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Advancing Eco Agriculture, Product Science


Is there an up to date price listing for AEA? I'll start digging through from here to look back, but wanted to see if anyone had it on-hand.
AEA pricelist

AEA pricelist

View attachment PRICE LIST 2014 CUST.pdf
not sure if this will work but here is the pdf pricelist from about a month ago. I cant get anybody to answer the phone and it seems that is the only way to order... It is frustrating. I placed an order with Blazing Star for some tainio stuff and they wrote back and said the page that came up on google was old and all the prices had practically doubled!


Active member
View attachment 321589
not sure if this will work but here is the pdf pricelist from about a month ago. I cant get anybody to answer the phone and it seems that is the only way to order... It is frustrating. I placed an order with Blazing Star for some tainio stuff and they wrote back and said the page that came up on google was old and all the prices had practically doubled!

Try emailing your order to

[email protected]

Remember they are on the east coast and they close early and are closed on weekends too I believe.


Thanks for the PDF, I figured prices couldn't have shifted too much from last year. I think I'm going to turn to AEA for my micro from now on. I've been a user of TM-7 but there are a times I want trace foliar spray without worrying that the humic acid it going to be too much. Is MicroPak still the way to go for those? I had positive experiences with SeaShield for sure.


Senior Member
AEA micros are chelated with micronized leonardite so you still have humic/fulvic. I would give the guality advantage to tm7 but at a huge cost increase. You can also get amino chelated...jh biotech or albion. Or you could get raw sulfates and Na borate and molybdate

I choose Albion because it does not contain B which allows me to push harder with photomag. But lots of ways to skin this cat.

Personally I would avoid synthetic chelates but that is another option. I view them very similar to bicarbonates.


Milky, you're definitely pushing in ways that I am not with my soil. I completely understand your system of going without Boron to be able to increase the PhotoMag, but I suspect for my non-dialed native and guerilla spots this year that I'd get more bang for my buck from a broad trace spray since I don't have the ability to dial in. I'm surprised you find BioAg that superior to AEA. Thanks for the heads up on MicroPak containing leonardite.


Senior Member
Bio ag probably has the best fulvic/humic of anyone. But I doubt you see many 100+ acre farmers using it because of cost. But if it fits your budget it really is excellent


Bit quiet around here these days. But Kempf's approach to plant health is an extensive one, and it takes a lot to get one's head around the processes. This season is my first real go at applying AEA principles in the outdoor garden, and I am finding- so far- the best results I have had in many years of growing.

I consider myself a newbee at these topics. But for the other newbees in the crowd, struggling to get up to speed, here's a link for a round of newletters that have just begun on similar principles. This is a different company, but the basics do overlap what Kempf has to say- from what I understand. There was a round of newletters a year ago that I found informative from the same author, so hope this round is equally as valid.

I like BioAg products like cyto puls and tm-7 but the ratios of what me soil test suggests I need and the ratios in the commercial trace minerals are out of whack with what I need so I would this year I amended with zink, copper, and manganese and potassium all in dry sulfur forms and only shooting to raise zinc, copper, and manganese like 10- 15 ppm. Cheap and they are loving it. I would like to get a variety of plant available aea micros. I will call aea more the problem is they cant call me back cause of off grid Skype shit.
Been using the aea salutes as drench and foliar with good success, however my soil is coco based and has a Lower ph which allows for drenching. Loving the program haven't spent more than 2 k on nutes so far. I go heavy with the shield, stim , photo, pht ca, and Taino . Sometimes a shot of hyper k or cap at 2 ml a gal. Boom! Zap! As byf would say.


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2 of 3 packages made it safely but one is showing up on fedex site as damaged.

of course it's the box with Rejuvenate in it.

anyone use the special blend A and B as a foliar?

curious about rates I'll probably just start off at low dose and see how they like it.