What's new

A new start


King of Schwag
Still keeping busy with the boat

Shining up the pantry and fixing the rodder among other things

Sanding of old clearcoating

Treating with Tung oil instead, much better for the wood and less work IMO.
Yes you have to reaply Tung oil, but thats about it. A new clearcoat will eventually need a sanding, reaplying once more. And it's been way too much work, to do that sometime in 5 years time.

Sanded down blisters in the rodder, filling it out again with fiberglass paddy.

Tomorrow more sanding YAY!


King of Schwag
Flower day 50

Flower day 50

They have passed the 7 week mark yesterday, I forgot about the update and when I remembered the lights where out in these cabinets.

What ever day 49 or 50, it's 7 weeks in right!?!

Top cabinet with Mesmakronic, they are getting ripe and should be ready to harvest in 7-10 days.

Middle cabinet (Cheese)

Bottom cabinet also with cheese

The Cheese clones will require another few weeks, hoping the new fans I installed will let me flower them 10 full weeks.


King of Schwag
Thanks guys, gonna chop some of them tomorrow.

Today I was busy doing work on the boat, final layer of primer have gone on.
Only need to coat with primer, under some of the support points and it's ready for bottom paint.



King of Schwag
Hey mate, is this thread the original of the side by side experiment? Great buds :woohoo:

This is the everything sine I got back to growing thread, everything from growing to sailing and what ever stuff I work on.

The Groffice thread is my "build" thread, where I basicly cover the aspect of my DIY solution on the stacked grow.

So I basicly just made the side by side thread, so it wouldn't be swollowed up between a thousind other posts about random stuff.


King of Schwag
So how does the boat get from that metal frame and into the water?

It have a center hoist, where you hook it to a crane truck and it's lifted out of the stand and driven the 300 ft to the water.
It cost about 100$ in crane fee's, where a boat stand/trailer would cost maybe 5000$.


King of Schwag
Took a few of the Mesmakronics at day 58, they should be done in 56-60 days I was told. :biggrin:

It's hard to see if theres any ambers under the strong LED light, so took a few now and I will chop some more later.
Just turned off the power to the drivers, for thouse LED strips as the other top cabinet is running on the HGL XB70's.

Also got done with the bottom paint for the boat, so now it's been given 3 new layers of primer on top of the remaining layers and two layers of antifouling bottom paint.

Looks really awesome with the cubber look, unfortunet in about a week, that will turn dark and harden up as a dark graphite grey/black finish.

Still got a bit to do, more paint work on the stern, rudder and the waterline if I get to it this season.


King of Schwag
do you have to pay a storage fee? Or would they call it a dry dock fee?

The winter storage space is included in the price of the harbour spot, but there normaly is a small rent fee on the boat stand.
If you have your own boat trailer, you don't pay anything extra for outdoor dry storage.
They are implimenting a range of boat stands, that you have to rent/buy unless you got a trailer you can remove. That way they can stack them, free up a bunch of space for other activitys in the summer.
If you got a project boat, there is also a spaces for that, where you can work on it year round.


King of Schwag
Working on the stern and rudder

Filling in holes and small dents in the surface.

Sanding it down again, prepping it for paint.

The rudder is getting a clear topcoat, still a bit of way to go before it's all done.


King of Schwag
BOAT ~ Bring Out Another Thousand

BOAT ~ Bring Out Another Thousand

It can be a fun hole to pour money into

First layer of paint on the stern have gone on, will give it 3 layers and then sand it and give it a clear topcoat like the rudder.

Tape removed

And I forgot a bit on the waterline, but i'll take that next round I guess :biggrin: