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While we're on the subject...

While we're on the subject...

Arrrg... :hijacked:

I think I've got the thrips too! :yoinks:

(Thanks for having me a little paranoid, Access. Otherwise, I might've missed 'em.)

For the record, I've only noticed a few shiny spots where it looks like they've been feeding.
No actual physical sightings....

What do y'all think? :confused:



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
You have the right to remain puzzled.

You have the right to remain puzzled.

u sure those aren't made out of plastic? they look just too neat.

Watch how Xoox's paranoia meter jumps to 110% now:

Xoox, that's because the DEA only provides me with plastic replicas that look like that. I've been trying to tell them if we want to entrap more growers we have to make things look a bit better for online...or we won't ensnare as many because it just looks "too perfect". Oh well, looks like I gotta talk to someone in our order department. Thanks for letting me know. :laughing:

P.S.-anyone that missed the hilarity that ensued last evening at Michael Phelp's expense should do a quick read:
I can't believe so many people believed this could potentially be true. Ah, good times..good times...


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Saw another interesting vaporizer device:


It looks like a dugout bat, but it's made of pyrex. I just bought two for yucks. I love the fact that vaping provides less "odor". My friends and I intermittently do bat hits during work. Sometimes that leaves you stinking like you just left a Dead show. Not the best professional scent. So this may do the trick for those times where you don't wanna be pinched by someone's nose.


Active member
that meter isn't going anywhere sir.. because i can never remember where the hell the option is to change it. (200%!!) but i knew it man! i've seen better replicas on the set of weeds! u ain't foolin me .. no!! and that phelps misinformation campaign too!

those plastic lookin spears could be dildos (ribbed!) .. f'd by a bud-do!


they do look cool tho, if they were real i mean. did you see i edited my post and added a link to help you with your bugs -- in case you replied too fast and missed it!


Old Soul

Active member
Hey access, that dugout vape looks interesting. Give us a report when you get yours will ya? The harvest shots look great btw.



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
OS:Absolutely will I give ya' the scoop on the pyrex vaping device. I'm a bit curious how you aren't inhaling butane with the device...but apparently the warm air passes over the buds.
Once again, not the device that will replace all other methods of smoking...but may be good for those clandestine smoke and run sessions we all have had.

Xoox: I don't want to jinx myself, but all is quiet after having sprayed the Spinosad.
I've looked underneath the leaves, and the bugs are not moving. They aren't doing anything at all. I think they're dead as doornails. There are a few flying mofos, but I hosed down the hydroton with the stuff also....and from what I understand, when they ingest the sprayed leaves, they're done for.
I'm gonna make a re-application in a few days to everything except the flowering gals.

Old Soul

Active member
It looks like it is completely enclosed, the lighter is just used to heat the glass which in turn vaporizes the bud inside. It would be nice to have a stealth portable device. I have taken the volcano in the car with me, but I can't just carry the thing around everywhere. lol

Mr. Burgundy

Active member
accessndx-Thanks for the invite. Don't mind me,I will be the one in the back that smells like wee-oh wait, I thought I was talking to my minister...


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Dammit! Every time I wanna spread some reputation around, it says I gotta spread it around more!!!
Anyway, alot of you guys/gals are due for some. I gotta be more dilligent about "spreading" so I can come back and hit the peeps who really count.

Mr. Burgandy, hope the info. you were looking for about Ice Cream is here. I love the strain. It could be a bit denser IMHO, but I bet that phenotypic variation is out there. Since I had feminized beans, I didn't go crazy hunting for alot....I just wanted to pop a bean or two and see what developed. I was happy to get a Sativa dominant variety since it's reputed to be extremely strong....the proof is in the pudding....it's psychedlically strong..for sure!


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Old Soul: I did get that pyrex vape called "the ubi". My initial impressions are that it's completely unlike the vaporization I've gotten from the iInhale, the Volcano (and EVEN the vapor bros. one I had years back). I gotta be honest, I'm not that psyched about it. The first hit is o.k., but all subsequent hits taste immediately like ass. It chars the weed a bit, and then it's all downhill from there.
Now, in defense of this gizmo....I may just be using it inappropriately. The instructions say to keep the lighter 2cm from the glass, and not to get the flame directly on it. Apparently the warm air from the flame gets inhaled through the outer glass casing. Then as you inhale the warm air passes through the chamber and into the inner glass tube. I contend that you're inhaling lighter fluid that way....the same thing that happens with taking bat-hits or bong hits. It changes the flavor of the weed entirely.
If I had a choice between this thing and a dugout bat, I'd take the bat in a second.

Consequently, I haven't smoked anything in like 3 weeks. I've been vaporizing like crazy. I smoked a J last night and it was an entirely different high...but the flavor is just deadened compared to the Volcano. If I have to lodge another criticism about the Volcano at all, it would be that everything else tastes like dirty ballsacks now. Before I had it, I was satisfied ripping off bowls, bats, bongs and bones...it's made me more of a weed snob by far.

Mr. Burgundy

Active member
Access-I just got my beans in the mail yesterday. Feminized version also. I do plan on poppin them as soon as there is space in THUNDERDOME...

Thanks again for the info!
Hey Access
I found another portable style Pyrex Vape-thingie..
Might've been mentioned already, The Vapbong
And thnx fer the laugh, some people really believe everything.. "Get off Phelps dick" Sheeet, that guy prolly wanted it for hisself?? :biglaugh:
:wave: Low

Old Soul

Active member
Hey access, thanks for the rundown. So have you been keeping the flame 2 cm from the end of the pipe or have you been coming in contact with the glass with it? Guess I might have to get the iInhale for my traveling stealth vaping.

I do love my volcano and like you all I did was vape when I first got it. I was even taking it with me in the car so I could vape on the go. The only thing I got sick of was that popcorn taste as you keep filling up bags. I seem to only get one or two really good tasting bags and then they get that popcorn taste. This is the one reason that I started smoking joints again on occasion. I still vape the majority of the time but I still gotta have my joints. Some of my strains are actually more tasty in a joint than the Volcano if you can believe that.



Original Editor of ICMagazine
Don't you guys have access to those electric pipe lighters? That way there is no lighter fluid taste, or butane leftover :)

They cost about five bucks in any electronic store... look for a stainless steel tipped mini-soldering iron...

Just be careful to not be standing in a pool of water naked while using the gizmo, you could get the shock of your life!

For safety I suggest plugging the little devil into a power strip with circuit breaker...

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