I am starting to think that much of the opposition to 19 is a generational thing. For all of the people that came of age in the last 20 years or so, instant gratification is the norm. They have been trained that there is no need to do things incrementally. When credit was loose, they could have the fancy cars, big trucks, and nice houses without earning them. Need to do some research? Jump on the internet. Libraries are way too time consuming. Need to call someone? Cell phone. Try and find a pay phone now. Unfortunately, the credit lifestyle has come to a screetching halt, and there are still things (legislation, for instance) that take place very slowly. A change of this magnitude is not going to happen in a single piece of legislation. It has been damn near 40 years since the last time it went to the polls, and you guys want to hold out for the perfect, all-encompassing answer? Pretty naïve.