhorse ,
i was quite underweight at the time , down to around 60 due to overworking and stress,
and now im around 80 , so no biggie or very overweight ,
im certainly a lot larger than im used too ,, but i could have a 6 pack back in not too long , so i wouldnt say im obese , or even overweight ,, my normal weight should be around 75 ...

and yes i did smoke tobacco with herb, that was how it was introduced to me when i was younger , i usually just toked bongs .. ,

i dont think someone that smokes both herb and tobacco can be too judgemental about it though ,our friend eb does both

im sure you would have noted if u toked with thai people that they also imbibe like that , as did some folks i spent time with that smoked through a chillum ,
but to be honest id rather not mix them and in fact several months ago i gave up smoking all together ... hence the weight gain ...

having done so i now realize the medicinal benefits i was getting from smoking gunja ,
there are many ,
but for now ill not partake and in the future may drop some oil capsules or something of that nature , when im ready ,

id like to see what cbd does actually ,
but as i said in the future , im ok for now not taking anything at all ..


Well-known member
i know a couple of people that mix and tobacco...personally i have done it once and was very unpleasant and made me physically ill...i don't judge or comment on the choice of others..i just stick with my Mighty and canna caps....

check out my canna caps DM they are highly effective and address multiple health/mental issues...not that you have any, that is....but for me/us mature persons the anti inflammatory and improved sleep effects are most welcome...

good luck with the lifestyle change...

i would love the freedom to relocate but am stuck in the 'work' lifestyle for the foreseeable future...unless i 'cash' out and live in a van...which i am tempted to do at times...

Donald Mallard

el duck
canna caps hey ozzie ,
could be just what the doctor ordered man ,,

i will totally agree with your assessment on that thread about the advantages of cannabis ,
it heals what ails ya for sure ,
i now realize i have sleeping problems ,
arthritis, and other ailments ,

one thing i did note though is using it as regularly as i did ,
and for as long as i did , near on 40 years ,

fucks with ones emotions ,
because it acts like an anti depressant ,
and suppresses ones emotions to an extent ,
well it did me anyhow ,

they can come out inappropriately as a result of the suppression ,
i see that with quite a lot of heavy canna users ,
they are pretty chill , but now and then have a spack attack ,
for want of better words ,

anyhow it did take me a while before i was able to keep my emotions in check ,
i may still suffer the odd flare up ,, lol .lol ..

id say i would indeed benefit from those little beauties ozzie ,
in time though , i intend to totally stay off all substances for a year ,
then i might try some caps or something of that nature ,
good suggestion man ...

thanks for the good wishes man ,
i hope things go well for you also what ever you choose ...