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A new start

Mars Hydro Led

Grow on Earth Grow with Mars
Thank you mate, it sure is.

Im out there more or less every day, keeping the weeds down manually :)
It's nice working around and near the pond, and the soothing sound of the running water jet the pond itself is still and clear.

Day 5 on the clones, they are looking fine so far.

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=80150&pictureid=2042483]View Image[/url]

Also got a picture of the goldfish today :D

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=76114&pictureid=2042271]View Image[/url]

The pond is a nice landscape and the babies look nice. :tiphat:


King of Schwag
The pond is a nice landscape and the babies look nice. :tiphat:

Been a wish for many years to have a small pond in my garden, im very pleased with it so far.
Have ordered some Lotus seeds, and will try to sprout my own lotus' for the pond.

It's a job with no end, taking care of a garden hehehe


King of Schwag
Rainwater Collection

Rainwater Collection

Finaly got arround to connect my IBC tank, "connected" to the roof for rain collection.

Got this flat roof area between the house and garage, where a lot of the garage roofs drains to.
Thru a hole, down into the gutter around the back of the house.

The down pipe have already been installed, inside the stainless inlay.
The pipe on the roof was just an extra pipe, tho I was sure I had one pipe and two 90 degree bends.

Trimmed the top of the pipe, so water will flow down without collecting on the roof.

The "gunk hat" back in place, dunno what this is called. Leaf n shit blocker

Now the 90 degree bend I was sure I had, would come in handy.
Still not done, also need to fix and connect the gutter. So water will flow from the gutter into the tank, imagining a end cap with a connecting to the down stem.

Then maybe not!!

Nahhh I will need to get another bend, and get this connected right, tight and secure.


Well-known member
Sure could use that setup right now. Just went out and dumped my rain gauge. 4.7 inches since 3:00pm yesterday...and still raining.


King of Schwag
Thanks tech

Got around to finish the raincollection and gutter, with some PVC parts and Tech7 :bigeye:

Got a extra 90 degree bend, only had the dark grey model.

And got the gutter fixed up

Now I just need to get another IBC tank, looking for a 158 gal IBC.
Then I will install a sandfilter between the two, to filter out organics, mosquito larva and eggs.


King of Schwag
Found the 90 degree bends I was sure I had, but wasn't able to find.

And I got a new toy :party:

Planing on banging some hot stuff in the nearby future :hotbounce


New member
Hello good folks, first of I'd like to say it feels good to be back here.
I have had a break from growing the past many years, ran into some legal issues.

To make it short, everything was lost more or less. They missed a few bags of seeds, 10 gram of hashish and the joint I was smoking. Was still in the ashtray, once I got home after my release. One OP was now running, so they could not take the eqipment from that location.

I'm at a point now, where I feel can safely start to grow again. Just for personal use, for me and the misses. But big enough, that I don't have to grow 4 crops per year. Guessing this is a good time to get back on the horse, saving some money and get a bump up in the quality of our smoke.

It's a wild shot sprouting these old seeds, but I will give it a try anyway. After been reading about sprouting old seeds, Im ready to give this a try "my way".
A lot of the recommendations was coco milk + all sorts of additives. Being who I am, I don't give much for additives and root hormones. Not for cannabis, there is little to no need for them IME. The coco milk on the other hand, makes good sence and was something new to me. (Also I had it in the kitchen already)

Found my old seeds in a drawer, not the best way to store seed. But everyting stored right was taken, and this was just some side stuff from the real breeding project.

https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=75985&pictureid=1822347View Image

The Jack Herer x White Rhino is most likely some hack seeds, but I will see if they will sprout and maybe there is a nice pheno of something. If not, it will be binned.

The next bag is much more interesting, to me at least. As this is genetics I hand picked, at a visit to wally duck in australia. I had earlyer shared some genetics with him, so It was fun to go down there and see his work and pick something to bring home.
Pine O is a project he worked on, stabilising a cross between the C99 pineapple pheno and Cali Orange. I used a pineapple male in my own project, and this is some of seeds. That came from some Affyduck females, a cross of and old line of Afgan #1 and duckfoot.

Again it's hard to say what will come from these seeds, but I know all the genetics and have worked with them for years. So I am 100% sure, that if they sprout. I can find something really nice, that is worth holding on to. If im lucky and get a few males and females, I might just let them pollinate and make a bunch of seeds.

G13 is well G13, guess there is not much new to say about it. Im sure there are a lot of G13's now days, I have not kept up over the years.

https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=75985&pictureid=1822348View Image https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=75985&pictureid=1822349View Image https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=75985&pictureid=1822350View Image

Mixed the coco milk in a blender, so even it out and pourd it into 2 glasses. Dumped some seeds into the coco milk, gave it a stir and coverd them up with alu foil.
Placed them in a high cupboard, for 24 hours and then gave them a gentle shake to mix the separated layers. Then left them there, another 24 hours before rinsing them of in a sift.

Happy Growing :)


King of Schwag
what is that thing in the picture? what does it do?

It's a Dragon ... okay it's a propane forge, but it spews fire!
Heats up metal, so you can forge it with a hammer :headbange


Like that, just a different model


King of Schwag
you could make some swords with that, i think.

This is for making swords and other long objects, the model I got is for smaller things like knifes.

I was thinking about getting a 3 burner model, but desided on the two burner. Mainly cos I don't plan on making large blades just yet, mainly due to local law, as I don't have a blade weapon permit.
Our law on the matter is stupid and overly complicated, for anything "knife like blade" over 5½ inch, I need the licens before I own the blade.

To get the permit as private person, you need to be able to show the blade and what your intent is. Hunting knife, for display/collection or what ever. Then you get a permit, and you can go buy the knife. Sellers are obligated to check this, make a record of the blade sale, with owner name, adress and copy of the permit.

As an export company, I just need to be an export company.
No permits needed, if I make blades and only sell as export goods.
This I still need to run this by a lawyer, to checking what papers I need and if it's really that simple.

Kitchen knifes and tool's don't fall under the same law, again you can't carry a kitchen knife around.
Breaking the blade law, easy releases a minimum of one year prison.

Don't know why my hobbies, have to be on the edge with the law :chin:


King of Schwag
A bit more progress in the workshop, got the rest of the toolwall up.
Now it's just a matter of filling it with tools, lot's of them I don't yet own.

Anyway nice with space, for alot the toools I wanna buy :ying:

I don't have space for all the tools I wan't, as the workshop area is simply too small.


King of Schwag
Some times I have my head up my ass or something :moon:

yeah got to remove them, even if I trim the table top. One the wall it full of tools, it would be a major PITA to remove everything to open the table.


King of Schwag
The veggi garden is doing well, most of it at least.

The cale haven't been the succes I had hoped for, but a few is better then non.
The peas are doing great this season, last year they did even worse then this seasons' cale.
Garlic is also doing well, parsley and dill is also coming up.

The blueberries are also plentyfull, the bushes are still fairly small.
But they will deffently yeald some berries, but if it will be more then what we can pick n eat I won't know.

And finaly the pond is doing great, besides a minor leak in the filter somewhere.
I really enjoy getting up, sit in the morning sun and smoke a morning joint.

A little close-up of the houseleek flower


King of Schwag
Thanks Florere, I enjoy it very much too.

Back to the growing, it's been a few days since I transplanted.
Been slowly adjusting the water, as I don't wanna fuck up and take the pH down too much.

It's been floating up around 6.5 pH, I've tried to take it down little by little. Yesterday I took it down arund 6, and it was up again today.
Also trying to keep the Ec fairly low, but today I took it down to 5.5 pH. For a while the Ec had spiked to 1.2, but dropped a little again by this evening.

Hoping they will pick up some more color, start growing and shoot for the moon.
The roots seems to have developed fine, so the above action should start soon.

Temps are good 24-27 C in the cabs
Res water temp is 19 C
Humidity is up and good, u can feel the hot moist "greenhouse" feeling, coming from the cabinets when you open them.

Ph 5.5
Ec 1.1

Hoping to see a continuing, of the rising pH and Ec dropping!

I might have to try 1:4 parts, tapwater to rainwater next time and see if the pH will be easyer to drop, but still be stabil.


Active member
EC of 1.1 seems awfully low. The lowest I've gone in coco is 1.2 In DWC I keep it around 1.8+. Are you adding any Mg/Cal?