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A Guide to Fishsticks


Bug Scissor Hand
been thinking about this for a little while... For the first two weeks of flowering I've been going by the nutrients feed charts and switching to a flowering mix ratio. But flowers don't start to form until around day 10-12.

I've been thinking about for the first two weeks using flowering nutrients, but mixing them at a veg ratio. Then after flowers start growing, add in the rest of the flowering nutrients.

If for the first two weeks they really are not flowering, they wouldn't need much of a change in nutrients in those first two weeks.


i feed veg nutrients the first week then i swap over to flower nutrients.


Well-known member
Hey fellaz. Brutha dan is in need of some healing vibes. He's laid up in the hospital with a mass and fluid in his lung.
Do your dance, chant, flop on the floor or play with snakes. What ever it takes.

Thanks for the notice Joe. He's had more to deal with this last year than anyone should ever have to. Too good of a person to have to see this many setbacks. Hopefully he just has a bad flu/pneumonia or something and can bounce back quickly.

Rather than dance, flop or whatever, I'll make tonight a Buckethead night:



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...

not much going on today...i should probably go get medium,i see some roots popping out on the NEM cuts so they will need to get into cups soon along with a bunch of ogkb 2.0...

and a trip to wallyworld so a sort of busy day since there's also a group ride this afternoon...could be a day with over 100lbs of hauling...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I need to stop by and get some of that bud your smoking! :biggrin:
This is September, and it was only 83 today

Not here. It was 101f in my veg room. 90f in my living room.

Question For those of us that cook. Are there none stick pans that last.. Most none stick pans are junk. I cant find any that last over 3-4 months.
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Not here. It was 101f in my veg room. 90f in my living room.

Question For those of us that cook. Are there none stick pans that last.. Most none stick pans are junk. I cant find any that last over 3-4 months.

don't wash them in the dishwasher,that will extend the useful life of the coating...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:toohot: glad that's done with...hauling medium just never seems to get any easier...cargo hauling is the one place where i could see having an e-bike...except that the cargo bikes they have don't really have that much cargo space...and they cost as much as a used car would,and i'm certainly not doing that until my knees explode or am otherwise unable to do it under my own power...

time for breakfast...gotta turn around and head back out in another couple of hours....hauling 6 liters of water this time...


Afternoon folks :tiphat:

About to get a couple T-bones ready for the 'ole lady and I.....just relaxing for the most part this lazy Saturday


and...thinking about my friend...get better buddy :comfort:



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed: about time to roll out here...should get in the last 24 miles i need to put the bucksaw over 1000 miles...guess i will get my sorta lazy day in tomorrow...at least a nap in the afternoon...got garden chores to do,not a bunch but certainly a couple of hours work...

aside from hauling a bunch of water this should be a pretty mellow ride as there will be first time bikepackers which no doubt means lots of stops to lash gear in place and such...

hotter than i would like to see,but that's true about half the year here it seems...

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Not here. It was 101f in my veg room. 90f in my living room.

Question For those of us that cook. Are there none stick pans that last.. Most none stick pans are junk. I cant find any that last over 3-4 months.

What the hell? Why don't you grab a swamp cooler, put it out on the porch blowing in. 90 in your living room is not ok. That's what happened here last summer when my AC fail, and I couldn't get it replaced for weeks

You are welcome to come over and cool off an get high and tour the grow. The cleaners are on their way here from Oregon right now. I think they are just going to hang out for a couple days, and come back again in a couple weeks. The female is hot. Long legged blondie with a pretty face and a super duper hot bod. I get a chubby just thinking about that sweet ass

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Not here. It was 101f in my veg room. 90f in my living room.

Question For those of us that cook. Are there none stick pans that last.. Most none stick pans are junk. I cant find any that last over 3-4 months.

Don't use Teflon. It futs off gasses that are toxic to pets if overheated by mistake. I have a large non stick that is supposedly coated with granite of some natural stone surface. It just looks like non stick. Look on amazon and check out the reviews. But stay away from Teflon. Ive heard of people getting the pan to hot and their pet birds dying


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Teflon has been safe since 2013. It no longer has PFOA in it. There safe to use up to 570f. If anyone has something Teflon before 2013 it should be discarded.

"OUCH" Almost went through my finger nail.

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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed: well that was amusing and annoying at the same time...seems like we had to stop every frickin 2-3 miles for like a half an hour...feel bad for one guy who has having a super hard time with the hills,no one likes to be last and feel like they're holding the train up...a good group of folks so they really don't care...everyone was the noob as some point...