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Ace Purple Satellite


Well-known member
Are you sure those are males? Look for clusters of "balls" not just one by one.
Wish you all the best.

Sorry I couldn't get some closer shots. Under the 5X glasses, I can easily see the claw. All the wishful thinking in the world won't make pistils grow from them, but that is ok because I need the pollen anyways. I popped 7 seeds and will cull them back to just 2 or 3 females. I did that to be sure I get a male and female for seed. I know it's no guarantee, but I think I have what I'm looking for.
But I'm like you and usually wait until better confirmation. I know it's male, but I'm not going to cull the males until I have each one of their pollen, if I have more than one. As far as the females, I have clones of everything, so all female clones will get flowered indoors, even if I cull the mother plant outdoors, so I can keep my plant count legit.
Thanks for stopping by and for your input.
Peace, God bless


Well-known member
Two nights ago, I fed the HxP and my PS with 600 ppm (including 115ppm for water) of Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow, a natural and organic liquid formula. They apparently loved and took off. Here is a PS on the right and Nevil's Haze x Panama on the left.

Big fan leaves on the PS

I'll update more later. It seems things are happening daily.
Peace, God bless


New member
Well I got a pack also, germinated in mid april 3 plants.Now at the end of the may I got 2 males. I don`t have a picture yet but they are 100% males because they have clusters of flowers. I find this really quick for a sativa. The other one is a female I guess since there are no preflowers yet. I also noticed strong stems moved the 2 males far away to collect some pollen and make some seeds, the stems are also purplish so I`m really exited. :dance013:
Growing at 46°degrees...


Well-known member
Well I got a pack also, germinated in mid april 3 plants.Now at the end of the may I got 2 males. I don`t have a picture yet but they are 100% males because they have clusters of flowers. I find this really quick for a sativa. The other one is a female I guess since there are no preflowers yet. I also noticed strong stems moved the 2 males far away to collect some pollen and make some seeds, the stems are also purplish so I`m really exited. :dance013:
Growing at 46°degrees...
That's great to hear! I'm looking forward to seeing them, especially the male when you are able to get pics. How much sunlight are you at? How has the feeding been like? Thanks for posting. Keep us updated, the more information the better.:biggrin:
Peace, God bless


Well-known member


Ok, I took a clone of PS1 eleven days ago, when none of the plants were showing sexual traits or preflowers. I was able to confirm the parental plant was a male yesterday through optic lenses. This clone, which has been under 24 hour lights for 11 days under dome is covered in balls. It just rooted today.

These plants are 6 weeks old. Do these have autoflowering traits? Otherwise, wouldn't they have revegged if they were going into flower 11 days ago under 24 hr lights? I don't have any answers, just questions. Maybe some of you have an answer?

Peace, God bless


Well-known member
They're not autoflower but they're photosensitive, they flower under 15 hours light. At your latitude you may not get all the way to 15 hours. Here's a link that should be helpful. Plug in your city and it'll tell you day length. If you're at the same lat as San Francisco or further south you'll never get to 15 hours. If you're the latitude of Redding for instance you'll get to 15 in early June. I'm at 15:30 day length, mine haven't shown yet.


Every year I have a couple males that are stimulated to flower before the summer solstice. Last year was the Sinai male, started flowering at this time. I feel like they are more photosensitive then females and there's a reason. Even though most males drop their pollen at the same time, right as the females begin flowering. It makes sense a couple random males would want to drop their pollen early, in case a female happens to Autoflower. This way there's pollen dropping all summer, no chance for a female to not produce seed.

I'm guessing your females will sex but won't go all the way. My Sinai female didn't start flowering until late July when days were getting shorter again. If they do you could always stick them under 24 hour light for a couple weeks them put them back out in mid June. It should hold them until mid July. Depending on your latitude starting more seedlings may not work, they'd just start flowering after six weeks because the day length will still be less then 15 hours. If you want to keep a male for breeding purposes you could stick yours under 24 hour light to revert it to Veg. Then put it out again in mid July to flower naturally with the females.

It may not be ideal for you but this is good news for me, just what I'm looking for. I can see why they get so tall and sacrifice branching, they need to get as big as they get before the day length comes down. This means I need to get mine in holes in the ground as soon as posssible, give them the chance to bulk up some more. My day length doesn't reach 15 hours again until July 31, perfect timing. I expect them to get large with 2 more months of Veg.

I'm getting great fruity smells from stem rubs. More of a berry wine type smell from the smaller ones, tropical fruit smells from the biggest. Guava mango. So good. My Black Viet x Meao Thai smell fruity as well, wonderful sweet tropical fruit.


Well-known member
My Sinai female didn't start flowering until late July when days were getting shorter again. If they do you could always stick them under 24 hour light for a couple weeks them put them back out in mid June.
Thanks for stopping by TheRev. I always appreciate your input and I'm hoping that is the answer. I understand that they flower at 15 hours of daylight. However, this clone flowered under 24 hour lights for the past 11 days. The parental plant when I took the clone was not going into flower at that time. In fact, we didn't even notice plants flowering until a few days ago. This clone is covered in balls, none of my plants outside are covered, just one tiny claw here or there if at all.

Again, I understand they are supposed to be photosensitive and I'm not saying they aren't, but flowering under 11 days of 24 hour light at the 6 week mark of the parental plants life doesn't add up and that is what I am trying to understand. Why did the clone flower under 24 hour lights? Like you said, it should reveg. Not only that, but surpassed ever parental plant in male pollen sac production that is at 14.5 hours daylight. Doesn't make sense.
Maybe this is way off base, but it doesn't add up to me. I'm just trying to make sense out of this. Again, thanks so much for your input, I always value your knowledge.
Peace, God bless


Well-known member
Every year I grow I learn something new and I realize how much I don't know. Anyone who thinks they're an expert are likely limiting themselves to a narrow niche of growing. For instance growing indoors in one kind of medium with one type of clone. You can get really good at that but you'll never see even a small part of the total expression the plant.

There's the chance your lights are weak, old bulbs or not enough lumens. Not necessarily weak by most standards but some plants don't turn back unless they get a huge amount of light. This is much less likely then another reason, some males will flower and that's it. They won't revert back to Veg even if they go back to 24 hour light. Kind of like the antechinus, a marsupial in Australia that lives less then a year. The males have one chance to mate, once they shoot their load that's it, they die.

They don't have to be Auto, photo sensitive strains are sometimes this way. I've seen it with regular strains as well but it's much less likely. There's also a chance a small number of a photo sensitive strain will autoflower. The categories Autoflowering-photo senstive-regular aren't as rigid as people think, it's more of a gradation. It would be more obvious if you ran 10,000 seeds of a strain, you'd see a lot more outliers. This is why to fully 'save' a landrace variety you need to plant thousands of seeds for a reproduction. To capture all of the genetic variance. This holds true for all traits of course, not just when the plants flower. Color, potency, size, intersex, anything you can think of. Cherry picking 10,000 plants of a good strain would be incredible, that's the real way you breed and select new varieties. Why the numbers game is so important and why Phylos is so confident they'll come up with something good.


Well-known member
Every year I grow I learn something new and I realize how much I don't know. Anyone who thinks they're an expert are likely limiting themselves to a narrow niche of growing. For instance growing indoors in one kind of medium with one type of clone. You can get really good at that but you'll never see even a small part of the total expression the plant.

There's the chance your lights are weak, old bulbs or not enough lumens. Not necessarily weak by most standards but some plants don't turn back unless they get a huge amount of light. This is much less likely then another reason, some males will flower and that's it. They won't revert back to Veg even if they go back to 24 hour light. Kind of like the antechinus, a marsupial in Australia that lives less then a year. The males have one chance to mate, once they shoot their load that's it, they die.

They don't have to be Auto, photo sensitive strains are sometimes this way. I've seen it with regular strains as well but it's much less likely. There's also a chance a small number of a photo sensitive strain will autoflower. The categories Autoflowering-photo senstive-regular aren't as rigid as people think, it's more of a gradation. It would be more obvious if you ran 10,000 seeds of a strain, you'd see a lot more outliers. This is why to fully 'save' a landrace variety you need to plant thousands of seeds for a reproduction. To capture all of the genetic variance. This holds true for all traits of course, not just when the plants flower. Color, potency, size, intersex, anything you can think of. Cherry picking 10,000 plants of a good strain would be incredible, that's the real way you breed and select new varieties. Why the numbers game is so important and why Phylos is so confident they'll come up with something good.
That makes sense. Sorry, I'm one of those people, who have to try to understand everything and find an answer.
Lets say, when I took the clones when the plants were 4.5 weeks old. We were just over 14 hours daylight. The plants (at least males) had decided to go into flower before I took the clones. At that time, they had changed hormonal production or done whatever is needed for flower, but had not manifested any outward appearance of going into flower yet. With this strain or others, once that happens, even 24 hours of light (particularly if the light is not strong enough as you mention) the clone/plant will continue male flowering and not revert back to veg? That makes a lot of sense and I can go with that.
Thanks again for your input. Sorry to convolute the subject and make it more difficult. I appreciate you enlightening me once again.
Peace, God bless
Last edited:


Just a thought... Are you absolutely sure your lights are on 24 hours a day? Are you plugged straight into wall or a timer?
If timer, check to make sure it's working correctly.


Well-known member
Just a thought... Are you absolutely sure your lights are on 24 hours a day? Are you plugged straight into wall or a timer?
If timer, check to make sure it's working correctly.
Directly into the outlet. Initially, I was going to use the timer, but not all the plants were ready to clone at the same time, so I just left it at 24 hours, no timer. Thanks for that thought though, it's an excellent thought.

Peace, God bless


Well-known member
They are going into their stretch nicely. Here is a girl, number 4 on the right, sitting next to #7, the runt (#7 is an all purple that hasn't shown any sex yet). BTW, #4 measures 34" (86 cm) from top of pot to crown

Here is a couple guys getting ready to let it all hang out commando style

Peace, God bless


Here's my purple Satellites and Bangi Haze.

A few of each have the purpleish coloration in the growing Tips.


Well-known member
Here's my purple Satellites and Bangi Haze.View Image

A few of each have the purpleish coloration in the growing Tips.View Image
Your PS looks nice. You got some of yours to branch well, I was not as lucky. Have you sexed them yet? On the ladies, the calyx hides directly behind the stipule. The stipule perfectly covers the calyx on some of the plants, usually starting about 3 nodes from the top and going up to the crown. If you take a pair of tweezers and gently peel it back, you can see the calyx, at least on my girls. I'll try to get out and get a pic or two.

Mine just started to show hairs, even though the calyx have been out for a few weeks. Thanks for posting. This plant fascinates me.
Peace, God bless


Well-known member
my two PS regs 1st has gnarly leaves so far. 2nd is fine. Interesting how the first stem is very thin. next node is thicker, 3rd node i even thicker and shows purple




Well-known member
I've been waiting and waiting for these Purple Sats to show, they're taking longer then a quite a few other plants. The crazy thought had entered my head they might all be male. Yesterday I finally found a tiny hair on the biggest one, I'd been seeing sketchy looking primordia for a couple weeks. Glad I took a chance and stuck it in the ground anyway. I really like the bushy growth, much more developed then the other ones.

Here's a family photo from a little over a week ago. It was a good idea but I wasn't able to get the cell phone to focus right. Before I stuck them in the ground. The small one in the white bucket is still in the container, waiting for a male to get moved out. I love how fast everything grows this time of year, and how fast plants grow once they get out of containers.



Your PS looks nice. You got some of yours to branch well, I was not as lucky. Have you sexed them yet? On the ladies, the calyx hides directly behind the stipule. The stipule perfectly covers the calyx on some of the plants, usually starting about 3 nodes from the top and going up to the crown. If you take a pair of tweezers and gently peel it back, you can see the calyx, at least on my girls. I'll try to get out and get a pic or two.

Mine just started to show hairs, even though the calyx have been out for a few weeks. Thanks for posting. This plant fascinates me.
Peace, God bless

I topped the plants about three weeks ago and put the tops in pellets in a dome under 12/12. (That's why they branches out)
They still haven't showed sex!
Almost tho!


Well-known member
Finally the two plants showed sex, one male (zanky leaves) one female. Topped fem and made clones from tops, took one small branch from lower nodes. 3 clones would be nice if they all pull through. wilted a bit over night.


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