again you have degraded one of my post, what is it with you mate? Your ego got the best of ya. Your talkng about mountains and unexplored jungle, Nepal is the fuking heart of that , try the HIMALAYA, you say stoners and same ole bannana pancake reggae bar routes, wtf who are you to stereotype, I thnk you got the wrong end of the stick yo. Do you live in asia, have you ever? I can say that I do and own a house here so you should stop blastn your toursity egotistical crap. sheeesh whatever they ehar about other ppl talk about. Western Nepal is UNEXPLORED, I HAVE BEEN there, have you? Nepal is part of the Indian sub continent, and they listen to the same languages, and wathc the same goddamn movies, except Nepalese speak Nepali and HINdi. I was wondering if I put in some comments here if you wouldnt rake it down, and I'll be damned if you didnt!!! Lol your ego! Dont go stereo typing others who aren't part of your little experienced asian spew.I'm far from your predictable universe. You have no idea. HONESTLY!ngakpa said:"Nepal is better than India" - haha, sorry I have to laugh - and "my Dad's better than your Dad" pfff, honestly
Nepal is Nepal, India is India - they are both fcuking amazing let's face it...
I think the only thing that needs be said on this topic is size - i.e. that India is utterly mind-blowingly vast when compared to Nepal:
Nepal - 147,000 km squared
India - 3,300,000 km squared
now I think that puts into some perspective how silly it is to generalise about these places - the Subcontinent is so vast and diverse it doesn't just beggar description, it buggers it, royally
btw for people who like me are into unexplored mountains it is worth giving a thought to India - with the exception of Dharamsala, and the Kullu and Parvati valleys (all of which are in the one mountain state of Himachal) very, very few tourists make it any of the rest of the Indian Himalaya... a handful to Sikkim and Darjeeling, and the rest is pretty much left untouched by aagrese... Himachal itself is about 75% unvisited e.g. Chamba, Kinnaur, most of Kangra ... i.e. three of arguably the most beautiful parts of the state
on that note however, Western Nepal is now crying out to be explored...
anyway - main point is don't listen to anyone who tells you that they know these parts of the world (including me) - about 0.00001% of travelers who visit Asia ever bother to step off the beaten track, esp. stoners, most just follow the same old banana pancake reggae bar routes and repeat whatever they hear other people saying...
especially granted the stupid permits that last for onlky like two weeks max!
Anyway, is anyone of you guys plannig a trip into the mountains in November?? I know its kinda late season, but thats when i should be heading into Pak and possibly Himichal first to break into a two year+ journey.
Mriko, it would really be cool to meet you one day, not only because your posts and pictures back on Overgrow where part of my original inspiration to traveling the himalayas (not to meiton my future travels to pakistan and consequent trips thereafter), but also becuase yor heading in the same direction at the same time.
I recall reading your posts about Tosh village when I made the final decision to go to India, and it was by coincidence that ended up there at 1:00am after walking from Manikaran(!)
Drunk french guy tripping acid! Half way up this tiny little path, and not to meition I has dysentery at the time, the drunk guy on acid starts running down the dark little foot path, trips over a rock, and goes flying head first over the cliff! I thought he died! But he ened up knocking hiself unconcious and splittig his head open, luckily after landing on the foot path, and not over the mountain itself! For some reason he wakes up with a bad attitude, and starts getting verbally violent with me, saying "give me your fucking water bottle, now"... and im like... "okay, here you go"..
Hes uses all my water, then yells "give me more water, now"...
im like "I dont have any man"
"Thats because YOUR A FUCKING AMERICAN"... and he proceedes to chew me out as he lay with blood all over his face, in the freezing cold, on this tiny dark foot path somwhere between Vailshali and Tosh!
So we end up getting to the Tosh local man's house, that looks almost identical to the third pciture down in Mriko's post above, and this drunk man gets so crazy I take off alone, as the local indian man yell's "friend, do not go into the village its dangerous." But I really didnt give a fuck at the time, for I was sick, cold, tired, etc...
Anyway, my Pakistan plan is to kinda weave in and out of the KKH depending on the scene. Im definately planning on the Kalasha vallies, swat, dir, hopefully all throughout the Azzad Jammu and Kashmir valleys, up through the northern areas and hopefully to Kashgar in China! But I dont know if ill have enough time to make it to China with a 6 month visa starting in November, for it might be too bitter a cold hostile winter!
Though I still cant believe how intricate Pakistan's NWFP is. I have never seen so many little valleys in such a small area! I even bought the LP Pakistan to better comprehend the valley's there, and I still cant mentally map out the HUGE labyrinth of mountain sides and valleys after much studying!
First is wong dhen guest house over in Majnu Ka tilla in Delhi, thats the place I will stay when arriving.
The second is when in Parvati Valley I will be at the village guest house above Jari in Mateula. Just that I am really inlove with that village and it really became that special place where I was finnaly comfertable to live and settle down... I know Kashol has some really nice, hidden places away from the main parts of town, but I never had the incentive to find them, becausse kashol always killed my buzz, even with the good food and chocolate pastries.
Kalash valley is my next step in himalaya ..will u plz desribe me more abt the region..places to hang out cool etc