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Ace Purple Satellite


Well-known member
Those look really nice Cannna. The second one on the upper right has me intrigued. Those leaves look longer and much narrower than the rest. Mine, and most of what I've seen have the wider leaves like your other two. Are the colors all the same? Is there any other noticeable differences with that one? It will be interesting to see her in flower and if her terpenes are different. Curious as to which side of the cross she leans to.
How many hours per day are you at?
Thanks for the update.
Peace, God bless


Well-known member
These are starting their 15th week from seed. It's that time of year when these little worms show up inside the leaves. Identified by the leaves twisted together. There is some web like material inside and a tiny worm growing. I carefully scan my plants morning and night and this wasn't here this morning. I removed the worm from one on OTH 4 a couple days ago. It's time to start spraying BT until harvest. Here is a pic of the twisted leaves (can't see the worm inside)

Here is PS 5, she is the one in the middle and the branchiest of the two. PS 1 is on the left with buds stacking up the arms of the branches is on the left.

Here is a closer pic of PS 1

Today we are at 14 hrs 37 minutes of daylight.
Temperature has been 64-100F
RH: 48
Peace, God bless


Well-known member
I finally faced reality, I've got two Purple Satellite males. Or had, I gave the big one the chop last night. All my conjecture and wishful thinking has ended, if I'd had females they probably would have sexed in late May/early June with almost all my other plants. I took some pics before wacking him, they're pretty bad because I was a bit inebriated and frustrated. I was in a hurry to get his replacement in the spot.


I did learn a lot about the strain and have a pretty good idea what to expect next year. Going by pictures and descriptions I was seeing it's value as an early finisher with unique genetics. I didn't see a lot of potential production-wise. My first year trying new seeds I usually have this attitude. Most seeds from commercial breeders aren't fine-tuned for getting very big in my climate. After growing out this plant I've changed my mind, the strain has value as a production plant at my latitude. Especially east of the mountains, grown out in the desert I could see it getting 3 meters high and producing a pound or more. If I was a Canadian, British, or other northern grower looking for a good guerrilla or backyard type finisher this would be a good choice.

My male got about 7 feet tall, a bit over two meters. Decent branching. If I got it pre-sexed and in the ground early in a favorable spot it could yield quite a bit. The smells I've gotten have been excellent, especially for boys. It should carry over to the flowers. The color is beautiful, I really wish I could have tried a mature flower. Here's a picture showing how bushy he got.


If he was a she that branch would have produced a good sized flower. And for size and shape comparison, I took one with his neighbor, a gorgeous G1388HP. I'll bet they would have loved to get it on.


Terrible picture I know but I was rushing things. The hashplant isn't a small plant, it's 5 foot tall and very bushy. You can see the Sat towers over her, I can imagine him dumping loads of purple pollen all over her. Probably a good cross, may have to try it next year. At this point I've got too many males all ready. Here's the perspective of standing underneath and looking up at him:


Next year I'll probably start at the same time, maybe start 6 or 8 seeds instead of 4. It's been a long time since I've been this unlucky. I wanted to start 8 this year, just too many old seeds that take a higher priority. I've got a lot that are 6-8 years old I need to run through to keep the strains going. As nicely as this male did I didn't exactly favor it, get it in early in a prime spot. Next year I won't make that mistake, hopefully I'll have an early pre-sexed female in a big hole by mid May. Tomorrow I'll post a couple pics of the final male.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Really happy to see so many good growers growing Purple Satellite outdoors this year.

Sure, Purple Satellite is a really special early flowering and colorful sativa, vermontman must be proud of her and hopefully he is also enjoying with all your updates in this thread.

I would like to thank you all for supporting this release. :thank you:
All the Purple Satellite stock has been sold out on our website, so we will need to wait for a new seed reproduction and seed release of the strain by vermontman.
Wish he is successfull producing a new batch! :ying:

Next 2 months are going to be interesting. Good luck everyone with the flowering of your Purple Satellites!


Well-known member
This year's Purple Satellite saga ended for me this morning. Chopped my final male. He had male flowers hanging off of him, a day or two away from opening so it was time.



Very dark purple stems. He smelled excellent, like tropical fruit. All of the males had really nice fruity sweet smells. Really really disappointed I don't get to sample female flowers this year. A few things I learned:

All my conjecture about why I didn't get pre-flowers to early sex is moot. At least most of it. I'm sure if there had been a female it would have shown pre-flowers much earlier, probably at the normal time. The males never showed pre-flowers, once they showed balls, the balls went right on to maturity very quickly. Even though it was at an early stage of flowering there were a few mature flowers right away. Clever strategy for a photo-sensitive plant.

The day length is almost 15 hours, this tells me 15.5 hours is the cue for the males to start flowering.

Environment plays a huge role in the development of this strain. How dark the purple pheno's purple gets, how wide the leaves get, how bushy the plant gets, how tall the plant gets. All are highly influenced by the amount of nutrients, water, day length, and temperature. I'd like to see this strain grown at high altitude, I think it would be a great choice and would thrive. Looking forward to next year's effort!


Well-known member
This year's Purple Satellite saga ended for me this morning. Chopped my final male. He had male flowers hanging off of him, a day or two away from opening so it was time.
Very dark purple stems. He smelled excellent, like tropical fruit. All of the males had really nice fruity sweet smells. Really really disappointed I don't get to sample female flowers this year. A few things I learned:

All my conjecture about why I didn't get pre-flowers to early sex is moot. At least most of it. I'm sure if there had been a female it would have shown pre-flowers much earlier, probably at the normal time. The males never showed pre-flowers, once they showed balls, the balls went right on to maturity very quickly. Even though it was at an early stage of flowering there were a few mature flowers right away. Clever strategy for a photo-sensitive plant.

The day length is almost 15 hours, this tells me 15.5 hours is the cue for the males to start flowering.

Environment plays a huge role in the development of this strain. How dark the purple pheno's purple gets, how wide the leaves get, how bushy the plant gets, how tall the plant gets. All are highly influenced by the amount of nutrients, water, day length, and temperature. I'd like to see this strain grown at high altitude, I think it would be a great choice and would thrive. Looking forward to next year's effort!
I'm really bummed to read that they were confirmed males. I was holding out hope, but I think we were both suspicious (or I was in denial). I hope you will run them again next year, I think PS still has the best shot for a pure sativa at finishing in your area.

Here are the PS clones from the flower room, they are in week 5 of flower and also took their time flowering.

Some early sugar

Outdoors, PS5


Close up of flowers

Sorry about the two dark pictures.
Feeding is 700-800 ppm 4-5 days per week organic bloom formula.
Daylight hours today 14 hours, 29 minutes. Temperatures between 95-100F, some days a little hotter, some a little cooler.
Thanks for stopping by.
Peace, God bless


Well-known member
I hope you will run them again next year, I think PS still has the best shot for a pure sativa at finishing in your area.
You bet I've got plenty of seed left. The earliness is the best trait, that I was most looking forward to exploiting. Most of my other males are still making pre-flowers, the Sat was way ahead of them. It has the potential not just to be mold resistant but to finish flowering before the autumn rains come.

The Mextiza has the best mold resistance so far. I left quite a few of the lower branches out in the rain for an extra week or two in October. Sopping wet in foggy cold weather. I've never seen flowers that far mature sitting in the rain not mold. Impressive stuff and the sat has a similar look and pedigree.

Nice seeing the resin collecting, your outdoors are getting bushy! Nice work!

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Finally found this thread! I got 5 of the Purple Satellites outdoors, they all have beautiful purple stems! Not much side branching, and i'm still at just under 16hours daylight so last time I checked the plants around 10 days or so ago no signs of sex... I need to check them again this week before I go away for 3 weeks, hopefully I'm able to get rid of some males...


Well-known member
really beautiful plants
I couldn't wait to see them in bloom
sin for the males... unlucky draw
I see a lot of resemblance to the old Swiss strain Purpurea Ticinensis of Felix...


Well-known member
really beautiful plants
I couldn't wait to see them in bloom
sin for the males... unlucky draw
I see a lot of resemblance to the old Swiss strain Purpurea Ticinensis of Felix...
Hey that's a great observation, thank you for that. The two look very closely related indeed.

Finally found this thread! I got 5 of the Purple Satellites outdoors, they all have beautiful purple stems! Not much side branching, and i'm still at just under 16hours daylight so last time I checked the plants around 10 days or so ago no signs of sex... I need to check them again this week before I go away for 3 weeks, hopefully I'm able to get rid of some males...
That's great! The more growing her, the better. We're trying to learn as much as we can about her.
Mine started, like yours, without much branching, but those vertical branches took off during preflower stretch and rebranched nicely, vertical branching/rebranching, but those are the ones that will stack up the buds and make those the long arm colas. On the other hand, I have one female that did branch more like a Christmas tree, but looks like it will have smaller buds and not many big colas compared to the other.
Any pics coming? Thanks for finding this thread and posting about your PS.
Peace, God bless

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
No pics yet, but I took a look at the patch from far and man these things are shooting to the sky... lol they look beautiful with the dark stem and green leafs contrast... These plants are just beasting out there... I had them in solo cups from the start for a bit too long but once they went to the ground there was no stopping them. I did a few hard supercrops, topped a few of them and tied a few branches down but they just keep goiing up...

I think the stretch phase has started so thats good. I will go check on them in a few days and hopefullky I'm able to remove some males.

I actually had started 5 of these indoors in february but it was way too early for popping them seeds so I left them in a small tent at 16/8 light and a few just started flowering right away... I made a few f2s with 2 males and 2 females. Some beautiful ass seeds off the thai dominant (I think it was the thai dominant, smells a lot like my chocolope that is choco thai dominant) are just beautiful dark colored seeds... and it smelled like oil rag dipped in dirt... I couldnt really do a test smoke on them cuz they were so tiny and didnt have a nice life lol they were negrected most of the time and barelly watered... they still pulled off tho, got probably around 50 f2s of each plant. Next year I will try planting the seeds straight on the ground and see how that plays out...

Anyways, just my 2 cent ;) peace


Well-known member
I actually had started 5 of these indoors in february but it was way too early for popping them seeds so I left them in a small tent at 16/8 light and a few just started flowering right away... I made a few f2s with 2 males and 2 females. Some beautiful ass seeds off the thai dominant (I think it was the thai dominant, smells a lot like my chocolope that is choco thai dominant) are just beautiful dark colored seeds... and it smelled like oil rag dipped in dirt...

Anyways, just my 2 cent ;) peace
Greetings my friend and thanks for posting. My apologies, but is there a chance you might be referring to either Zamaldelicia or GT? They have the Thai in them and Malawi has the earthy, gear oil smell to them.
I cannot smell anything on my PS outside, but the one's flowering indoors, which are much farther along in flower than the OD moms, have a soft, fruity-cherry smell, a very tantalizing smell indeed.
Thanks for stopping by.
Peace, God bless

Max Q

Active member
Purple Sats

Purple Sats

Here are two Purple Satellites I put on the deck on June 18 (left a little too long in solo cups before up potting :


Here they are on 7/22.... both in early flower (the one on the left a little ahead, probably cause it's root bound (thought it was male and put it in small flower pot)


The stalks on these plants look like purple bamboo .....

Definitely gonna finish for me.... full flower by Mid-July... If the high is as good as they look, I will be a happy camper.

In back: CBanana S-1 on the left and Blue Dream on the right.


I was trying to describe the smell, but can't.
Only thing I can think of is that it smells "fresh". Like opposite of dank.
It's a smell that imo even people that don't smoke, and usually don't like the smell of cannabis- even they would like the smell.

Like a fresh floral scented soap? Kinda soapy scent but not in a bad way.
I had a plant that tasted like horrible soap. It was disgusting. But this smells nice.

One time on a stem rub I thought I caught a whiff of vanilla, but don't really smell that anymore.

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
I was getting some real dank smells last time I was checking the plants... Like old school dank weed! smelled real nice! Cant wait to check the girls in a few days <3


Well-known member
Here are two Purple Satellites I put on the deck on June 18 (left a little too long in solo cups before up potting :

View Image

Here they are on 7/22.... both in early flower (the one on the left a little ahead, probably cause it's root bound (thought it was male and put it in small flower pot)

View Image

The stalks on these plants look like purple bamboo .....

Definitely gonna finish for me.... full flower by Mid-July... If the high is as good as they look, I will be a happy camper.

In back: CBanana S-1 on the left and Blue Dream on the right.

Max Q, those plants look great, thanks for posting. I would consider transplanting that one up still, I think you might get a little more flower out of her. How are they feeding? Mine was a little sensitive to N, but now she can take much heavier feeding (P-K) while in flower. Right about now is a good time for a boost of P-K, they love it in and going into flower.

I was trying to describe the smell, but can't.
Only thing I can think of is that it smells "fresh". Like opposite of dank.
It's a smell that imo even people that don't smoke, and usually don't like the smell of cannabis- even they would like the smell.

Like a fresh floral scented soap? Kinda soapy scent but not in a bad way.
I had a plant that tasted like horrible soap. It was disgusting. But this smells nice.

One time on a stem rub I thought I caught a whiff of vanilla, but don't really smell that anymore.
Cream Cherry? The smells are very subtle on mine and they change a lot. One of mine smells of cream cherry for about 5 days or so, now there is a sweet, fruity gum/lemon lime. My other one in the flower room actually does smell like skunk and not as subtle on the smell as the rest.
Bud shots outdoors:

I had to throw these in, what an beautiful contrast of purple and greens

As I mentioned, I bumped their feeding up to 1300 ppm/night for the past 3 nights and they have responded favorably. Plant looks healthy, nice color and buds are shaping up nicely.
Day length is 14 hours 24 minutes today.
Temperatures have been in the upper 90'sF.
Thanks for stopping by.
Peace, God bless


Well-known member
I was getting some real dank smells last time I was checking the plants... Like old school dank weed! smelled real nice! Cant wait to check the girls in a few days <3
I have one that smells like skunk, which is the odd one out, since the others I have are sweet fruit and very subtle. Any skunk smells in yours?
Peace, God bless


Well-known member
Purple Satellite clones in flower-indoors

Purple Satellite clones in flower-indoors

Here are the purple satellite in flower from the flower room. The ladies were PS 1, 3, 5, and 7.The clones were taken starting on May 15 through 22nd. After rooting, topping and vegging a couple weeks, PS 1 & 3 went into the flower room on June 10. PS 5 & 7 went in the flower room on June 17th. PS 1 & 3 started flowering about 4 weeks ago and PS 5 & 7 started flowering 3 weeks ago.
Here is the group shot, from left to right: 1,3,5 & 7

Here is PS 1

PS 3 got 8 inches from the LED panel and his tips got a little burned:

PS 5 & 7 on the next post


Well-known member
Purple Satellite clones in flower-indoors Continued

Purple Satellite clones in flower-indoors Continued

PS 5 & 7 are a week behind the others.

PS 5

PS 7

Each plant smells just a little different from the others, but most of them are creamy, Sweet fruity (fruit gum), some vanilla and one that reminds me of an icecream in the waffle cone. Really amazing aromas.
I run my lights at night, since my grow room is in an outbuilding. It still gets a little hot in there, even with intake and exhaust going full speed and fans running all the time. A few of them are showing a little stress from the heat, but overall managing fine.
Thanks for stopping by.
Peace, God bless