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Albany Sour Diesel Clone


Well-known member
I’m just sharing my experience. I’ve smoked sour back in the day and neither of these remind me of that at all. I’d like to try an ecsd and out and see how it compares to these. I’d like to rerun the Albany under some HIDs and cut it earlier just to see what’s up. Overall it’s been a nice plant and I’ll hang on to it a bit more. Your wing wang looks nice btw!
Please don't take my post as a critique, your plants look great. It just looks different from what I know, that's all. I will say your latest pics, the buds themselves do look closer to what I'd expect to see.

edit: also, I haven't posted any pics here. You're probably thinking of Shiskaboy's pics, I've been talking with him in the other active sour thread, so I probably had quoted one of his posts...
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Active member
They both got fairly bulbous calyx’s but doesn’t express well under my light. My buddy grew the AJ too and his looked way different. The top flowers on both of my plants looked way different than the lowers. The tops on both experienced some light bleaching on a few of the calyx’s as well.


Active member
Please don't take my post as a critique, your plants look great. It just looks different from what I know, that's all. I will say your latest pics, the buds themselves do look closer to what I'd expect to see.

edit: also, I haven't posted any pics here. You're probably thinking of Shiskaboy's pics, I've been talking with him in the other active sour thread, so I probably had quoted one of his posts...
Ahh shit man I was high and looked at that thread before I came here to post. Idk why I thought it was yours my bad. I don’t mind the critique either. Thanks though I feel like I grew both of these pretty well. I’m just here to share what I experienced and maybe help others out. I think we are all here cause we all love that specific plant so much and are all just in search of any sort of knowledge on it that we can find. Hope everyone’s enjoying their afternoon.

mack 10

Resin Herder
You sure it wasn't the Original Diesel clone , DNA had that cut for a year or so in Amsterdam around that time and someone used to grow the flowers for them of any varieties they had and sell it at Grey Area Coffeshop ( Chocolope, La con , Martian Mean grean etc etc) at the time DNA and everyone was calling it Sour Diesel
D passed the original Diesel as the ecsd.
he said they(DnA) where always mixing up that and their og.


Active member
Some outdoor AJ, she threw some real chonkers but not much of a smell in flower. The finished flowers lacked any kind of smell and I ultimately decided to just use the whole crop for edibles.


Active member
@iriveru idk who said I got cut fished, but it wasn't me. I've said that I got the Albany from the same place that Jay Plantspeaker got the Bloomington headband since I got her 🤷‍♂️

I traded Albany for Chaco with hash nerd and honestly the flower isn't differentiable when finished to me.
You literally said that, I read it. It was in a group chat. You said Iron Lotus sent you a cut and he robbed you and admitted it wasn’t the Albany. Those were literally your words lol. I’d post the screenshot if my account didn’t get permabanned
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