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AMA Reverses 72 Year Old Policy: Marijuana Has Medical Benefits!

Just outta curiosity, has anyone noticed how much more media attention this has garnered than when the American College of Physicians (the second largest medical group in the country by a small margin) endorsed medical marijuana? I dunno if it's indicative of times truly changing or just because it's the LARGEST group. Either way, I'm glad that this is clearly picking up momentum...hopefully prohibitionists will be steamrolled shortly, hehe.


Natalie J. Puffington
Nearly everyday I read an article like this; yet another booming voice joining our choir; who have been singing this song for years.
Definitely news to be celebrated. :bis:
The AMA and the American College of Physicians, are groups that many Americans have a great deal of confidence in, and who's opinions hold a lot of weight.
We've already won over ~75% of the public, I think the other 25% is soon to follow! :yes:

sac beh

I would have to agree with "ureapwhatusow" on this one. Things in this country are changing very quickly under this administration. In my mind - mostly for the negative. The prospect of socialized healthcare, inflation on the horizon and more and more of your dollar being sucked out of your pocket everyday in the form of new taxes leaves a lot of the country in despair. No better way to sooth that depression than to give citizens a little bit of their god given freedom back and allow them to partake in a little relaxing smoke! Oh and by the way - now that they are going to let you do that, they will find a way to make a ton of money off of it!

Just makes it easier for everyone to swallow all of the other "BS" that is being shoved down their throats...

Are these comments serious? Cannabis legalization is just Obama's way of controlling the masses? If you're a cannabis advocate then you're letting your ideology and political beliefs get in the way of a great chance for progress. If you're not, you won't get much support here for the marijuana-as-method-of-government-control theory. Many of us here have years of dedication to the herb under great persecution from all levels of government. If the AMA's position helps re-schedule it, motivations aside, this can't but be progress on the road to allowing us to do what we love without fearing for our lives.

I refer you to my bro fatigues' post over here, as he said it best.

peace :joint:


New member
Sac beh, I agree with both your comments and fatigue's wholheartedly, my apologies to you for the misunderstanding. We are both on the same page as to the progress that is being made and I am excited about it. Walls seem to be crumbing faster each day. My comments stem from a cynicism of the government and an inherent belief that our best interests are not at heart when it comes to decisions being made by those in power. All that said, yes I am certainly looking forward to the future and the way this is all unfolding...