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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...i think i got caught up on the sleep the dogs cost me last week...off to grab groceries in a bit,then an exciting day of trimming! pretty pumped...
does anyone have any questions about what products the grow store sells?:D
yup,gonna be a scorcher for the rest of the week...

remember how great summer was as a kid? all a lie,it sucks sweaty balls


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
wedding cake



Well-known member
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...i think i got caught up on the sleep the dogs cost me last week...off to grab groceries in a bit,then an exciting day of trimming! pretty pumped...
does anyone have any questions about what products the grow store sells?:D
yup,gonna be a scorcher for the rest of the week...

remember how great summer was as a kid? all a lie,it sucks sweaty balls
My dad used to sell fuel oil. Obviously not many sales in summer.

He had a poster that said "HELP STAMP OUT SUMMER"



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...gonna be a hot one today,,,107 predicted...i'm just gonna say it,fuck summer,worst part of the year...you lied to me as a child summer and i will never forgive you! i can't believe i ever loved you summer you psychotic bitch! winter,you my boo!

:watchplant:lots of garden stuff to deal with today...and i need to go buy a new hose after i water in veg so i can deal with the dirty pots...and find time to work on trimming


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:watchplant: alrighty,veg all watered,plants sprayed,harvested 9 plants from the led room and got that shut down so no more trying to keep the garage cool enough plus it will drop the electric bill some not having two 600w leds and 3 six inch fans running 24/7...time to head to wallyworld and get a new hose,throw out rootballs and at the very least rinse all the dirty pots so they can be washed...then a few hours of relaxing trimming...

down to just the early veg room,the veg tent,a 2x4 tent,and main flower to deal with

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