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A Guide to Fishsticks


ICMag Donor
You’re very organized (I am not. ) It’s very easy for things to get out of hand around here. Nothing drives me crazy like when I can’t find something that I need.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...i'm not super organized by any stretch of the imagination,just more organized than the guy dealing with the warehouse before...besides,that's where i park my bike during work!
also,i hate being bored,and it's decent pay for what is usually a low stress job...although i seem to be cursed with rushes of last minute customers...just annoying as i try and make sure the shelves are stocked up before closing...

anyway,think i'll go do laundry today,need to do a bunch in the garden tomorrow,and it's payday/grocery shopping day and i'll have a harvest to deal with friday night...want to be free to go ride sunday even though it's a garden day...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed: having a lazy day i guess...got the laundry done at least,i guess i should do something else useful before the group ride tonight...aside from giving the bike i'm riding a quick once over to make sure the bling is at maximum blinginess...and the lights all charged...

gonna be a busy day tomorrow,9 plants to prep for flower,8 to up-pot to #5's,a bunch of clones in cups to go into #1's,and more rooted cuts into cups....then a harvest and reset of 9 plants...

plus 2ish hours of grocery shopping...and should have enough money to order a set of carbon humate nutes and microbe+ from bokashi earthworks...


ICMag Donor
having a lazy day i guess