how many hours do you think you sit there smoking - staring at your babes?
Those girls in 400's look huge, that GSC xMD is bushing out nice! It will be cool to see the difference at the end of the season for a 400 vs a 800. Do you have the same crosses in each so you can compare? I think you wrote a strain list for the 800's but i forget
Do you buy zip ties or just go with a medi And 25 plants ?
Sucks to be you with all the trimming work you will have this fall. Do you have any other farms testing your crosses you made? I remember you made quite a few. Would like to hear your thoughts on your favorites so far looks like Mendo Dream x's are front runners!
ok, i'll bite and show my ignorance and raise my hand nicely instead of just shouting out whats on my mind.
what are you all talking about wrt zip ties? you gotta b talking about something more than zip ties. 'caus I got a shat load I can send you... lol