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A new start


King of Schwag
Cheers Dr. Watt Welcome aboard!

Day 15 in flower, they are looking maybe a little better. They are growing, budding and still looking a little pale.
It looks like they are enjoying the bump in the Ec

Top cabinet (Mesmakronic)

Middle cabinet (Cheese)

Bottom cabinet (Cheese)

So far so good, the clones are looking all right.
No changes, so didn't bother with taking a picture.
Temps are much better in the clone area, with the insulation and a extra heatpad.


King of Schwag
Found a nice Buddha figure, or well the misses spotted him while we where out shopping and I got him.

Had a perfect spot for him, medicating next to the waterfall in the garden pond.

I think he fit's right in, almost like it was ment to be .... oooohhhhmmm


King of Schwag
Cleaning up the mothers and mother room, gonna try to fight the trips and see if I can't get rid of them this time.

Looks a bit rough, but they should bounce back and now there is little folia to hide in.

Now I just have to clean the room, then start the warfare on the remaing thrips and eggs.

Still haven't gotten used to the pink light LOL
The plants seems to like it tho


Official English Seed Tester.
ICMag Donor


ICMag Donor
A couple of flowers @9wks under HGLED XB200 - just to encourage you, the lights are capable of producing quality flowers. Haven't smoked anything yet, but they do work.

Relevant since you are flowering Cheese - these are Cheese x Sour D Bx2 from Karma Genetics:




Look forward to seeing you back on track and in production mode! :tiphat:



King of Schwag
Thanks @Darksider!

@dank.frank Thats some nice looking buds forsure, im looking forward to test the HGL XB lights for flower. Still got the 70W units for the cabinets

Well today the plan was to clean the mother room, got up this morning and yeah it's corona times. The misses is home all day, and she had other plans .... got a bunch of work done in the garden.

Im preping Pali's Potatoe Patch :peacock:

But I got a bunch of some pest grass, that's a major PITA to get rid of.
Turned the soil in the fall, hoping the winter would have killed some of the roots atleast. But what winter?

Turned it once again a few weeks ago, and then a thrid time today and 'raked' it or what ever it's called. Sorry my technical english for gardening tools, that isn't used indoor is limited.
Anyway removed a shit ton of these grass roots, anything left in the top soil will sprout. Trick is to not manhandle it too much, if you chop the roots up in a million, you will just have a milion new sprouts.
Can't compost it, as it will just grow in the compost pile.

Desided to burn half of it for now, might end up tossing the remaining wheelbarrow.

Spread the ashes tomorrow and turn it into the soil, and then it's about time to plant some potatoes.

Imagine crossing potatoes and weed, and just dig up lumps of hash. :woohoo:

Back to reality!

I guess I will clean the mother room tomorrow


King of Schwag
Planted the potatoe patch today

Made 6 rows about 1½ inch deep, with a good ft between the rows.

Placed the potatoes with aprox 10 inch between them.

Coverd them up with soil, making small "hills" so the potatoes are coverd with about 2-2½ inch soil.

Not totaly done. been working on this work table with the misses.

But as this will be placed outdoors, the reused plywood tabletop was in need of a little fixing.
Basicly it was full of screwholes, as it was once used as a tool wall.
Coverd them up with fiberglass plaster, sanded it down again and now it just need to be pained.
Gonna use a 2 part paint, that will be up for the task.


King of Schwag
Flowerday 21

Flowerday 21

Another little update 3 weeks in

They have peaked up a bit, raised the Ec value and they got a bit more color to them.

Top cabinet (Mesmakronic)

Middle cabinet (Cheese)

Bottom cabinet (Cheese)

And a few single plants



They are coming around, as well as the new clones in the aerocloner.


King of Schwag
Day 9 for the 2nd run in my aerocloner

Maybe with higher pressuer and different misters, the rooting time could come down a bit.
But to be honest I don't care, this seems to be working fine and very cost effective.
A few more days, and all of them should be rooted I guess


King of Schwag
Testing out the HGL XB70 Multispectrum lights, so im swapping out 207W DIY Strip lights with 210W HGL light

A bit of info on the lights, spectrums used and what not.

They are not hanging perfectly even, but close enough for a test using the hanger points from the strip light.

First notice is they heat the cabinet more, I susspect it's cos the driver is onboard. The other cab's have the drivers mounted external, so that makes a difference in the temps.


King of Schwag
4 weeks into 12/12

Looks like the struggle is over, still baffles me that the cheese keeps looking like absolute crap. Acting like they are about to die, the first weeks and then bounces back into health.

Anyway they got alot of their color back, they are budding, forming trichomes and starting to smell.

Top cabinet (Mesmakroinc)

Middle cabinet (Cheese)

Bottom cabinet (Cheese)

pH 5.75
Ec 1.7

Started a new thread on the Side by Side grow, with the HGL light vs my DIY light! Link in signature!

Here is a peak - Flower day 2


King of Schwag
Cheese Flower day 31

Smaller flowers then the Mesmakronics, but seems to be more of them and Cheese also flowers a bit longer.

Ec 1.7
pH 5.77


King of Schwag
5 weeks

5 weeks

Flower day 35

Top cabinet (Mesmakronic)

Middle cabinet (Cheese)

Bottom cabinet (Cheese)

Ec 1.8
pH 5.68

Mesmakronic a little closer

Looking forward to see how they turn out under LED!


King of Schwag
Boat season is getting closer, working on getting the boat ready.

Been sanding a few hours every day, for the past few days and im about done. YAY


King of Schwag
Just a peak into the left side cabinets, they are on day 16 and the side by side test is moving along nicely.

Bottom cabinet is filled with a bunch of runts, and a few clones that looked all right.
Prolly won't make the 1 gpw mark, but they will produce a little so im taking that as well.

The other cabinet is 6 weeks into flower today, they are still sleeping but not long before their 42th day start.


King of Schwag
6 Weeks

6 Weeks

Flower day 42 on the right side cabinets

Top cabinet (Mesmakronic)

The Mesmakronics are faster finishing then the cheese, and their pistils are starting to turn red. Still got a about 2½-3 weeks, till they are ripe for harvest.

Middle cabinet (Cheese)

Bottom cabinet (Cheese)

The cheese still got a bit of time to go, hoping the newly added fans.
Will force enough dry air down, thru the canopy and make plenty of air movement. Hoping this will prevent the bud rot, I have experianced in the prev. grows.
And let me take them to 10 weeks, as I like my cheese strong and well mature.

Ec 1.8
pH 5.76

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