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6 Mixed ACE fems - DeeDubya's Winter Grow



, sh*t I'm gonna start checking my female cat for balls

You killed me with that one bro :laughing:

Ladies lookin friggin nice,Syd is a little quirky(figures :biggrin: ).But I believe that could be harvestable in a month.

Have you found that the "2 days in the dark " thing makes a difference?

He,just had a flashback of something you wrote in the Panama thread and never asked you,about Rhodes...:tiphat:


Well-known member
You killed me with that one bro :laughing:

Ladies lookin friggin nice,Syd is a little quirky(figures :biggrin: ).But I believe that could be harvestable in a month.

Have you found that the "2 days in the dark " thing makes a difference?

He,just had a flashback of something you wrote in the Panama thread and never asked you,about Rhodes...

Ooo, a month! Can't wait to taste the Haze x KC. Chunkier than the pHazes with their classic sativa look. Just noticed I split PH2's stem in half, heh, she didn't give any indication.

I don't think Syd woulda been such a weirdo if I had uppotted her, kept her deficiency free. AS it is, I just gave her some CalMag and big bud (0-4-4) to take her home. It's either P or K deficiency that shows up like Cal def, so I thought I'd cover those bases. Oddly, can't remember which;)

The two days in the dark in this case was just to eke out a little more finishing time for the babe outside of the tent. I do smell terps rise during dark period, so better to harvest when they're uber stinky, I think, otherwise, it's not my usual practice. If I had a choice, I'd throw them outside for a week or two to finish a la Holeshot, just way too cold ATM.

Room notes:
I went to WalMart yesterday and bought a few more Eclipse blackout panels to double the ones I have up. Room is pitch black now with the lone exception of my heater pilot light that's getting covered today, could almost run without the tent and break out a few more lights;)
Thought I might set up the 3x3 for one of the fem A5 x Malawi beans alongside the Malawi x PCK and OE run I have up next in the 5x5. Could run the Amare and the Nextlight for 1100 total watts. Very doable as no elec cooling or heating in summer besides fans and ducts.
Anyhoo, dreams abound, as does bud;)

Syd, PM me about Rhodes and I'll fill youse in, deedubya


Well-known member
Hey, fellas, word update-day 73 since flip or so.

Mid week 11 the malawi x PCK and Haze x KC1 will start flush for at least a couple of weeks. Still many new pistils and foxtails, but the M x PCK is very dark and'll need a good fade. Haze x KC 1 never really recovered after repot, will definitely win the ugliest plant award for the grow, but buds look scrumptious nonetheless. She'll hopefully go the month, like Syd.
PanHAzes are sexually firm, glad to report, and putting out many a foxtail up top, while low buds are "finishing". They just got an .8 EC feeding of super light Big Bloom.

I've had the pleasure of making both ZAmaldelica and Orient Express' acquaintance after their short time in jars (OE since this morning).
ZAmaldelica's buds are denser, surprisingly, and it takes me over an hour to get through a joint, which is really saying something. It's got a great, dank marijuana smell while burning and is already strong, but with that uncured bud intensity and stickiness of stone that I don't like. I will leave this a while to cure so its qualities can come through without the yucky part.
OE had a lot of male flowers close to the stalk when I cut them off, so I'm glad she was culled. ZAmaldelica's buds now fill a good jar and a half, so around 3 zips, while OE's buds fill almost 3 jars, with fluffier but potent buds. I'd say around 4 zips weightwise, huge amount volumewise;) I'm testing some buds I left out last night to fully dry and after not too much sleep and a little cold she was uncomfortably twitchy for a good 1/2 hour, while I could tell my eyes were super red and I was pretty stoned. This is another joint that takes a while to get through, I've got about a third left after starting it 1.5 hours ago or earlier even.
VERY nice tastes and smell in the OE jars of sweet cream and fruit, very mango or peach or something, also some forest smells... it's a nice change from ZAm x KC, but I'm glad I still have a good bit of that left. The three month cured buds are awesomely smooth and positive, anytime smoke;) That'll permit me to let these sit another month or two.
I'm gonna pass out a couple of OE buds and get some other opinions. I might have a little fever going at the moment, might not be able to tell so well what's up. Anyway, pics in a few days.


Well-known member
OE terps sound very nice, I think you are very lucky to find that representation in the gene pool. I experienced very forest and funk in my terps, and a lot of other people report the same. So I think you're lucky!! Despite the ball sacks, I'd keep her around because she has such good effect, and with such decent/good terp profile that might be a winner. Maybe it was environmental factors that stressed her? I hope so, because you might be able to control it in coming grows:chin:;)

OE was one of the things I grew from ace that people hated to look at in the jar, but very impressed with the smoke. Such a solid line.



Well-known member
OE terps sound very nice, I think you are very lucky to find that representation in the gene pool. I experienced very forest and funk in my terps, and a lot of other people report the same. So I think you're lucky!! Despite the ball sacks, I'd keep her around because she has such good effect, and with such decent/good terp profile that might be a winner. Maybe it was environmental factors that stressed her? I hope so, because you might be able to control it in coming grows:chin:;)

OE was one of the things I grew from ace that people hated to look at in the jar, but very impressed with the smoke. Such a solid line.


Hey, NC and Oldyounggrower:tiphat: (OYG, you wanna see some ridonculous ZAm buds, check out the zamaldelica thread. Some beauts on there recently!)

NC, definitely environmental, without a doubt. When more than one strain herms who don't usually, it's gotta be me. I think it was a red power strip light that I covered only midway through flower. OR there was still a glow in the room at sunup and sundown. Fixed all that, but probably too late. OR it was the couple of days of timer screwup mid flower:moon: All dumbass stuff.
I guess I am lucky to have a fruity OE pheno the way you describe others. Also possible that she would have evolved over a couple more weeks of life. At any rate, it will be good smoke, I can tell.

Very hopeful about the Haze x KCs and Malawi x PCK as to new exciting smoke experiences. I'll get excited about Panama Haze later when she looks a little more done;)


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi deepwaterdude,

Wish you are feeling better, nasty winter flus :needcoffee: hehhehee

Glad you already harvested your Orient Express and Zamaldelica, a pitty you saw some bananas .... the Zamaldelica was looking stellar, super resinous pheno, and very early flowering. Should be very nice smoke even when harvested early with 9 weeks of flowering.

The haze hybrids are looking delicious! The Panama colas are amazing and still gaining a lot of weight :yes:

Old Toker

Well-known member
.... the Zamaldelica was looking stellar, super resinous pheno, and very early flowering. Should be very nice smoke even when harvested early with 9 weeks of flowering.

The haze hybrids are looking delicious! The Panama colas are amazing and still gaining a lot of weight :yes:
Considering the source....high praise indeed. Well deserved. :tiphat:


Well-known member
Hi deepwaterdude,

Wish you are feeling better, nasty winter flus :needcoffee: hehhehee

Glad you already harvested your Orient Express and Zamaldelica, a pitty you saw some bananas .... the Zamaldelica was looking stellar, super resinous pheno, and very early flowering. Should be very nice smoke even when harvested early with 9 weeks of flowering.

The haze hybrids are looking delicious! The Panama colas are amazing and still gaining a lot of weight

Considering the source....high praise indeed. Well deserved. :tiphat:

Hey Sirs dubi and OT:tiphat:, the Zamaldelica is excellent even though it's still very green, trying some now, mixed with the Zam x Kali China I know so well. It actually reminds me in smell and effect of Amnesia Haze at the moment. Buds are very nice bag appeal wise, not rocks, but nice, dense pyramid buds, very potent with spicy pot smell when burned;) Glad I've got another bean.
OE I tried this morning to get at her with a clean palate. Very nice fruit, but not for a tired morning like I had, probably better, for me, closer to evening, IF I want to relax with a nice buzz. It's not at all heavy, just maybe not as mentally zippy as I'm used to, more of a deep floater; suppose the Vietnam Black as opposed to the Zam influence I'm used to. Both plants were cut short, but they both feel right and'll only get better.
The Panama Hazes are not huge, but they're looking and smelling good and soldiering on way into the future. I manhandled a couple of lower buds on both and despite their slightly different appearance and schedule, they smell almost identically of lemon panama pot. Less earth than before on PH2, and less sweet than pure lemon sugar soda Panama on PH1. Really like twins, one big calyxed, the other not. The trichomes felt like a wet slick on both, very nice layer!

As for the Haze x KCs, Syd is getting monstrous and dark while her sister stays wispy and vinelike, with the allure of a sexy junky, and still full of white pistils at 11 weeks. I gave Syd a feeding of Micronutes and very light organic PK and he's going for a good while yet. The Kali China adds a bigness to the haze buds that means there'll be quite a good load of thick foxtailed chunkballs of Purple Haze at the end.

I also took a closer look at trichs on Malawi PCK and she's still got a couple weeks and a new round of foxtails tempting me to feed her once more. This is a beautiful plant, right up there with the Zam x Kali China for aesthetic gazing.

Pics of all this tomorrow AM at the official start of week twelve:dance013:


Well-known member
11 weeks done - pic update by plant - Panama Haze 1

11 weeks done - pic update by plant - Panama Haze 1

Day 1 of week 12 today and things are looking good enough for me, especially with the aid of the camera. Really helps with perspective.

Here's Panama Haze number 1. Greener, smaller calyxed and longer running than her sister, less demanding nutewise, maybe less rootbound. Here she is.


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Well-known member
11 weeks - Panama Haze 2 - the easy sister;)

11 weeks - Panama Haze 2 - the easy sister;)

Panama Haze 2 - voracious sister of the aforeseen dainty number 1. She's obviously chunkier and a tad quicker maybe than sis. May have haphasardly chosen correct pot size to limit these hazes to reasonable size and earlyish finish. Who knows?;o) Happy with her. Can't wait to roll up an entire lower branch in a spliff.


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Well-known member
Malawi PCK at 11 weeks-absolute trich porn

Malawi PCK at 11 weeks-absolute trich porn

:rtfo:This girl has all my attention. Very aggressive trichs, formwise, long like spears. Anyone else think one more light feeding? She's willing to fade pretty quick. I think she could fatten a bit, maybe will on her own, but I didn't write her code, so we'll just see.
Finally got some closeups worthy of yer apple pies:tiphat:


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    6 Malawi PCK full monty - new foxtails 11 weeks.jpg
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Old Toker

Well-known member
Photo #3: brother you've got a jungle growing in there. :tiphat:
Have you ever harvested just part of a plant and left a cola or two to mature? I wonder whether they would actually mature, or whether the plant would die or become stunted.

Edit: Just saw your second group of pics. Amazing!


Well-known member
Lastly-Haze x Kali Chinas at 11 weeks

Lastly-Haze x Kali Chinas at 11 weeks

Good bit to go for both I reckon. I think I did well naming Syd after our bro Syd. Good yielder in spite of all his other defects;) Obviously joking; this babe looks killer and you'll finally be able to see what I'm crowing about.
Haze x KC 1 looks like someone yelled at her too often during early childhood but nonetheless has got those great genes to produce chunky haze buds all up and down her wispy, downtrodden spires.

So FINALLY approaching maturing season for these girls. I'd say they're down within 5-6 weeks by week 16-17, with the Haze x KCs end March preceded by the Malawi down in 2 weeks. Any bets?

Thanks for taking a gander:tiphat:, let the ending begin!


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Well-known member
Photo #3: brother you've got a jungle growing in there. :tiphat:
Have you ever harvested just part of a plant and left a cola or two to mature? I wonder whether they would actually mature, or whether the plant would die or become stunted.

Edit: Just saw your second group of pics. Amazing!

Afternoon, Old Timer:tiphat:

Yep, I think 5 plants would have been good starting size;) Tis a manageable jungle now, with a couple of plants down.

I've never done much staggered harvesting, a bit outdoors for convenience or laziness' sake:biggrin:.
What's interesting is that the lowers on the Hazes are maturing firstish while uppers continue to produce. So I might be tempted to go in the opposite direction, depending on plant. The Malawi PCK has many more white hairs in her shadowy places (jesus) than it'd seem. She might be a candidate, though I'll probably take them as whole plants.
How's yer stash?

Old Toker

Well-known member
How's yer stash?
Still have about 20 years worth...but I'm feeling the need to grow anyway. Your photos are pulling me back over to the dark side.

Really just want to grow a couple of single cola plants. No bending, LST, or tying down. Just veg to 12" and let them grow straight up. I know that's not the most productive method....but I'd like to try it. 600w of LEDs, Blumats and coco....keep it simple and cool. Easy to work around and easy (hopefully) to trim after harvest. Hold off harvesting them until even Dubi would agree they're ready.....I mean seriously amber color. If the effects are more indica.....who cares... I have 20 years worth of sativas in jars.

Keep posting the bud porn DWD! As usual...your plants are doing great. :tiphat:


Well-known member
Lovely array of images all four of them...leaves and pistils a vague sign of imminent harvest...
However, prognosis is hard to make just looking at photos...
I, personnally, aspire to discarding pocket microscope determining harvest and use me mary rose and apple pies instead... ;) this aspiration has settled down in my lump after mandatorily harvesting my PxM in three phases them being beginning, mid and end October...all had clear to cloudy trichs with the last batch bearing some ambers here and there...after numerous tests the mid-October one wins the game hands down in terms of smell, potency and duration with the only downside being a bitterness on the tongue, which is not present in the last batch...which in turn is more relaxed and dreamy...



Well-known member
DWD! You've got some seriously lovely looking flower my friend. They're all gorgeous, but man oh man... that Malawi PCK is what I'll be thinking about before I fall asleep! Excellent work man; I cant wait to see the end result and (hopefully) read the smoke reports.


Well-known member
Still have about 20 years worth...but I'm feeling the need to grow anyway. Your photos are pulling me back over to the dark side.

Really just want to grow a couple of single cola plants. No bending, LST, or tying down. Just veg to 12" and let them grow straight up. I know that's not the most productive method....but I'd like to try it. 600w of LEDs, Blumats and coco....keep it simple and cool. Easy to work around and easy (hopefully) to trim after harvest. Hold off harvesting them until even Dubi would agree they're ready.....I mean seriously amber color. If the effects are more indica.....who cares... I have 20 years worth of sativas in jars.

Keep posting the bud porn DWD! As usual...your plants are doing great.

Aye, the urge just to see some new babes pop and evolve is always very strong, some kind of pleasurable madness. 20 years of sativa! Good idea to throw in some stoners;0) Hey, and of course, if you desire, I can stop over for a weekend and help get that down to 10-12 years:biggrin:

I'd choose some relatively fast, good looking plants just for fun; Malawi PCK and Violeta, maybe Peyote purple or Mangobiche kush from CBG, ZAmaldelica x Kali China never fails to impress on all levels and hell a Panama fem could stay nice and fat and drive you nuts with lemon desire;o) The bubba crosses also look super tempting from recent pics.

Be well, grand OT. Any snow?

Lovely array of images all four of them...leaves and pistils a vague sign of imminent harvest...
However, prognosis is hard to make just looking at photos...
I, personnally, aspire to discarding pocket microscope determining harvest and use me mary rose and apple pies instead... ;) this aspiration has settled down in my lump after mandatorily harvesting my PxM in three phases them being beginning, mid and end October...all had clear to cloudy trichs with the last batch bearing some ambers here and there...after numerous tests the mid-October one wins the game hands down in terms of smell, potency and duration with the only downside being a bitterness on the tongue, which is not present in the last batch...which in turn is more relaxed and dreamy...


Poet, how goes! I like the idea of the staggered harvest in the interest of science;) I think I've let a very few plants go completely to term in the last years, and man have I had some great smoke, sounding like that middle window.

Nobody, dispensaries included, cures buds around here more than getting them dry enough to smoke, so there's a bunch of indica/new THC zombies walking around just waiting for non-skunk enlightenment! Totally hypocritically I'm starting the day with some Zamaldelica taken down only a week and a half ago and it is PO-Tent and Tase-TEE. Seriously could be Amnesia HAze by taste, texture and effect, though less cloudy. Last time I tasted something like this was A-dam 2010 when I came across a cute budtendress in an out of the way place where a buncha dudes smoked nothing but Amnesia, and this is first time I've come into contact with the taste and smell since.

Panamalawi sounds pretty damn good. SO many seeds, so few seasons! be well, orf!

DWD! You've got some seriously lovely looking flower my friend. They're all gorgeous, but man oh man... that Malawi PCK is what I'll be thinking about before I fall asleep! Excellent work man; I cant wait to see the end result and (hopefully) read the smoke reports.

Thanks for the kind words, Kaz - I'm always amazed with beautiful/atypical plants and they do abound in the Ace catalogue;o) I may give her a small feed then let her coast a couple weeks to finish. I'm letting temps drop a bit to low 70s daytime and 50s-60s night, give 'em the message

I haven't forgotten the panama hazes, the ones whose reputation precedes them by a mile and who were the true impetus of this grow. All other strains were chosen as tasty accessories to their long finish. Now seeing the Malawi PCK, watching Syd produce his hugely fat buds and then tasting the Zamaldelica, there's a lot less pressure for the Panama Hazes to be the "best smoke ever"!

Exciting days! Best wishes to the Ace crew for Spannabis this week and to all aboard, deedubyadee


Well-known member
First look with lights off-huge change in perpective

First look with lights off-huge change in perpective

Yep, I haven't seen this girls but under the Nextlight until a day or two ago. Turns out they're doing better than I thought:biggrin: Nextlight has a big yellow tint to it, like HPS, so the eye is a tad tricked, as with blurple LED. Anyway, these pics give an idea of the stickiness of the situation, which I welcome heartily.

I'm happily surprised by both Panama Hazes' performance in 3 gallon soil with pH swings. At 11.5 weeks, they look like they've got a ways to go and are already big yielders.

Could really only get the Hazes this time, light didn't reach the back of the tent really. Have to get a flash;)

Everyone just got water with Azamax at .5oz per gal (some some larvae in runoff) plus epsom salts. Malawi x PCK got AN Overdrive 1-4-4 at 5ml gal, 2/3 strength. The flush is now on for the Haze x KCs and the Malawi PCK. PH2 lost a lot of fan leaves, healthily yellowed out, revealing those beautiful lower branches. Looks like she's got her own schedule and she's sticking to it;)

Happy daze to all, dwd


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