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oh supermanlives i almost forgot to mention most bow ranges wont let you use crossbows. there are alot of haters out there in that reguard


Old School Cottonmouth
Years ago I used to own firearms but when I started growing I sold them all due to the legal implications. You can have two plants and a .410 shotgun you use to shoot rabbits and if you are busted the news will call you a heavily armed narcotics manufacturer. So I took up archery to continue to be able to hunt. I shoot a traditional longbow. A straight limb D bow. 46lb draw. I use it to kill pigs.

I quit growing in '04 but I still have never bought anymore guns. Never bothered. Where I hunt its so thick that all shots are close anyway, and the animals on the "archery only" land aren't so skittish like they are in the rifle areas.

Anyway, deer are too skittish to get into the range I need on the ground, and I can't shoot a 64 inch long bow out of a tree. So I plan on buying an older model, but still new bow from ebay. Lots of archery stores buy bows that end up not selling, and four years later they are only a couple hundred dollars new in the box. You can get a new Matthews bow that was top end four years ago for about $300 new in the box.

I also intend to make a traditional American Indian bow like the ones that were used in my area. Carve a bow out of a hickory stave, and use traditional arrows and string. I don't think I'll hunt with it though.


a buddy of mine shoots longbow recurve you must be a hell of a shot to hut with one of those most respect motaco when you end up making that bow put up some pics i gotta see that sounds awesome


at the bow club its imparative to get from the campsite area to the practice range to the actual competition ranges
this is what i use most of the older members use golf carts or quads


ICMag Donor
most bow ranges wont let you use crossbows

Same in the UK , bowhunting banned so long ago and crossbows only ever get negative press , often owned by gangster wannabees in tower blocks who lack the balls to get properly tooled up.

Went head to head against an experienced traditional longbow user on a rifle range once , 100 yards man size target , ten arrows against two five round stripper clips in an Enfield .303 in 30 seconds, was a dead heat but i dropped a shot , he had ten arrows in a six inch group and won a sizable bet.

He was struggling at 300 but still had hits , the penetration was shocking for such a slow moveing projectile on 2mm hardened plate steel which a 9mm failed to penetrate at that range.

Would have been a devastating weapon in its day , wish i had started in my teens , would be a lot less pain than starting in your fifties.
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so bow huntings banned in the uk that fucking blows!. thats pretty impressive to go heads up with a gun sorry ya lost your bet


Well-known member
what, no traditional archers on here? gave away my last confound bow, too many bells, whistles & screws. when target shooting with compounders, i'll deliberately drop a small allen head screw on floor, pick it up & ask "which one of you folks bow did this fall out of?" then, i get to shoot my longbow by myself for a half hour or so while they try to figure out where that #$%^ screw came from...:laughing:


Active member
i forgot to tell the crossbow name. barnett revolution xs 160lb dr 119 foot pounds energy. i know all about ranges and crossbows this is my second one. most compound targets wont fare well with bolts from crossbows and they go real deep LOL i used to go to an indoor bow range back east all the time. my first target from walmart the bolt went right through LOL the BLOCK however does work well.


Active member
you should try bowfishing sometime if you haven't
i used to bow fish for carp in pa. never ate em but they make good fertilizer. HIPPY i started with traditional no sights or nuthin. way more skill needed. but i like technology too. as i get older it gives me the edge.i used to make my own strings as a kid a skill i have forgotten.


ICE Cream eater
Haven`t used a real bow, but always loved to play archers in games
heheheh looks like quite fun thou :tiphat:


its a blast g0vnaa. i wish a had a laser rangefinder mt dad has one i steal all the time. its funny cause my little brother that still lives with him always calls asking for it after my dad has ripped him a new one even though he dont have it.

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