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90% of people don't care about the work they do.


if it smells like fish


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ICMag Donor
FailFish. The average entitlement for gov't assistance is $1200 a month. Take your bullshit elsewhere please.

I got three friends collecting disability ssdi and working for cash,getting food stamps free medical,free college for their kids...It's all a game...free car insurance,cheap rentals...Don't ever say it's bullshit....


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
dipshit #1 did 10 years for manslaughter,only has 2 yrs of legit tax payments,shot H and killed his liver,gets 1200 ssdi + 400 foodstamps + clears 3000 cash /mo in const,has his kid in special ed for add then sells rit


Active member
FailFish. The average entitlement for gov't assistance is $1200 a month. Take your bullshit elsewhere please.

Govt assist + working under the table + dealing drugs = nice cars, nice stuff, good living

People find ways to supplement their welfare check

I dont have any anger or frustration against these people because i dont really see them much, i know they exist though, people on welfare taking trips to florida, they did a show on them not too long ago. (It was a canadian show)

If you get caught supplementing (more than a couple hundred, around 200$) you gotta pay back every cent back, cant run away from govt debts.


3rd-Eye Jedi
various states have been enacting drug tests for welfare recipients and the amount of people testing positive is negligible.

Poverty is not a sham or a scam, nor is disability.

And so what a person fucks up their own life, if we don't support them what then?

Take a look at countries with that model, which ones you would want to live in, and get back to me.

People on govt assistance see it as their best opportunity regardless, they are truly sick no matter how you slice it, letting them drag society harder by giving them nothing would cost more.

Could we do more to educate and help people help themselves? fuck yeah. Maybe if this country put as much effort in in country humanitarian efforts as we do to the military (lol Halliburton), homeland security (nsa and we pay for it lol) and corporate expansionism (apple a non human entity has more wealth than some countries. Nice to see a non entity seep in wealth while there are parts of the world that go hungry)

But we let them rob the hen house cause we were busy enjoying ourselves too much to care and now we sit and bitch as the efforts of our founding fathers fall corrupted.


3rd-Eye Jedi
ironic we would begrudge the needy when the pains of this world are perpetuated by the greed of those who hold it all.


Well-known member
I got three friends collecting disability ssdi and working for cash,getting food stamps free medical,free college for their kids...It's all a game...free car insurance,cheap rentals...Don't ever say it's bullshit....

I think the point is $1200 is rather hard to live on so of course u supplement your income.

Cheap car rentals? OMG Librul apocalypse incoming. I'm not going to get pissed about trash scheming for pennies when the <insert rich people group here> illuminati rule with world, all the cash, etc.

Your friends petty dealings are chump change. Free college for their kids? Damn thats f'd up i had to pay for mine. I hate your friends yo. My position is evolving.

edit: $1200 is the average. AVERAGE. It is a math concept. Not all poor people are crack smoking, dope peddling scamming pieces of shit like your friends are. Not judging



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
free housing,free food,free medical,free car insurance,free daycare,free college,free cell phones,you need to gross $60,590 here in Hawaii to equal welfare(yes I'm jelly)

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