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Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Embracing the Suck.


Well-known member
Nursery Rhymes....that don't

Nursery Rhymes....that don't

Ahhh...Well what do you know?

Spring has kinda snuck up on us. I thought the sun was buried in a vault...somewhere, along with Jimmy Hoffa...never to be seen again. I was wrong, thankfully again, though last week we got nailed with seven inches of rain over three days. It was fun, with the exception of a couple of stragglers we didn't have anything of real value to get hurt. That rain did far more good than bad. Most everything in the garden is young....rain is good right up to that last month. Then it's bad....real bad.

Time to open the garden up. And to do that I have to introduce you to the dirt. We live in the lee of a 10,000 foot volcano, about a third of the way up it. Everything falls toward the ocean, so flat land is scarce. My garden is located in the bottom of shallow gulch. Lined up pretty much East to West, on one side I planted Bamboo. The other side has False Olive sheltering my plants from both the wind and prying eyes.

Looking up on the left is the winter garden. With the Winter pretty much done, this area will have clover planted on it....then left fallow until this Fall, when the early morning sun falls back to its Winter track, so we're not gonna worry about this until later, like six months down the road.

Most the Summer fun takes place in the middle, where there is room, and space, for seven plants, as big as they can go. Each plant has it's own terrace, backfilled with the best soil I could find here, loaded with the home made dog shit compost, Koa chip mulch, and bags of old soil from previous years....lots of history in that dirt.

Again, over Winter this dirt grew clover, and was turned over before the rain. I will add some store bought goodies (which I unhappily pay cash for) as I plant, but for all intensive purposes I would be fine planting as is. This soil is loaded....These holes have been planted many years now running. There is a drip system buried....gotta be with the dogs, so each plant is serviced separately.


Looking up on the right are the Summer terraces. The right side of the gulch, again terraced, backfilled, and has been planted in clover over Winter. As the clones come ready, this is where most go. I can put fourteen plants here....if had to.

We also have room for another ten clones, or four big trees in front. As the year progresses, I'll juggle clones around, always making sure that when Green Harvest flies only twenty-one plants are showing. This is the last year of the mature/immature game they play, so in a perfect world I'm only suppose to have nine in flower.

That's not gonna work....for the time being it will, but come October....nope.

Where are we now?

Of the seven middle terraces, only the bottom hole has a plant in. A Skunkdog/Iwi cross. Of four cracked seeds, the only female, no pollen was saved , so she is a one-off....it'll probably be great....since I have no more seeds left of this.

The rest of the holes are waiting on the Skunkdog/Gogi plants, started April Fools Day....offered without comment. They have cleared the dirt, and will be left in the sun until they show sex. I doubt they will need supplemental light, but it couldn't hurt.


What's with the Clover?

Obviously, most of you know this. For the few that don't.

Legumes, of which Clover is one, Keawe is another, support colonies of soil bacteria which pull Nitrogen from the air and fix it into soil around the roots. In other words when you grow clover you are fertilizing.

Even better it requires very little work....

You knew some shit like this was gonna be buried in here somewhere. It's so very weak, I know, But I'm burnt! just not doin' profound tonite....if ever.

Mary had a little lamb
His fleece was white as snow
and everywhere that Mary went
the lamb was sure to go

Fuck it man...Just kickin' the can down the road. Do better next time.

Now, on to the comments.....


There are none! WTF? How did that happen? Did my comment on GG getting WHORED OUT strike a nerve? The old turd in the punchbowl, huh?

Or maybe, just maybe, I need to get my meds refilled?

While you all ponder that question, Hang on. I gotta eat some crow.

I make this statement voluntarily.

A ways back wifey made some crosses, or told me to make some crosses, which I did. My participation ends there. On her own, she did the legwork, grew everything out, and I think....

Hold on.

I wasn't what you would call supportive. Nope. Flipped her a lot of shit I did. Thought it was a waste of dirt and deckspace....an unprofitable adventure direct to mediocrity...I could go on.

Enjoying that crow there boy?

She did good/got lucky.

There. Are you happy?

One of four Guerilla Glue/Jack Herrer crosses was exceptional. Rooted easy, grew bigger than all the rest, fast, and sturdy. Checked all the boxes, came thru the rain, in full flower, without rotting or collapsing, like her mother did. I'm doing the smoke test on this as I type....that may explain....

Yep. Keeper. Pulls more toward the father.... and loaded with glue.


Hensforth you will be known as...... ????? Hell if I know.

You tell me...sweetheart.


Now get off of my back.
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Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
hey man
the nug run of the scmk is ready for testing....
not that you want any of it hahaha


Well-known member
You betcha!....gotta git me somma that!

Will text from the car on my way down the hill.

Or not.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
alright cool
im gonna go turn off the hot plate and get ready to scrape...


Hawaiian Inebriatti
"And loaded with glue."

Sadly, she appears to have contracted knobby knees disease. ;)

Way to grow, bro.

Carry on.


Active member
I was tinking u no goin write till u get 1 comment.i take responsibility for not doin one.i seen dat gorilla jack and she wuz one beast.keepers forsures.i tink so maybe I get one you know shhhhhhhhh.Gogi/skundawg comin to a bong near you summer 2014.all da bes to da Maui boyz.shoooooooootz
"When you return to this mundane sphere from your visionary world,You would seem to leave a Neapolitan spring for a Lapland winter-to quit paradise for earth-heaven for hell!Taste the Gogi ,guest of mine-taste the gogi"
I guess all you had to do was say something oldhaole and everyone comes out of the woodworks. I just got internet at my house again, so that's my excuse.

Per you request; I've got some mid-winter plant pics. All the plants did pretty well considering it's a new garden, new genetics (for me), new soil and that every plant eating/sucking insect withing a half mile radius thought my plants were an open buffet. I spent a good portion of time this winter trying to hold off leaf miners, aphids, mealy bugs and budworms. The plants got a budworm infestation about 3 days before it started raining for the better part of four weeks. Budworms and rain make for a crappy situation. I had a little over a pound that was not smokable. And that's why you grow more than you might need because nothing is guaranteed (that rhymes in case you didn't catch that).

That whole last paragraph is the set-up for my excuses of why my plants looked haggered by the time they were done and it doesn't help that I'm not much of a photographer and I don't have a good camera, but here's some pics anyway:

Kali Mist
Kali Mist 1, 2-22-14.jpg

Kali Mist
Kali Mist 2, 2-22-14.jpg

Kali Mist
Kali Mist 3, 2-22-14.jpg

Malawi 1, 2-22-14.jpg

Malawi This one could have gone another week or two, but I was over it.
Malawi 2, 2-22-14.jpg

malawi 3, 2-22-14.jpg

un-numbered Malawi, 2-22-14.jpg

They're not pretty, but they smoke good nonetheless.

This round I've got my soil dialed in, I've been able to keep the insects away and it hasn't rained much, so things are looking up. I'll try and get some current pics up here soon because the plants this round are looking pretty.

And your journal is cool as always.
After looking at my pictures again, I realized they kind of suck, so I'll try to step up my picture taking skills this next round fo' real.

Luther Burbank

Haole! I'd been peaking in the last part wondering where you'd gone.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
man lightweight
you are HARD on yourself

things looks good
Thanks oldhaole, Greyskull, Weezard and 45 King for the rep and/or words of encouragement.

Did anybody else get some crazy buckets of rain and roaring winds in the last day? I'm guessing at least oldhaole gets similiar weather to my area since he usually gloats when my weather is good and cries at the same time I start muttering some harsh language. It was dumping in my area. I'm going to check the garden tomorrow; I hope everything is still standing.

Hey OzzieAI, it checked out that cyclone. Hopefully you're safe; it looks like it'll do some damage for sure.

And Greyskull; I'm probably too hard on myself, but all my friends are too nice so somebody's got to push me to grow 'em bigger, better, faster, stronger. And I'm showing off pictures in a thread with a bunch of big dogs, I gotta make a few excuses, ha ha.


Well-known member
Hey OzzieAI, it checked out that cyclone. Hopefully you're safe; it looks like it'll do some damage for sure.

got smashed with rain and wind...won't get to check plants for another couple of days due to flooding...but they WILL be stuffed...might be able to salvage some butter making material if i am lucky...


Well-known member
Expresso Love

Expresso Love

Hang on....we got this all laid out.....it'll be duck soup. I'll fire this fucker out in under an hour...and it'll show.

Welcome to the third and final day, of the first of probably four more green harvests, to be carried out every four to six weeks from now until December.

What is Green Harvest?

Green Harvest is Hawaii's marijuana eradication effort. In other words a bunch of overpaid cops from all islands and the DLNR get to fly around in very expensive rented helicopters looking into peoples' backyards and pastures looking for the evil weed. Your tax dollars hard at work.

Do they know about me?

What do you think?

Oh fuck yes! I'm on the list. Front and center. We go way back. Chances are good we will bump horns before this year is over....stay tuned. :woohoo:

Now cue the senseless lyrics....

She gets the sun in the daytime,
perfume in the dusk.
And she comes out in the night time,
with the honeysuckle musk
Because she smells just like a rose.
And she tastes just like a peach.
She got me walking where the wildlife goes
I'd do anything to reach her.

What? Told ya....I got this.

The nice thing about GH finally starting up, is the first one is the tricky one. Comes outa the blue. Now they are on a schedule. They got ground to cover, places to be, plants to rip, on all the islands. Plus here, those choppers are also used for search and rescue, and to put out fires....which take precedence.

So, hypetheticaly, if a big brushfire were to break out when GH was scheduled, the choppers take the fire....and the cops would give out traffic tickets that day.

Now we have an idea when they will be back. And we have four weeks of time we can pretty much do what we want to. Before they return here, they will do Big Island, then the Big Island boys will tell us.

Same thing here. Think island. GH is spotted. A cascade of calls and texts, casuing another, and another, then wives and girlfriends, kids and aunties, hustle out and hide all the extras. GH flies,...

It's all good. Expect to see them next in late May, early June.

And she can raise one eyebrow,
put her hand on my hip.
And I close one eye now.
Sweat on her lip.
And I surrender to the fever,
she love me so tender, I got to believe her.
Love? Expresso love's alright.

The garden is officialy at capacity. I gotta say, getting back up to speed took a lot longer than I thought it would. But now that GH has tipped their hand....we can take a few shortcuts to make up ground. Nice thing about clones is you can cheat like a mutherfucker. See, you have a real good idea when they will be ready...............

Ahhhh....Maybe we shouldn't discuss that...........


At first glance, it may appear that I'm flailing. But I'm not. I have a plan. And I'm working it. I started harvest. The big plants are started and working, garden is where it shoul.....



Would you like to see flailing? I'm afraid you will. I TOLD you this was where I get into trouble.

I have a plan. It ain't flashy, but it is solid. Should I decide to stick to said plan...all will be....good.

Then wifey says "Honey, look at these..... OOOOOOOOOO......duckfoot!


Our friendly ghost says "Just got all these seeds from the mainland!"
and promptly names off six strains I've never grown before.....OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO........

And Greyskull says "##### just sent me all these seeds"...and you know anything from ##### is pure fire.....OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....

Then suddenly that plan you keep tightly clutched to your breast looks kinda...what's the right word? Weak? No. Junk? No. Average? Yea...that'll work.....average....naaa....No....Safe.

That's it! SAFE!

Nothing wrong with safe....Lots of people settle for safe. I'm sure safe'll make someone out there a nice husband with time oneday....It's just SO NOT you.

But...it....seems ...to...be...the ...prudent....course...to...take.

"Hey Idiot! Stop screwing around! Whatcha gonna do?" you ask?

Let's just say I'm leaning towards safe. But that could change.

The logical thing to do is score another card....working on that.

Score another card and I can have my cake and eat it too.....

She call me just to talk.
She's my lover, she's a friend of mine.
She says, "Hey mister, you wanna take a walk
in the wild west end, sometime?"
And I get trouble with my breathing.
She says "Boys don't know anything".
But I know what I want.
I want everything.

Onward to the comments!

Whatdoyaknow....there seem to be a couple.

Hey Weez....hear you got glued.

Casper....where did you get that from...let me guess...A Skittles comercial?

Ozzie got blasted....by a reverse hurricane. Been there. Good way to really mess your plants up. Anything salvagable?

Liteweight...no doubt about it the weather has not been kind to you wet side dwellers. Here has been oh so nice but it seems to be raining shiney objects and yellow choppers. Which would you rather have?

Jack...embrace the suck...lose the skunk...or is that a real dog? Either way we don't need that as a mascot. Sorry.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Beware of wee critters with huge feet!

Beware of wee critters with huge feet!

Not yet, but soon.

Oh, sure 2 wee gorillas have been entrusted to my care.
Don't eat much and they keep thanking me for giving them a nap time. :D
They look harmless enough.
Aino sked dem!

Aloha has been berry good to me.


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