Just heard in the News, Russia said that the plane from the Sinai was crashed by an bomb attack.
Just so you know, the hacker group Anonymous has declared war on ISIS and even before they did so they claim to have shut down over 2000 ISIS connected twitter accounts.
The jihadis are doing this shit because they want the 72 virgins (30 of whom are little boys) and anonymous are pretty much 72 virgins, it is a match made in Heaven as they say.
They're doing this because they get to take women as sex slaves in this life time. And compared to other job opportunities the pay is good.
edit; Geez, sorry ChaosCatalunya. I didn't get the joke at first. Doh!
I see the end game, if they keep doing these attacks, is the people will lose all tolerance and will have had enough, and there will be pogroms, whether political pogroms (ie. overwhelming support for extreme right wing parties who will then control the govt., and pass laws to evict all muslims from their countries), or violent pogroms, where the people mass and burn down the muslims houses and kill them.
What are the conditions that led to the Nazi Party getting voted in?
Germany was in chaos, violence and crime everywhere, and extreme poverty, and it's these situations that lead people to vote for more radical political parties.
If these terrorist attacks continue, it may cause people to vote in radical parties, who will do radical things.
Long-range bombers to fly anti-ISIS missions from Russia, Putin orders Navy to work with France
Russia + France vs USA/Saudi/Israel
Round 1 Fightttttttttttttttttt
Russia + France vs USA/Saudi/Israel
Round 1 Fightttttttttttttttttt
Mikell;7219802 I haven't read this thread at all said:Yup. It was worse than usual.
To be quite honest, the north had more slaves than the south ever had and treated them just as bad. Not that that is justifiable by any means. Just pointing out the truth. But keep on with the stereotypical evil southern slave owner to make your point. It sounds so much better than the evil northern slave owner or the modern day Muslim slave owner doesn't it