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A few things that I've learned about growing in coco with a drip systm DTW


Active member
looking awesome as always HGO !!!!

but i noticed in your pics , your getting taco fans like i have been too , any idea whats causing it ?
i was thinking low humidity or low CO2 from lack of fresh air because of winter & pulling intake from in the house instead of outside air . :dunno:

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I noticed light intensity combined with dry hot air make my leaves tako.


I have question for ya Hgo if ya don't mind answering
I wanna try some of the vert donuts and I no you use a space of 4ft (1.2mtr) I have a room that is 2.7 wide x5.0 which in therory is only big enough to get two donuts in the width so what I m asking is do you think I could squeeze 3 vert lights in if I had some of the centre plants being hit by 2 light as supposed to 3 separate donuts ( this is hard to explain without me doing a sketch)
Also how far do you like the plants to finish away from the bulbs


HGO i have a few questions if you wouldn't mind helping me out I'd appreciate it. First off your work is excellent i was put onto this thread by a friend a couple years back always came back to it as have had the erge to grow this way for awhile but my normal style is mapito flood & drain I normally average a gpw only problem i have i hate workinng with the rockwool much prefer to get my hands in the clean coco :)

Anyway was wanting to know do you wash your coco or prepare it by soaking it in nutrients at all and ph'd water? Also i have a MJ500 pump would this be ok for 9plants in a 1.2 i was going to use 6.5l pots normally i only do 5 or 6 plants getting 6-7.5oz but i don't want to veg for these clones for long? From what i read all i need is pump 16mm pipe a manifold blue drippers and a tap to adjust pressure?




Hi guys, here in Italy there aren't many info on growing in coco, so I explain to you my situation, I've five small plants in 6 liter pots around 75-80% coco with 25-20% perlite. I didn't have a good start, very slow maybe I had watered too little in early stage... Now I transplanted in 6 Lt. pots, did you have some advice for watering? The little girls from today are in a grow box 1x1x2 under 400w MH. One of there presents a problem and I don't know what could be. Here some pics
Thanks to those who will help me!


Well-known member
You need to let them make roots, for that a dry/wet cycle is fine. When your container will be colonized by roots then water daily, or even multi feed them.


OK, wet/dry cycle is like in soil? Because I have read that coco fiber should not let dry out too much. And for fertilizer, every watering or alternate?
Thank you very much.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
OK, wet/dry cycle is like in soil? Because I have read that coco fiber should not let dry out too much. And for fertilizer, every watering or alternate?
Thank you very much.

Yes only not too dry

When they're that small it's easy to get the coco too damp in that size pot, as soon as roots are poking out all around the bottom then gently water to run off, but make sure it can drain away and not sit in a puddle

Feed them every time


I watered on Saturday, but the pots are still wet. From Thursday that I transplanted in 6 Lt pots, the plants have stopped the growth, just the stems are slightly larger. I don't know what I can do :(


The best you can do is to wait.
I'm waiting and I'm hoping.

on point,

also keep in mind some phenos are light feeders, other heavy. so you gotta go by weight of the container sometimes.

imagine a root system, even when bangin nicely, has smaller diameter, a weaker root, while others root sizes are built for the ride
In this days unfortunately the pots are always heavy weight because the plants are small, I'm still waiting for the light pots. As soon as I attach some images of the little girls.
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Hi guys, thanks for your answers! I attach some pics of the little girls, maybe can help for my problems.
Look into the Blumat Digital it will give you a digital readout on how much moisture is in the medium. And the Blumat Maxi's along with that is a great combo! The blumat maxi is a drip system where the plant will feed itself, and shut off when its moist enough. Easy bro! You definitely want to do the wet/dry cycles in earily veg.


Look into the Blumat Digital it will give you a digital readout on how much moisture is in the medium. And the Blumat Maxi's along with that is a great combo! The blumat maxi is a drip system where the plant will feed itself, and shut off when its moist enough. Easy bro! You definitely want to do the wet/dry cycles in earily veg.
Seems a good instrument, but is really good o is a kind of toy? Then, when can I watering? When the instrument indicates 40% or 50% or 60%? Thanks for the advice!


Well-known member
I'm day 20 of flower in 2gal pots with 50/50 Coco/perlite and my roots are incredibly bound. My nutes pool on the surface of my medium for a few minutes before getting absorbed. I understand that this is the point, but I just want to make sure that it isn't excessive.

Should I go up to 3gal pots next time? I literally cannot indent the sides of my pots they're so full.
Carlo87 I look at the plant and see when it looks the healthiest. You can dial the Blumat maxi to whatever moisture level you want. I keep mine around 100millibars. Kinda depends on how coarse or fine your medium is though. If 30 millibars is completely saturated and 200 is bone dry 100 is my sweet spot. They work great! And easier to setup than what you would think.