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A Complete Guide to Topping, Training and Pruning


blessed plants

blessed plants

thank you kodiak once again,and will try on my first thread too, to biling it the comments into this my first super grow.they twice biggest since end of vegetative life,and never had believe it possible...!
But my friend the highly blessed moment is every morning awakening by the side of this wonder of nature and present their grow and transformation day by day...

:ying::plant grow::tree:
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disclaim for my pictures weak quality...

disclaim for my pictures weak quality...

some of my pictures are of a less good pixel efficiency because of the limited performance of my mobil camara,express music 5100 nokia,sorry for that ...:comfort:


Hey kodiak, Thought i would update you on my plants, well I tried a little experiment harder pruning v's popcorn bud, I selected the branches that i thought wouldn't turn into much and removed them over a period of 2 weeks. I have since learnt that the strains I'm using doesn't like to be pruned that hard. As you can see from the picture the hard pruned plants in the back have nothing on the 2 plants at the front that were very lightly pruned in comparison. My theory was that the plants that had the harder training would produce much more denser buds, however it's looking like they will be second in comparison to the "wild" plant.

These plants are only at week 5 flower so they still have a long way to go as they usually finish around 9-10 week mark.

I think i'm getting much closer to dialing in this strain. It's taken alot of experimenting but with every grow im getting better.

I also crossed this strain with a nivarna ww male that I collected pollen from, have the seedlings growing at the moment, looking very chunky and indica dominent, think with the WW genetics this strain could be a real winner! just gotta sex the plants and hope I get some females!



Mad Scientist
Very cool plants dobo, that's some serious bud alright.

Yeah, sometimes less is more. The plants in front are clearly more productive.

Looks like you've got a winner there. Great stuff.


Thanks guys, I'm really looking forward to seeing how these turn out, ill keep you posted! was hoping to get in the 15 oz mark but that isn't gonna happen with the back 2 might hit 10-12.


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
Thanks for the guide. Is this available in a printable format at all? I can't see to get the pics to copy to word.

Thanks again!


Mad Scientist
Glad you liked it.

You should be able to copy-paste the whole thing into word, including the pictures. Worked for me. Some of the pictures will need resizing though as they are too large for the page. It's an easy fix. It might take a while for word to retrieve the pics from the server, so you should give it some time.

If you still can't get it to work, you might have to check your firewall settings in order to make sure that word is allowed internet access. Plain text is copied to the windows clipboard but pictures need to be downloaded into the software that you are using from the ICMag server.

Just in case someone was wondering, you need to paint the text with the cursor in order to mark the beginning and the end of the guide. If you use the "Ctrl + a" function, you will get everything that can be seen on the page (frames, boxes, replies etc.) and the text will not come out clean when you paste it into word.


Active member


Didn't know i could clone flowering plants. Your post opened up my eyes to a whole new ball game.:bow::bow:You are the man Kodiak.:bow::smokeit:


grow greetings!

grow greetings!

:ying:hello my friend!
just pop to envite you and all your thread followers to pass by my last images of my Black Jacks about to start the 9th week of flowering...
also let you know that will need to review this thread for my new 1 month old grow SLH that are on 12/12 from 2nd week for no light interference with flowering cabinet.
had to top the cola of the monster one but nothing lost,will be for taste...:kos:
weight 11g. my first cola of ever,now because did get burned one day last week when let my fan on with window closed...:ying:karma doesn't forgot ...
anyway all the rest of the ladies going well and the babies too
my last addictions are canna 13/14 and super vit da hesi.
have a continuation of great grows kodiak buddy
and :thank you: against for let me in my grow:ying:
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ICE Cream eater
Guys what string is best for LST ?
I`m gonna tie up my plants again in a few days and I`m thinking to use this:

Its some woolen string and I think I should be good for my purposes.
What do you think.


off to a good start

off to a good start

gOvnaa i am in uk,and bough a proper green tie bio-degraded for plants at garden store...maybe worth a try?...

kodiak ,yesterday did read your feddback on my mobil phone Opera about my lights,however had no time to keep online and give you some reply,and thought in do it so today.Other than I.C. i am at 420uk as GROWERVA and have there my lights and nutrients in my grow profile that is there represented ,but just the galery,as ain't started any thread in there,however gat the advantage of keeping all the grow photos ...and lately been more here.
You may had get mistaken because i did used a blue together with a red of 125w till around 4th week of flowering ,but took off the blue for the SLH seedlings and let just the red from then on,and weeks after added more 2 23w equally 100w each.
as you can see in after a foliar feed at 21 days the red spectrum is there,the other lamp is poted above on the grow cabinet.
ye kadiak for first grow just let it burn a bit in the end for lacking a bit care in the temp. when added the 2 23w reds to the existent 125w.
think and just almost the end of this grow,that are 2 Black Jacks and 2 special kush #1!:ying:
that about prolong flowering could give a nice thread ...
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Mad Scientist
Woolen string will do g0vnaa. No matter what you use, the most important thing to remember is that you have to leave some room for growth.

Yeah, I removed what I said about the lights because I suspected that I might have been wrong. Growing great weed under cfl's is more difficult than using a MH/HPS setup but they will do a decent job as long as you keep them close enough to the plants. The fun thing about cfl's is that you can use them in ridiculously small setups without burning the plants. At least the smaller ones, which are perfect for stealth cabs. The bigger cfl's come closer to the HPS.


ICE Cream eater
Thanks Kodiak {;
I never tighten the knot (;

1 more questing.
When should I stop with LST-ing ?
I live in the 42-43 north lat.
I`m thinking to tie them 2-3 more times, there are about 3 weeks left of the month and stop then.
And just let them go where they want to :p

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