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any fly fishermen/ladies out there?


Baron Greenback

A friend of mine was French fly fishing champion a few years back. Whereas in American competition they seem to win boats and trucks, his prize was a box of hooks :)


New member
Oh my goodness ive stumbled upon heaven. A growsite thread on fishing. art:woohoo: Im a truly obsessed fly fisherman. I fish like 3 days a week. I may as well live the deschutes and crooked rivers in Oregon. Had the best fishing day of my life a week ago checking out a stream which is new to me. The S fork of the Mckenzie. Im more of a numbers vs size type of fisherman who aspires to be size vs number. You can only catch so many 9 inch rainbows before it gets old. But i guess the grass is always greener on the other side haha. Back to the S fork though.... Using a double nymph strike indicator rig i was destroying the whitefish but only got 2 small rainbows. Then while fighting a 13ish inch whitefish in a huge hole, what i thought was a log came up like jaws to try and eat my whitefish. MY 13" WHITEFISH!! Naturally i immediately put on 14 lb test (on my 4 weight fly rod lol) and chucked a big ole skulpzilla streamer. First cast Bam!! 10 minutes and an eighth of a mile downstream i landed the biggest fish of my life on fly, a 32 inch bull trout. Fighting it on a 4 weight rod i coulda swore it was a chinook. NOTE: bull trout are illegal to target and keep, but i didnt know what it was at first and didnt take her out of the water for even a second before releasing. As soon as i can post pics i will but im a noob so idk when.


Well-known member
wow! a 32" bull trout! are they the sea-run Dolly Varden i have read about? big mothers...how cool! waiting for pix...:woohoo:


New member
This population is highly isolated because of a huge dam on cougar reservoir without a ladder. Before this i believe they were a native stream resident strain sticking more to the headwaters. However they have adapted to being littoral (sticking to lakes untill breeding upstreamin fall) which is fairly similar to an ocean run strain. Its like this: dolly varden (sea run bulls) are to sockeye as bull trout are to kokanee. If that makes any sense lol. Those dollies are a blast though, i remember my dad catching em like crazy with any green nymph on kodiak when i was like 6 and they were half as long as i was.


I've really been wanting to get into fly fishing lately. I mostly surf fish but fly fishing seems like it would be really fun. There is a saltwater fly shop near me that does guided trips so I'll probably go on a couple of trips pretty soon. :)


a cloud of caddis flies is floating around my backyard. I'm heading to a brook nearby in about 30 minutes...................sometimes when I'm tying a fly onto my leader my hands shake, cause I'm so excited

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Beginner flyfisher here. What is the most important thing a newbie has to learn?

Learn to cast well.

Practice with a short piece of thick yarn tied to your tippet..
Practice in a large, mowed grassy area with no trees or bushes..
Practice until you can roll a fly onto a trash can lid, 30 feet or more away.

You need to be able present your fly, where you want it, and without splashing the water,
long before you need to know about every different fly pattern available for every possible fishing scenario...
I fly fish trout streams in the Northern California Sierras.. So awesome.
Hat Creek,, Dunsmuir/McCloud,, Walker River,,Pinecrest,, so many great spots
So blessed to be born and raised in Nor Cal.
Great weather, great fishing, and the greatest flowers.


Well-known member
Beginner flyfisher here. What is the most important thing a newbie has to learn?

you are casting the weight of the LINE, not the lure(fly). having the line weight matched to the weight range the rod is designed for will make everything else much easier. right now, i have a 9 foot long 10 weight rod for landlocked striped bass, but do not have the $ to buy a new line. it really sucks trying to cast a 5 weight line on a rod designed for a 9/10. the weight of the line will not efficiently load the rod...dammit!


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
I recently won a nice 9/10 weight Van Staal CVEX reel at a Ducks Unlimited dinner.
Ive done plenty of fresh water fly fishing in my day but Im at a loss as to what to put on it to fish for Stipers in the surf here. Also have to find a reasonably priced rod .
Any recommendations?

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