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ICMag Donor
Club near me has tried target shooting from horseback , youngsters wanted something more exciteing and it sounds good fun to me , was apparantly on the TV local news and might just catch on .

Horses unfortunately dont seem to like me , might try it sunday off a motorbike with an old small compound bow to amuse the grand children and baffle the neighbours.


That one on the Dick's sporting goods page is just like the one I got(wildlife innovations)Just used it today setting up my target.Does anybody put lube on there cable slide?


@supermanlives if your gonna use expandings go top dollar all those working parts need to be top quality so you dont end up shooting basicly a practice head if it does not open.

@galahad nice killl galahad beatiful rack. dont mater if that bows old your getting the job done.

@ fastcast i do but im the kind of wierdo who sprays his cams all the time im always waxing and lubeing everything i even have sprays for my arrow rest and most important of all shaft lube dont wanna waste energy pulling arrows lol

@ foomar that sounds crazy i dont ride horse back so i would probably hurt someone trying that lol. now from my go kart i could do some damage lol. the craziest stuff we do is night shoots you hold a flashlight on a target for 3-5 seconds then ya shoot. i think by far the funest is for 16 weeks in a row before hunting season 1 day a week we pull out 14 of the 100+ life size 3-d's we own


Active member
its quality and never has failed to open yet. due to my extreme draw 160 i even have to use 2 bands to prevent premature opening LOL.


Active member
just found out the local lake i go to now allows bowfishing for carp. they say i can use my crossbow too. but its too powerfull i think. so i am looking for a compound bow now just for bowfishing. yeehaw

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
i dont have a boat anymore :(

When we went bow fishing last time it was in the ditches around the rice fields in Sutter County, some really big carp in them, which the Chinese pay $$ for and we get paid by the farmer (only$25) for clearing his ditches

If you're in NorCal then Nevada County is the best club IMHO, $10 a day and 4 x 28 shot ranges set in the Sierras, guns on Wednesday

I used to hunt deer up near Mill Creek, then a few mountain goats (man do they ever smell) .... you should see my wife, she dropped a coyote at 33 yds, both lungs, heart and smashed his left leg apart, I saw him drop in the range finder with a pink fletch just showing, by the time we got to him he'd bled to death

Next hunt will be a moose in Newfoundland if I ever get it together to deal with the cold weather

What most people find weird is that I'm a vegan, but if you'll eat it, I'll kill it ..... I give all the field dressed meat to Hunt for the Hungry, my way of repaying the community

My last kill with a rifle was with a borrowed 7mm Magnum @ 400yds, he was facing me on a hill, the bullet went 3/4 of the way down the spine, spoilt all the meat except the hind quarters, the velocity of the impact had turned the rest of it blue ..... that was when I decided to only hunt with a bow

Good Hunting

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
He was struggling at 300 but still had hits , the penetration was shocking for such a slow moveing projectile on 2mm hardened plate steel which a 9mm failed to penetrate at that range.

The British Longbow Society 'Standard War Arrow' is 32" long, 3/8th" shaft and weighs over 2oz, that mass is what does it

14th Century 'arrow storms' were only exceeded at rate of kill when the Maxim machine gun was used, the psychological effect of the sky going dark and the whistling noise of approaching death ......

Love that Oregon bow, Tom went on to manufacture the Blue Mountains I have ..... what's the draw length/weight ?


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
I started hunting with a crossbow last year. Man, what a difference compared to a compound bow. I use the same broadheads that I use with my compound. 100 grain NAP Thunderheads. They have always performed well for me.


as of yet i've only hunted with guns but im looking forward to getting a hog with my bow this year. my crossbow is too cheap to hunt with its just for shits and giggles and maybe a idiot theif of something.

@ bushdr thats a good idea with the meat donations. you know anywere with hogs to kill i hear mendicino area but i would like to confirm before i head up the looking for a friendly rancher

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
You need to have completed Bow Hunter Education and Hunter Safety to go hunting on public land, but as you're in Mid Cal you're ideally placed to go to Jim Coxs place near Salinas and then you're on his ranch and home free

He'll teach you how to shoot properly, as well as his pro shop he runs this set up http://www.jcabiggamehunting.net/ .... the place is running with hogs

Don't bother with email, just call him, he's a very approachable guy and has some great contacts for taxidermy etc

Good hunting


i need to get my girl hunter saftey cert. and both of our bow hunter ed. thanks for the hook up on the salinas ranch i heard about that for the first time on saturday wasnt sure if it was fact or fiction thanks again for putting me in the know.

do you know CA regulation for poundage on hogs? my girl shoots 40# on her current bow and she will gain some good fps when her pse chaos gets here this week (valentines day gift) do you think 40# properly tuned would penetrate lunngs and heart area on a hog?

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
From recollection the minimum weight is 40# for women and youths, 45# for everyone else

You can get your Bow Hunter Ed from Jim, he's a certified Instructor as is Jan

40# Put in the right place would do it easily, Jim will advise you on the best broadhead, BTW if you haven't already paid for the bow, give him a call


damn already ordered it from pse tucson factory. correct me if im wrong but is the bow hunter ed. class extra (not requierd in ca)? thanks for all the help bush!

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Correct Bowhunter Ed not required for CA, although worth doing anyway

You can take it online, $30 .... bargain


i agree although with my new job about to start i might not take it due to time constraints.

any thoughts on bow tech assasin vs PSE brute x??