On Building Hell Mox
On Building Hell Mox
Below: 1st batch Hell Hound IX1 and Mox Mox IX1 males...2 each..vegging to bigger sizes
The tactic employed will be a couple different runs of males. The 4 above will start it out...do some pollinating on the 1st of the females...then maybe...I'll add in a couple more males later on...to mix with the pollens from the previous 4.
I figure that as this initial build of Hell Mox is going to take me..all fall and a good portion of the winter season...and that it will take me that time...to rotate all the females through...
that it should be looked at...as more than one run...therefore...the latter females will see pollens..the former did not see...kind of a progression in the pollinations...elaborating upon. Adding the pollens of even more males...probably comes closer to an open pollination. Can't hurt to cover as many expressions as possible in the f1 generation.
* I prefer not to outcross f1 X f1
I like crossing f2 X f2...just think it offers plants with more direction..without getting in depth specific
On Building Hell Mox
Below: 1st batch Hell Hound IX1 and Mox Mox IX1 males...2 each..vegging to bigger sizes
The tactic employed will be a couple different runs of males. The 4 above will start it out...do some pollinating on the 1st of the females...then maybe...I'll add in a couple more males later on...to mix with the pollens from the previous 4.
I figure that as this initial build of Hell Mox is going to take me..all fall and a good portion of the winter season...and that it will take me that time...to rotate all the females through...
that it should be looked at...as more than one run...therefore...the latter females will see pollens..the former did not see...kind of a progression in the pollinations...elaborating upon. Adding the pollens of even more males...probably comes closer to an open pollination. Can't hurt to cover as many expressions as possible in the f1 generation.
* I prefer not to outcross f1 X f1
I like crossing f2 X f2...just think it offers plants with more direction..without getting in depth specific