Here you go ddrew! Hahahaha I'm a fucking smurf!! Diets always been a problem... obviously! LOL
My buddies all call me DINKY! LOL
Thanks Bro. It means a lot to me coming from you.
It is a mex. wrestling mask. It's a nacho libre copy, its a real wrestling mask and not a cheap halloween costume. I love driving around with it on! People don't know what to think. LOL
Whew, that sounds much better!I finally quit quitting... feels good to be high again. So I got my bloodwork back, and my cholesterol really isn't that horrible now that I have it right here in front of me, so testosterone didn't kill me yet... lol... My cholesterol was 263 total, HDL 49, LDL 195. The numbers I stated before for my HDL were so wrong.
Training is done for the pump with weights your girl could train up to. Its all about the $85,000 of drugs used to build the perfect beast and keep pumping them in or its gone.
i do nothing but push-ups now and cardio, but my wrist still kills sometimes. i have read that some steroids can have a beneficial effect on arthritis and i'd like the get solid again. would it alleviate the pain associated with lifting? what are your opinions?
Its all about the $85,000 of drugs used to build the perfect beast and keep pumping them in or its gone.
idoja, I was a football player for years, snowboarder, skiier, basketball, etc. Most of the time I weighed a pretty buff 250#. As a result fo years of athletics I have bad knees, shoulders, back, wrists (thanks to work) What I've realized is that even though my chest can lift 325# the rest of me can't. As I approach 40 I dialed back the weights, and use more of those hammer style weight machines, that lock out bad form, etc. Still stacking plates and there are no pulleys, but the best thing you can do for bad bones is to dial back the weight a bit and focus on form. Oh yeah, preacher curls-bad for wrists and forearms (if you have problems), overhead military press--THE WORST, do these in front of your head or with dumbells. As you get older, have the flip the script---and bide your time until you're old enough for HRT.