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60/60 Forced Flowering Approach


Active member
R.I.P. Silverback.

this year, i will be doing 2 sites with this method. 1 site will use silverbacks method of packing out pots, and the other will use soil beds. :brow: I am also going to veg for 2 weeks, and flower for 3 weeks before moving outside...

you check the daylight hours of your location here. http://www.sunrisesunset.com/usa/ you can determine when it is 14.5 hours of daylight, and around that date is the ideal time to move the plants outside for good. . for me, i will be transplanting my clones outside in early august here at 48N. :eek:ld:

i will most def keep you guys updated with pics when I get started. :joint:


Most def. will post pics myself on this set up.
Mine will be going out July 1st and should be ready around August 14th. Nothing like buds that ripen under the early summer sun instead of the late summer one. Drop em in prepared spots and forget em till it's time to chop. No mess, no fuss.
How's everyone coming along? I just filled up my 88 site aero cloner ;) Hoping to be rooted in 10 days, veg for a week, and put them out early august, will be just a little under 14.5 for me :)


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Forced Flowered Green Poison

Forced Flowered Green Poison

After reading this thread last year i forgot all about it.
But the "seed" was growing and this year i have decided to give it a go.
On a last moment line-up change on my BudBox grow i´ve decided to give away my GP and start some hazes :)
Here they are before i give them to a friend.

But because they were looking so good and i had the forced flowering thing to try i kept one.

I gave her a 11lts pot with plant magic soil with some amendments and started to give her 12hrs of UK Sun light per day. I got a small greenhouse that i use on rainy days like today

She´s now entering the 2nd month and in my opinion looks good



I have been feeding her every other day with Ferro nutes designed for hard waters.
If things keep going this way i will end up with some good quality weed at a very cheap price at mid August:jump:
Thank´s again Silverback. A man can depart but the work lives on!:thank you:

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz

Nice plan. I've got 2 Sam the Skunkman haze crosses just started. Love the small greenhouse, that's what I'd need to finish them here.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Looking good paulo. Hey guys. I was gifted a Jherrer cutting about 2 weeks ago and i put it under 12/12. Its just starting to show a few flowers. This weekend, she hits the great outdoors. Its 12 weeks to finish so i should get her mid oct.

good luck


its not a bad idea, but when u think about growing a plant for a month, then rooting clones, then flowering them, then taking them outside to transfer, then going back to check on them once in a while, that u might as well just grow a few big girls and let it be, or just grow a bunch of autos under floros, assumeing youve already bread there seeds and have a bunch, at day 20 kill the males and take them(females) out as u would theese clones.. it seems risky to me to have to go to so many locations to burry a bucket as u say and then return and plant a seed. is finding a spot to grow a few semi monsters that hard? also why not just veg a plant for a few weeks and then flower it, why the need to grow for a month, then clone, then 12/12... what id really like to see is an accurate start date to all strains flowering outside at the seedbanks, such as, this N.L at 45' starts to flower generally on august 15th , at 30' july 30th etc.., i think it would really come in handy for us outdoor folks.

i dont like the idea of going all over the place outside in public to tend plants, and if your in the sticks u mite as well just low stress train and prune and grow yoruself a big ol bush and be done with it.-



Active member
i gave it a try in my yard to test it out this year... next year i will do a giant high tunnel :cool:

these strains usually dont finish till late oct, but will be done early sept here at 48 N and coastal :dance013:


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Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Thank you Silverback

Thank you Silverback

Shots from my 1st forced flowering experiment with a Green Poison from Sweet Seeds
A few days before harvest



Harvest day



Happy man at work:ying:

The final result after 2weeks of cure is an amazing outdoor herb that creeps on you slowly but surely knocks you off to a blazing and staring high :dance013:


R.I.P brother,,,, ICMAG missing you greatly..... I wonder if I will survive until the end of the season.......Silverback Peace : ))


Active member

here a morning oil/wax session a few days before harvest....

this stuff is almost dry. i forced flowerd for 3 weeks starting mid july and then let em do there thing.


i put a clone outdoors last year.. and well just to say.. it didnt flower "instantly" (it was from a mature plant too so).. it took about a month or so.. nor to think that would cause a lil bit of stress on the plant to put clones that were flowerin on 12/12 indoors to an outdoor enviorment. but well thats my input.. not tryin to diss your idea or whatev.. just some things to think about.. good luck to ya with it =].

thats y he force flowers indoor for a week first..


Active member
AND not to mention why they are put out in July depending on latitude .... If ya put a flowering plant out in May or June it will begin reveg ... Then start flowering in July .....

Get crowns going 1-2wks ... Then place out in mid July and it's meant to give you a jump start(harvest a week sooner) and flower under the power of the sun

If you do this properly it will work .... Just gotta follow the steps ... 1 at a time


New member
what about putting an indoor plant six weeks into flowering, outside to finish up in june or july? Do you all think that if a plant is more than half way into flowering that maybe it wont revegg if put outside in early summer?


I'm trying this technique this year. I've read all the posts and didn't see how big do the clones have to be to be put straight into flower and reach 2 oz.


What about if you put a clone that was on 24/0 indoor, outdoors in say 20 july, on 43 lattitude? Just rooted, veg for a week and without flowering 2 weeks indoor? I know that clone will start to flower, but will it reveg?

2 Legal Co

Active member
I'm trying this technique this year. I've read all the posts and didn't see how big do the clones have to be to be put straight into flower and reach 2 oz.

I did some 4-5" cuts, rooted them (trim from lolly popping)... and as soon as they showed growth, flipped them to 12/12. They didn't stretch more than double and produced less than I'd hoped.

On inspection of the 'root ball', I discovered that they hadn't even filled the pot. Only got maaaybe a quarter of an oz per. Not much but I did get some seeds, which was what I was really after from them.

Your mileage may vary of course. enjoy.


2 Legal, maybe it is your genetics 'guilty' for low yield. Some plants stretch up to 3 times when put on flowering... Maybe i am wrong... What is other people experiences? This is that time of the year... I will doing force flower, and document here... My strains is clones from ww and blue mistic from rqs. We will see, but what about my question? Do anybody know answer? Will it reveg when i flower clones in transition from 24/0 to 15 outdoors? That will trigger flowering and i hope that they continue flowering because, for 2 weeks light will be 14:30, and that will be sufficient for continuos flowering... Anybody have SOME opinion?

2 Legal Co

Active member
2 Legal, maybe it is your genetics 'guilty' for low yield. Some plants stretch up to 3 times when put on flowering... Maybe i am wrong... What is other people experiences? This is that time of the year... I will doing force flower, and document here... My strains is clones from ww and blue mistic from rqs. We will see, but what about my question? Do anybody know answer? Will it reveg when i flower clones in transition from 24/0 to 15 outdoors? That will trigger flowering and i hope that they continue flowering because, for 2 weeks light will be 14:30, and that will be sufficient for continuos flowering... Anybody have SOME opinion?

No, it was my fault. I was in a hurry to 'finish' that run, and didn't let the clones have time to grow a good root system before flipping them.

The two moms made almost a pound under 2'x4' T5s @ 432 watts. So I'll just have to say it was my bad. :woohoo:

As to the ReVeg Q; No firm, long term data from me, anyway.... a friend did put a couple of strains back into veg, after sexing them.... wasn't ready to bloom them/didn't have the room or lights to let them get big. It did however 'set them back' a couple of weeks which he needed and you don't. Think he wnet to 22/2 on the reveg...

I'm currently running a 'dense shade' curtain in my mini GH to get the girls to bloom. I'm pulling canvas closed at 18:00 and opening it after dark @ 21:30 ish. Doing the 'open' to make sure they get good air exchange, cause I went into the house just before sunrise and it was 'wet' inside RO was about 80% inside and about 15% outside. That caused me to pay attention. This is my 1st run in the GH, so I'm still learning, but so far it's all good. Down to 2 females in the shed, had 2 males..... one too many. However with the limited space 2 is fine. I'm trying to be 'finished' with this run by Labor Day, is why I'm trying to mess with the 'big bulb in the sky'. Sure wish the shed was bigger.