I'm not gonna kiss ass.. I'm going to go up there and explain my situation to her and simply hope shes not ignorant about it.
I just don't know if I should wait any longer then this.. I've got to get her on my good side but I'm not bringing cookies guys.
A week later, I go out and set my PA up in my backyard.
I hook up a microphone to the PA, crank it up as loud as I can without blowing the SYSTEM and then I turn on my lawnmower.
I aim the microphone at the lawnmower and I broadcast perfectly legal "lawn mowing" sounds at 180 db for the rest of the afternoon.
Yeah, I was a kid.
Still funny as hell, though.
Get yourself an inline fan with a carbon filter. Make sure all your smoke goes into it, then use an air deodorizer. Keep your smoking implements out of sight. Ride out your lease then move on.