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Absolute Amber from Banana Silver Ladyboys


Well-known member
Instead of the ethanol, did you or do you know if you can use toluene?

Of course NOT.

First of all, because toluene is toxic.
This fact overshadows other reasons for toluene is unacceptable.

Second, toluene is non-polar (water-insoluble).

Third, its boiling point is higher than water’s.

Dr Stupid

First of all great thread everyone! I have followed this one closely and have learned a lot.

This morning I took a jar of amber infused ethanol and tried to purge it in a vacuum chamber. All was going well until I looked at the sight glass on my rotary vane vacuum pump. The oil (lubricant) in the pump itself was cloudy and had definitely pulled water into it.

I'm wondering what some of you do for boiling ethanol and the accompanying water under vacuum. Do you let it ride and change the oil after use? Or do I need something other than a rotary vane pump for this process? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Dr Stupid

My last post was vague to say the least. My apologies. Also I should contribute before I ask for assistance. I have come up with a possible solution to my own question. The solution seems to minimize water accumulation in the vacuum pump lubricant.

My amber process is as follows.

1.) Trim flowers. Take trim and tumble with agricultural pollen extractor. Load kief into extraction tube. (Note:It seems a thermos like gunnaknow, jump117 and others use would be useful here. However I am not experienced using one yet.)

2.) Take kief and extract with butane to minimize butane consumption.Care must be taken to ensure there is not a blockage and burst from the kief accumulating at the tube end. A hose clamp is useful here.(Note:One of graywolf's butane recovery systems would be helpful here!)

3.) Purge butane from extract under vacuum with rotary vane pump. Using a laser pyrometer, monitor temperature, and keep around 100-120F. Take purged extract and test for butane by placing a small amount on a glowing quartz nail.

4.) Take purged extract and dissolve at 30 ml ethanol to 1 gram of extract inside of a quart glass canning jar. Make sure everything is dissolved. Let glass jar sit in freezer for minimum 24 hours to winterize.

5.) Take winterized solution and pour into pyrex baking dish. A thin layer is desirable. Place baking dish on an electric griddle maintaining griddle surface temperature of 120-140F. Let sit until most of the ethanol is evaporated. This can take a long time on larger batches. (Note:One of graywolfs ethanol recovery systems would be helpful here!)

6.) Once most of ethanol is evaporated, it can be purged under vaccuum at 120F the rest of the way. This seems to be the solution to minimizing water contamination in the rotary pump lubricant I was asking about in a previous post.

Thanks again to Jump117 , Graywolf, Gunnaknow, and all the other brilliant people who have contributed to this thread.



Between step 4 and 5 did you filter after winterizing before pouring it into your pyrex to purge ethanol? Pump oil should be changed after every heavy use to keep your pump operating at its full potential, it becomes contaminated much quicker than most think. Step 6 yup you answered your own question.

Nice looking absolute, hows the flavor and effect?

Dr Stupid

Between step 4 and 5 did you filter after winterizing before pouring it into your pyrex to purge ethanol? Pump oil should be changed after every heavy use to keep your pump operating at its full potential, it becomes contaminated much quicker than most think. Step 6 yup you answered your own question.

Nice looking absolute, hows the flavor and effect?

Yes to answer your question I did filter with coffee filters after winterizing. Forgot to mention that, thank you for pointing that out!

And thanks for the input on the pump. :tiphat:

As for the flavor and effect, I have had great feedback although I have not tried it myself. It is bubba kush amber and I'm told it tastes similar to the flowers, with hashy undertones.


New member
Any one know a way to get pump oil out of a messed up batch? (not sure what happend?) I was going to break it up and test different processes, as I have a lot to play with, any info would be lovely.


Active member
That would be difficult, kaplin but you shouldn't need to, providing that you gently vaporize it (<200°C). The pump oil should have a high flash point and the cannabinoids will volatilize at much lower temperatures. It would be a good idea to line the hot plate with something like tin foil, to make cleaning easier.


New member
providing that you gently vaporize it (<200°C). The pump oil should have a high smoke point and the cannabinoids will volatilize at much lower temperatures

thanks gunna. Question: 200c? Do you mean, it will smoke, before the pump oil during personal use?
My temps never go north of 130f when i run a batch, so im confused. I would like any info on re-washing my bho with butane or iso (or other easy to get solvent), then hopefully i can get it to wax in the vac. It is easy 50 grams, If I can't get it clean, then it goes no further than my trash can. But like most of us i'm here to learn, and keep learning. Any info on washing my bho in iso and filtering, would be peaches.


Active member
Kapin, I meant that the cannabinoids can be vaporized at a lower temperature than the pump oil. Providing that you vaporize at <200°C, only a tiny trace of the pump oil would be inhaled. It would be similar to frying with a refined vegetable oil below it's smoking point. Yes you can smell the hot vegetable oil but the amount of oil being inhaled is negligible.

It won't remove all of the pump oil but you could remove a significant amount of it from the BHO by winterizing it. Many of the hydrocarbons will solidify and precipitate out. The colder you can get your freezer, the better. If you added dry ice to the alcohol, then you could potentially precipitate most of the pump oil but I'm now speaking from theory here.



New member
Spasiba bolshoya...

Im part of a group on fb called Extract Artists and i was directed to ur forum by a knowledgeable, senior member.
It is incredible the wealth of knowledge contained in this forum/thread. While reading the Original posting, i noticed the writer made a reference to a russian coin, kopek..
I myself am from Odessa ukraine and it makers me incredibly proud to see a fellow russian speaker have such a deep knwoledge of bho (something i thought hadnt made it to russia and ukraine..i guess i was very wrong)..

Just wanted to say thank you to jump, gw and all the other contributors to this forum...


Well-known member
Spasiba bolshoya...

Im part of a group on fb called Extract Artists and i was directed to ur forum by a knowledgeable, senior member.
It is incredible the wealth of knowledge contained in this forum/thread. While reading the Original posting, i noticed the writer made a reference to a russian coin, kopek..
I myself am from Odessa ukraine and it makers me incredibly proud to see a fellow russian speaker have such a deep knwoledge of bho (something i thought hadnt made it to russia and ukraine..i guess i was very wrong)..

Just wanted to say thank you to jump, gw and all the other contributors to this forum...

Hey s4b, thanks for the kind words!
To my great regret, you are correct in your assumptions,
indeed these technologies are still not widely popular in our places :wallbash: ...

Give my regards and best wishes to Extract Artists fb group!
:thank you:


your absolute is gaining rep bro, i'm waiting for the first member to bring some to the 420 now, lol. the flask tech is probably slightly less popular then the second wash with ethanol and winterization plus wax filtration. but for sure if i need oil i will use the flask method. maybe make bubble hash first and drop that in the flask.



Glad you made it over here ... and jump117, I directed s4b to this thread. Over three years ago I started following your threads, and listening to what GW said as well. All I know about making extractions stemmed from you ... and one day I hope to thank you personally. I will continue to learn, and try harder to post my findings.

See ya'll around!!!:thank you:

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Spasiba bolshoya...

Im part of a group on fb called Extract Artists and i was directed to ur forum by a knowledgeable, senior member.
It is incredible the wealth of knowledge contained in this forum/thread. While reading the Original posting, i noticed the writer made a reference to a russian coin, kopek..
I myself am from Odessa ukraine and it makers me incredibly proud to see a fellow russian speaker have such a deep knwoledge of bho (something i thought hadnt made it to russia and ukraine..i guess i was very wrong)..

Just wanted to say thank you to jump, gw and all the other contributors to this forum...

You're welcome, please pay the knowledge forward. This is where I come to seek enlightment too, from fellow travelers like Jump!


Active member
Hey s4b, thanks for the kind words!
To my great regret, you are correct in your assumptions,
indeed these technologies are still not widely popular in our places :wallbash: ...

I think that it's just a matter of time bro. Your thread has started something that has been spreading across into other forums and the knowledge will soon be wide spread. The army that we once joked about has been coming true because of your efforts. I would never have found the drive to create such detailed diaries or campaigned so tirelessly for everyone. GW and others are doing a great job aswel.


Active member
Jump, I think that we sometimes forget that you didn't speak fluent english when you first started posting here and yet you've now contributed far more to this forum than most. I can't imagine how much extra time that it took you to run everything through an online interpreter and then make sense of probably often poorly translated texts. Not many of us would have been willing to consider going to the effort of translating our posts into russian on a russian forum or translating all of the responses. It makes your contribution to the community all the more commendable. I've noticed that your english is much better than it was back in 2008, so perhaps all of this weed talk has helped you to learn a new language? I couldn't think of a better way to learn! lol

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Jump, I think that we sometimes forget that you didn't speak fluent english when you first started posting here and yet you've now contributed far more to this forum than most.

Good point! English is my native language and I still have problems understanding some of what is posted. The only possible way it could be more confusing for me at times, is if it were posted in Russian...........


Well-known member
Thanks for showing tolerance to my distortions of English. :thank you:
Unfortunately, despite my efforts, my text is not always well understood, and literate.
My apologies, but this is the best that I can. :tiphat:
I think that it's just a matter of time bro.
In my opinion, it is a matter of very long time.

It's Spring .. tomorrow morning weather promised -17C.


Little gems

Little gems

Here is a couple pics of the product I have been making for a long time. I have always worked with dewaxed extracts since making "honey oil" in the 70's. I make these for special occasions and gifts for heady friends and family. This round came out a shade darker than usual but it was a full nug run of of purple urkel and I notice purps give me a slightly extract (anthos) I hope you enjoy the pics



I have been saving my waxes and am excited by the properties I am finding in them. Cheers all!