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8 plants per house, legal in Uruguay, as of April 26th


Well-known member
they pay me+ shipping. It gets sent to customs where the purchaser must sign and pay duties. I don't know what they cost. it is not easy to do.

Hey Stoned Warrior! NO! IT's NOT A JOKE! I'm not dissagreeing that organics don't work or help certain styles of growing. I prefer a dead res anyday as long as my plants are receiving all 16 essential minerals.

while I use humics to chelate my food, I'm also for certain organics in my hydro. molasses, plant extracts, chitosan, kelp, have there place in hydro, where I'm not a fan of microbial innoculants, beneficial funghi, or microherds, heavy metals like cadmium or nickle, etc.
The truth however is posted in my sig. It is scientifically proven. I will leave it at that. :tiphat:


We are Farmers
Wow Uruguay sounds pretty awesome, from Wiki

Uruguay was the first South American country to legalize same-sex and different-sex civil unions at a national level, and to allow gay adoption. Uruguay was the only country in the Americas which did not go into recession (2 consecutive quarters of retraction) as a result of the Late-2000s financial crisis. Uruguay is reimbursed by the UN for the majority of its military spending, because the majority of its military is deployed as UN Peacekeepers. In 2009, Uruguay became the first nation in the world to provide every child with a free laptop and wireless internet. Uruguay was the first nation in the Americas to test hemp cultivation, to legalize the growing of small amounts of cannabis for home consumption (as of April 26th, 2011) and the possession or consumption in public.
so does this mean we have our own "Holland" here in the west? a place we could have breeders work unrestricted? and coffee shops..... hummm damn time to move, Uruguay here i come (as soon as can figure everything out, 5 yrs maybe)


Er that'd be the part where they have introduced a model which has not only failed elsewhere but has failed on more than one ocassion (UK and Australia x 2). Which part here are you having a problem understanding? I think I get the difference between South America and South Australia ---- i.e. 2 seperate continents. Only prob is that we have the same poxy half arsed scheme that has failed elsewhere and that's what I'm pointing to. Oh and as for hydro stores that'd be that it was largely the hydro industry and their antics which destroyed the SA (that'd be South Australian) CEN scheme ----- the very same model Uruguay has now introduced over 20 years on.

The real question you should ask yourself is if you believe the people of Uruguay are going to take this same route. Various levels of decriminalization have passed and failed in various ways. Aussies are fun people but I'm not surprised that a lot of em pushed the limit in a headstrong way. Who said Uruguay would allow that brazen behavior to such a limit where it would HAVE to lead to a repeal?

I guess its relevant, but the cultures are way too different to make such an assumption.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Mullray, pointing to Britains re-classification scam is not a good example. It was all a scam to begin with-cannabis was made class c-but the the class c penalties were upgraded to what the class b penalties had been-other than giving the option to the pigs to just take ur ganj off you if you only have a little bit in the street. Cannabis was never de-criminalised--it was all just a scam to shut down the huge legalisation movement we had. Growers went to jail just as before.
Made no difference to me--they can make special super A class if they like
Fuck em
Good on Uruguay...

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