I would junk the mres they taste like poop and it is easier to just carry rice, grits, cream of wheat, or something similarly easy to make. Have different sets of seasonings shipped to different points so your meals change every once in a while. I would scrap the hammock tent, they are generally less comfortable than they look. If you were going for longer than a couple of weeks I would suggest grabbing a real pack, I tend to like Osprey packs because they are lightweight and tend to be as well constructed as any light hiking packs I have found yet. Never put one through the paces of actually being a day in day out months long work pack but so far they haven't let me down. Fire stick is a must, and a good knife and compass. Hmmm what else.... oh yea echo what others have said.... great boots and socks.
thanks man ill take that to heart, I opened this thread to learn from the experienced.
Since we are going out for 2 weeks we were fixing to just pack ALL of our food with us, hopefully it wont end up being too much.
Do you have any recommendations on those multifunction weather radios/ usb charger, windup and solar ran radios?