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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
BB: that's the exact stuff I have.....Monterey Garden Insect Spray.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I'll have some of what Scott Mackenzie and you are smoking right about now!!!:yeahthats


accessndx said:
What bugs me (pun intended) is I still don't know how I got these thrips...
I have no outside animals near the grow. I don't come in from the outside into the same area either without changing....
There's no way I could have cross contaminated these gals....it's very odd.
Has the old lady had any flowers, like roses or poinsettias?

Foothills: Is that a little plant growing in the shadow of your ganja?


Yeah, details are always appreciated Peat. I have been putting off dealing with this problem the right way for too long. It's impacting my ability to put out the best that I can, and that's unacceptable. I know Cocktail Frank stated that Spinosad works (maybe he used another brand name?)...and a few others shared the sentiment.
Worst possible case scenario: I cut back all flowering and take the fight to the Moms. I had to do that when I had spider mites way back....
I couldn't effectively flower with those little bastards. Avid did a number on em' all...but I wouldn't smoke or consume anything that hadn't gone through at least another generation of growth after spraying...
So the Moms had to be cut as clones, and the clones had to be grown up into new moms...all the time not flowering. Everything was cleaned and stripped down to the bare essentials. That tactic worked.

What bugs me (pun intended) is I still don't know how I got these thrips...
I have no outside animals near the grow. I don't come in from the outside into the same area either without changing....
There's no way I could have cross contaminated these gals....it's very odd.

Well, these F.U.C.K.S. have met their match. I've been all "zen-like" and letting nature take its' course with the biological predators...SCREW THAT! I'm taking the fight to these bitches....I'm gonna be up in their microscopic grills 24/7 with the right ammo. They're gonna rue the day they ever started munching on my gals. When they're finally stripped of all hope, and their lives seem imminently over....I'm gonna start torturing them....waterboarding, Neil Sadaka records, reading them haiku...the WORKS! Say goodbye mofos!

Grain o' Salt:
My experience is in soil, and before the infestation got too bad. (ie., at the first sign of pests...)

As I understand it, :chin:
The adults lay eggs on the foliage.
The eggs hatch and the larve commence to eating & eating...
When they get their fill, they travel down into the soil / root zone.
They emerge from the root zone for as adults, fucking and laying eggs til they die...

The life cycle is only a couple of weeks. But, they have overlapping generations.

To target the soil dwelling vunerable stage,

I added neem oil concentrate to my fert mix (@ 1 oz/gal), and used it as a soil drench for every watering. this makes the rootzone inhospitable & may suffocate a few...

I also kept a dry layer (1/16" - 1/4") of Diatomacious Earth on top of the soil.
This cuts up their soft bodies as they enter and/or emerge from the rootzone and have to pass through the DE.

As I remeber it, thrips were gone in 2 weeks. But, I kept up this routine for a couple of weeks AFTER all signs of thrips were gone, just to be sure.

That was about 4 years ago, and I haven't seen one since.
...knock on wood...


It sounds like your population may bit a bit more... advanced...
So, NUKEM if ya gotta! Take no prisoners!

Good Luck!!! ::ying


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Peat: thanks for that info. bro...
Weedninja: Nope...the little lady didn't have anything that I'm aware of that could have contaminated stuff. It's still a mystery.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
i know you will bust that ass acc,just put that hat backwards and go over the top on their ass !!! :muahaha:
gl with the battle homie.peace-T-


Active member
u sure they are thrips and not fungus gnats? i know you probably did a billion hours of research cause if your using the benficials to attack them, then u know what they are .. but fungus gnats don't need soil to breed either, they can breed under moist pots, in that hydroton rock, under pot trays..anywhere were it stays kinda damp..etc.. if anyone suspect fungus gnat..get a small 8 oz bottle of gnatrol and they are gone..cheap.. mosquito dunks are weak compared..gnatrol has a known killer strain of BTi in it, dunks are questionable and unreliable..sometimes its good, sometimes it doesn't work. not sure if BTi will work on thrip larva..but kills the larva and the adults just die off in a week or two.. if its f.gnats ..the adults dont eat anything.. they just roost in the leaves..

but if it is thrips ..dont 4get you can bring your plants into the shower and give them a nice blast with the shower head (not high pressure) to rinse all the fuckers off and then apply your choice of poison .. they will have less chance to recover if their numbers are diminished before you start your assault.



.dont 4get you can bring your plants into the shower and give them a nice blast with the shower head (not high pressure) to rinse all the fuckers off and then apply your choice of poison .. they will have less chance to recover if their numbers are diminished before you start your assault.


not if he's in flower, xoox..


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Yeah, I can put the other gals into the shower, but I prolly don't wanna hose ones that are a month into it already...but I can bring those in for a full metal flush of the hydroton under the shower...

As far as "fungus gnats" are concerned...someone else mentioned that as a possibility....I think it might have been Brotha Bear...
I did do a bunch of "research" when I first noticed this issue a few months ago...
There absolutely appears to be some "larval" stage involved...and I do end up with "flying" insects later. Honestly it's hard to figure out what the F is going on after all the biological predators...green lacewings also have a larval stage and a flying one...

The scumbags I'm worried about appear on the bottoms of the leaves primarily, look like little white worms....and they go scurrying for the veins and the nooks and crannies underneath when exposed to strong airflow or lighting.

Well, thanks for all the blessings. I'm just gonna do what I SHOULD have done when I first saw these aholes.

I did consequently take a few snapshots last night of a really nice Ice Cream that's developing...I think I've got her dialed in with very short internodal lengths and she's filling in nicely...
Got some shots of a rather obese Ed also that's gonna be pulled shortly. Alas, my Opium is so sad looking that she'll never be posted...ROFL. But she does look good enough to smoke when all trimmed up..those little bastards did a number on her fan leaves though...she's so fragile!
Even my Long Island Old School is having a hard time with 'em....
It seems that when a plant has ALOT of fan leaves....they go down hard...the bigger and the juicier the fan leaves..the more of these thrips show up on the scene.
I'll have to sort through the pictures and post up a few maybe later tonight..
Right now I'm at work, and the day is off to a great start already: My laptop won't turn on!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! Now I have to use this bullshit desktop while on the job.
Gonna have to hit the geek squad and see of those fools can get this thing up and working again.


Active member

it rains outside.. even on the buds and stuff, sometimes it downpours too.. i don't think it would wash off the thc..they should just dry up.. no? especially just plain water .. i don't think would harm it..a little rinse...its just the chemicals sticking to buds after you spray something toxic would be an issue..and i'm not talkin like a shower blast..or on stream massage mode.. just like a gentle rain fall rinsing..hand held thing on half power .. enuff to knock bugs off.. turn the plant sideways rinse ...rinse, like washing shampoo out .. talk to it like there you go, hows that feel, is the water too hot for you.. etc.. just no tip when ur done y0 lol.. only thing i mite think about is the chlorine in the water, but man.. i've hit outside plants with pretty strong hose blasts (still on cone shape, not direct stream)..and they come thru fine ..aphids especially..rinse em right off and they r gone ..

white worms under the leaves yeah , fungus gnat larva will not be on the plant, they like to eat roots and decaying plant matter.. you can look into the 'JMS stylet oil' too i bet it would suffocate and kill those worm fux..and least toxic.. it says it works on thrips on their website too..



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
acc could you get a pic of the intruders bro?i have a few books over here i can thumb thru for you and see exactly whats goin on brotha.they tell prevention,and how to kill the pests bro...throw a pic or two up of the damaged leaf and the pests and i check it out for you fam.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Tona, I may be able to do that. Gotta break out the mega macro skills...those mofos are really small.....but not for nothing...they do look like little white worms. They move fast too. I'll have to break out the camera when I get home.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
fasho bro i'll look and see if i can find anything like what you are describin in the meantime yo...i'll post up if i find something similar.



it rains outside.. even on the buds and stuff, sometimes it downpours too.. i don't think it would wash off the thc..they should just dry up.. no? especially just plain water .. i don't think would harm it..a little rinse...its just the chemicals sticking to buds after you spray something toxic would be an issue..and i'm not talkin like a shower blast..or on stream massage mode.. just like a gentle rain fall rinsing..hand held thing on half power .. enuff to knock bugs off.. turn the plant sideways rinse ...rinse, like washing shampoo out .. talk to it like there you go, hows that feel, is the water too hot for you.. etc.. just no tip when ur done y0 lol.. only thing i mite think about is the chlorine in the water, but man.. i've hit outside plants with pretty strong hose blasts (still on cone shape, not direct stream)..and they come thru fine ..aphids especially..rinse em right off and they r gone ..

white worms under the leaves yeah , fungus gnat larva will not be on the plant, they like to eat roots and decaying plant matter.. you can look into the 'JMS stylet oil' too i bet it would suffocate and kill those worm fux..and least toxic.. it says it works on thrips on their website too..


I understand what you're saying xoox, but outdoors there is plenty of wind to dry off buds after a rain. I was talking about the higher chance of getting mold indoors as opposed to outdoors. I know that the THC isn't water soluble as most everyone here does as well. We have to think of ALL angles when combatting bugs, not just chemical aspects or whatever.
Tona beat me to it by asking for pics, and I think it was me who asked about them possibly being fungus gnats way back when, access..
So, that being said, lets get some pics up when ya can bro-buggy!


Fungus gnats also have a soil dwelling life stage. :chin:

(I dislike spraying my foliage :wink:)

Step #1) ID Pest...


Active member
ya, i figure..that idea wouldn't work too well in no ventilation areas.. but you know if you have lots of air moving around, and its warm..that shit should dry relatively quickly...if you have really dense bud producing strain thats prone to mold i guess not so good, but it would mold outside too then probably...

little worm things are prob baby thrips..not fungas gnat .. gnat babies live in soil or under the pots and are worm like too. i'm pretty sure they can't live in the leaves and stuff because they can't climb..and the adults don't lay eggs on the leaves.. they munch roots and decayin' plant matter..the adults don't do nothing but roost in the foliage..and hump each other..i don't even think they eat.

it could also be whitefly? whatever it is..i'm sure that oil stuff would suffucate them.. and also probably make the leaf material taste not so good..

for all you know it may be the larva stage of one of your beneficial insects...

bugs tho..yuck.. see its good that you guys are all researching and stuff whats good whats not etc.. and especially whats SAFE.. theres idiots out there that have full blown commercial and would just spray everything at like last 2 weeks flower with whatever they found at home depot..neem, toxic bug spray.. don't give a shit what people r smokin'.. not good.. sick weed.. had some once..really sick stomach afterwards...like nausea..feeling like u wanna vomit, and a clear head.. trashed a whole bunch of that.. open market sucks sometimes..never know what ur gonna get..chemical crap..moldy stuff, blah ..you can really tell someone who took pride in their bud when you get it..but picking up mold along the way you can't blame..improper handling.. hehe



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Yeah, I'm fairly certain that it is indeed thrips. I remember talking to Mynamestitch when it first occurred. She said pretty definitively that it was thrips in some correspondence based upon mis thy description. I did some poking around and did look at pictures I could find online and in reference books. They matched the description perfectly. What's driving me crazy however is the fact that I put THREE different types of bugs in MASSIVE quantities within the flowering and vegative areas. The only remaining bug are the F.U.C.K.I.N. thrips and green lacewings. The green lacewings eat EVERYTHING they can get their hands on...so gnats, whiteflys...thrips....mites...are all food. The pirate bugs were supposedly the same deal...and of course Thrip predators? I used those too....actually I also used ladybugs...like a good 1000 of them...
These thrips have dug in deep.
I was stupid not to have read the Spinosad information while using the beneficial insects...because it states clearly that you can use it and not have any deleterious impact on the beneficial ones....DAMMIT!
That's one of the major reasons I didn't move forward prior to now. I didn't want to kill the bugs I put in the garden.

Now it's unfortunately the apocalypse for all bugs. I believe I pull some stuff this Saturday...so when the fully flowered gals are yanked...the other ones will get soaked.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Ice Cream Shots

Ice Cream Shots

Since you've been clammoring for some new pictures, I decided to throw these in the mix....my beautiful gal: ICE CREAM. Three shots below, a double cola topper, and a single cola topper with the lights off and them just coming on...
Since I've been vaping this strain, I've noticed that she does indeed have a "creamy" taste that's mixed with hints "sweet basil". Very similar to Thai food. Of course, that type of flavor doesn't come through when smoking it. Then it tastes alot like sugar, and dough with hints of vanilla. Either way, prepare to have your cortex roasted with this strain:




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