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its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
O's butter will drop me in my trax yo.it gets me waaaaaayyyyyyyy high and i smoke like a champ bruh..the first time i made some goodies with it i had 3 more heavy smokers with me and we just abused that shit yo...was high from 4 pm till i woke up the next day and then some.ive told O myself,idk what it is but ive never been that high ever.its a totaly different buzz way different..hits like a cinder block.i been hooked on makin budda ever since,and while mine will fuck you strait the hell up,it still done have shit on O's bomb ass budda.
....congradz on the new additions brother.


You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
Hey Access TOLD YA hahaha.

That budder is definitley voodoo juice,
it turns you in to a zombie,lol.
A munchie devouring zombie that is.

I don't know who wants or does not want to
be known to be a partisapant of cellards basement
so I will just say, he & the little woman are phenominal hosts.
And to all that were there, hydro had a great time.

Also hydro will be taking 1/2 a teaspoon of the budder when he goes out for his B-day this saturday.

All you wonderfull stoners have a great day.

Stay safe and high.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Got so many "tough guys" that I've mentioned the budder to in my "offline life". I described what happened to me...and I've got responses that range from disbelief to flat out laughing. One guy told me he'd eat a tablespoon right in front of me and he'd dance around untouched by the budder. I told him as long as I could videotape it, I'd be down for that little experiment. I also outweigh him by like 200lbs. There's no way he won't be hospitalized on 1 tablespoon. LOL.

Anyway, I digress. I keep waking up this evening. There's alot going on...I can feel it manifesting. Something forming in the air I hadn't detected for quite some time. All that "change" Obama kept talking about seemed like smoke and mirrors while the economic crisis kept increasing in intensity and scope. I still think alot of what he says is rhetoric, but the rest of the country is coming into focus now. The banking system is feeling the impact, and people are prepared to get back on track with their $.
While I was at Cella's bash, I bought some AIG. It was around .38 a share then. It piqued my curiosity because it was a $50 stock about 1 year ago. I thought "what the heck....if I lose the cash, I lose it...but if this stock moves at all, I make some dough".
So I bought tons of shares. That stock moved from .38 to almost $1.00 and I sold it for a hefty profit. I thought it was gonna go cold after all the saber rattling over these AIG bonuses. Instead, the stock skyrocketed again, to almost $1.50. Then it came down a bit, to about $1.40. It's been moving up and down in that $1.30 to $1.54 pocket range in spite of all the criticisms and bad press. The reason it's not tanking: because the Federal govt. has sunk so much money into these companies they can't fail. Also because the Fed. has stated that these types of companies are too important to the economy globally to allow to go bankrupt. They're protected by big brother, who's got all the purse strings and power.
Right now the stock isn't moving that much, and probably will dip a bit lower because it's being OVERSOLD....alot of people have the bright idea to buy this stock and others like it now. Unfortunately that can have a temporary negative impact on the numbers....plus alot of people sold their shares for profit with the relatively big move.
Anyway, I digress again....there's NO WAY that this stock will not be a $10 or even a $20 stock eventually. It may take YEARS for it to get back to $50, but believe you me that this thing will move again. You'll see $5.00 before long.

So if I said to you: "hey buddy, give me $2.00 now and I'll give you back $5.00 later" and that didn't take like a year to accomplish....I'd say that's a pretty good deal.
Essentially that's what you've got going on here.

The people that tried to disuade me from buying at .38 told me "You're crazy", "I wouldn't put my money in any banking or insurance company", "There's too many toxic assets".

Well, they're right...I may in fact be crazy officially. But that doesn't mean I don't have a flash of genius every once in awhile...they're very closely related.

Let's say you're not invested in the market right now....I'd say that in spite of the "crash", the "recession", the "bear rallying"....and all the speculation...one thing we can say for certain is that the entire market is like 50 to 70% discounted. There's no time in history that has presented an opportunity such as this to invest something. People that are investing for the long haul will be very happy. Those that can watch the stocks by the second and sell during the fluctuations will be happy also. I'm doing both.

So, don't get involved unless you can afford to lose it all. That's the first rule. But, know that the likelihood of this occurring is minimal unless you do something catastrophically wrong. You almost can't NOT make money in this climate anymore. Eventually the cream will rise to the top. And knowing is half the battle...

Now I'm going back to sleep. You can consider this my "Edgar Cayce" sleeping prophet installment. I don't always rise from my slumber to do a lesson in economics and investing...but this a.m. you've got it front and center. Watch the skies.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
I keep getting in and out of bed tonight as well, unable to sleep a wink... even though I took the trusty 'Hash Hammer' to the dome about 2 hours ago.

That usually works.

Something in the air indeed... I've been like this all week.

It's only tenuously related, but I had a conversation earlier today about some mutual fund shares I sold about... oh... 3 months before the peak of the tech boom in '99ish. My parents wanted to kill me, as my 2 of my 3 funds were tech-heavy and 'foxtailing' (if you will) like crazy. I had debt built up, wanted to go back to school, and needed a clean slate. Looking at my portfolio now, that $5000 would be worth about $900 today... and the interest on that debt - paid off monthly over several years - would have amounted to far more than that.

Short-term opportunity often comes in the guise of long-term folly, and vice-versa. Trick is knowing how to tell....



New member

This is just one, or three more votes that her recipe is the best.

My patient had some last weekend, kindly gifted by o of course. I told her to try half a tsp.... she did 3/4 to a full one and rubbed some ito her skin.... She said she has never felt like that ever... and she is in her 40's been smoking for a long time....
Certainly powerful stuff.... I think a few pics of people while on the budder would be funny... most likely they are all barefoot and drooling....

:) Hi O!


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Jeeeeebus...I wanna recipe for this budder!...lol. Mine is strong, but 1tsp dont put me anywhere NEAR what you guys are talkin!!!! Damn it sucks I missed this get-together....lol
good vibes


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I don't know the specific recipe, but the impression I got was that it's at least a few ounces of trim and loose buds per two sticks of butter. That's mixed with a nominal amount of water....placed in a crock-pot and then cooked on low for 24 hours. Hydrofome stated that he replicated the recipe without a crock-pot, using only a conventional stove....same duration of time.
Bottom line is: add as much weed as you can to a couple of sticks of butter with a bit o' water.....the water is just there to keep the temperature lower and to prevent the stuff from burning. Cook a looooooooooooooooong time. Strain it, freeze it....and you're good.

BTW: Should be some pictures coming soon. I did take a few shots of my recent haul. Nothing off the hook but a decent amount of Ice Cream, Opium and the #2 phenotype of Long Island Old School. That #2 smells so much like petroleum it's unbelievable.
But what I'm REALLY excited about is I have 2 phenotypes of Soma's Sacred Lavender about 1 month into flowering. One of these gals is monstrous in height....and the nug is puffing up like big snowballs....
The plant itself smells like "lavender". And the pistils are turning just a tinge purple at the tips.
Not sure if she's gonna be a keeper, that's what this run is for.
Then I've got O's C99xOGKush (abusive), Blueberry and Bubblegum starting to get rooted in dirt. The Blueberry took a beating though...may not survive. The C99 is a monster...seems like it will pull through. Hope that Blueberry doesn't tank..heard so many good things about it.
Then of course I have Karma's Happy Brother that I've been dying to crack.
Unfortunately there's only so much room to do things properly, and O's clones had to get into the rotation before anything. Bottom line: the beans will survive and live to be cracked at the right time....O's clones were a treasured gift that had to be worked with immediately. Plus there's no guesswork. Everything she has is dankity, so there's no concern with these gals being keepers...they just have to be stable enough to get in hydroton so I can keep 'em as mommas.



:bashhead: You don't ask a lady for her recipes f.u.c.k.e.r.s...:noway:
It's like asking her how much she weighs...:yoinks: :fight: :Bolt:

just my :2cents:...LOL

I blame the Whiskey! LOL :wink:
(I drink like a schoolgirl!) :bis:

Hey FoothllsFarmer,
'round dese parts, some folks share recipes. :confused:
I sho ain't mean to twis no ahm, massah! :spank::whip:

Maybe I was lamenting missing out on what was obviously a very good time?
Maybe, my emoticon laced comment wasn't about a recipe at all?:YaRight:

But, you done called me out, FF! :mad:

So, let's just :fight: :dueling:
Then, we can :friends:


Thanks for the tips, Access! :yes:

:lurk: 4 pics! :D


High Class Grass
Hey acces..this is a super cool thread....i always end up teary eyed from you very vivid descriptions and writing style...about the trippy budder from O...well edibles rock....a buddy and i ate 0.8 if this:

And let me tell ya...that was straight LSD like..and im a heavy smoker(hash only) as is he...gotta love it.

Stay Safe


Wooow is just like Amber...so budiful got me Mesmerize

Well fam this aint butter but like i said :D it will fuck ya up :D





frank ..ya big baby..man up! :laughing:

kallen is that what I think it is? :woohoo:

...just saw O's post..your too kind m'aam! :redface: ..it's the company you keep that makes the party, not the host! :respect:


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Are we still allowed to post pictures of hash here...or is that bannable yet? ROFL!
Kallen, I'd kill a busload of nuns to taste some of that hash with ya' tonight!
I showed the picture to my colleague and he was literally drooling. I had to clean up after that mofo like he was a bulldog....K+++.

GDK: that stuff looks off the hook also...real insane.

Cella: I think it has alot to do with the host and the guests! Take credit where credit is due brotha....truly great bash. Already looking forward to the next time we can hole up and get down!

So, it's time for a few pictures. Haven't really been around to snap many, but I'm intrigued by the development I already see in one of my Soma's Sacred Seeds: Lavender...so without further adieu:




I also thought this little nug from the last harvest was too juicy to pass up...Long Island Old School Phenotype #2...smells like a barrel of petroleum on fire...gleams like a jewel:


High Class Grass
Thanks yall...thats some qwiso in that pic..peep the signature to see how we make large batches over here...Kalle...nice topskud...always a pleasure smoking that one. Acces...just peep the Import thread in the hash forum...youll see what we be schmokin in tha D.

Stay Safe


looking good up in here! Hey I'm sure you could get more if them die right?
Oh and the easiest way to kill a busload of nuns is right off a cliff. good luck with
that my brother. I leave the light on for you!lmao


Thanks yall...thats some qwiso in that pic..peep the signature to see how we make large batches over here...Kalle...nice topskud...always a pleasure smoking that one. Acces...just peep the Import thread in the hash forum...youll see what we be schmokin in tha D.

Stay Safe

Damn right champ :) hehe useally the plate is a bit thicker then this but yeah its qualy smoke 4 sure ...i like kashmir mostly :D

Acces no need 4 kill we work something out my friend :woohoo: