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Albany Sour Diesel Clone


Well-known member
If your Albany cut of sour traces back to Farmer Joe, it’s the same as Cloney’s Sour D (which he should have never called weasel diesel. It confuses people into thinking it’s original diesel or something other than what it is, Sour Diesel.)
I got this cut from a good friend in So Cal, he got it from someone else and they have had it for a while. I do not believe it is the Cloney cut at this time, I’ll know for sure when I get to smoke it as I’ve smoked my friend Lobotomy’s cloney sour. I am a big fan of the Cloney cut though
Yeah I got mine through a friend, I think he got them on discord through gmo house of clones. Was told the AJ had some citrus to it which sounds off. But the 96 so far seems to be on point the AJ hasn’t been ran through flower yet. I’m really hopping for farmer to have a sale soon he has a few I wouldn’t mind grabbing.


anyone got a lead on the headiest sour d cut?

the world is stuffed full of sleepytime weed, but i remember the sour d from 20 years ago used to get me HIGH! in a mellow, psychedelic kinda way. up there with my faves.


Active member
anyone got a lead on the headiest sour d cut?

the world is stuffed full of sleepytime weed, but i remember the sour d from 20 years ago used to get me HIGH! in a mellow, psychedelic kinda way. up there with my faves.
With how many “sour” cuts are in circulation right now it’s hard to say the “headiest” per se but many of us here are enjoying the cloney. I have it if you’re interested. You can probably find most of the other cuts somewhere in this thread as well. Pure nostalgia in flower I’ll say that much


ICMag Donor
How long do these sour d/ecsd cuts go?
I had a cut of ecsd about 15 years ago that stunk so much and tasted so good. The only problem was you had to run it like 80+ days. If you ran it less, the high lasted like 15 mins lol but after 80 days it was a couple hours.
These are pics of the first run I did with her back in 2007


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