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4k coco vs UC


Active member
Looks awesome bud!!!!!:woohoo:

Going to drop my trellis on the girls tomorrow. Veg for 7 more days and then flip. I'll update my thread tomorrow with some pics. Girls are looking pretty good but would like you to look at something for me please :biggrin:


Well-known member
Thanks Jack
A matter of fact Im in for a half strength nute flush on Thursday. The run off is starting to climb. Im pretty sure this is as high as Im going to go

Thanks LED Ill be over


Well-known member
I decided to do the flush today. Checked run off and it was at 1500 ppm ouch. Thanks to drip clean the plants havent shown any signs of toxicity. I ran 35 gallons of 500 ppm thru the table and I only got it down to 1000 ppm runoff. So I filled the rez up with 500 ppm nutes and Im going to water them with that for 3 watering or until I get the runoff down.
Ill probably restart the ppms at 800 after that


Very nice, clean setup man! I'm amazed by watching how fast the coco plants took off, and then to see the UC side catch up and take over...wonder if thats a general trend or just you're specific set-up? Very interesting anyway, can't wait for the end result :)


Well-known member
Man Im really getting sick of H & G. Dam shit every time I pour it in the measuring cup I spill it on the floor. The 5l jugs suck dick. Im hoping the hydro store with give me the same price for 5 1 lt bottles or Im changing nutes next grow.
Probably gonna change to CS nutes anyhow got a shit ton


Do the H&G bottles also decide you need a second shower everytime you need to shake the damn things? They cant seem to design a lid, was enough to lose this customer!


Well-known member
Ya they splash all over the place. Good nutes tho but dam they have them fancy looking caps that dont work for shit


Active member
Lets see how your girls look!!! 8^) Gotta be exploding by now....

What temps you running now that your in flower?

Have u started using any of the other Aptus additives yet? Still feeding Aptus once a week? I'm gunna have to place my order for some Aptus nutes here pretty damn quick!! Thinking I will flip to flower in 3-4 days....

I definitely waited much too long to get the trellis on, easily could have cut a weeks worth of veg out if I had installed earlier. Oh well, life is busy and gets in the way sometimes!!!


Well-known member
I been following the Aptus schedule to a T since day 1. The only thing I dont use is the massboost.
My temps are 81-84 day temps

They are exploding looking great covered in trichs and stanky as hell.
Ill get an update tomorrow I dont look at them on the weekends its a weekly job only ahaha


Do you think if the UC had a top drip in veg they would grow fast like the coco from the beginning. Are they just blowing up because the roots hit the water?

I love the crazy growth from UC but it seems like such a headache to setup and keep dialed.


Well-known member
It takes about a week after transfer into the UC for the roots to take off, once that happens they grow like mad until you chop em

I think a top drip would really help speed it up but once the roots are going you dont need a top drip anymore.

Once you learn the system its pretty much auto pilot


Awesome man!!

Do you think if the UC had a top drip in veg they would grow fast like the coco from the beginning. Are they just blowing up because the roots hit the water?

I love the crazy growth from UC but it seems like such a headache to setup and keep dialed.

CC used to include a top drip with the system and they decided it wasn't worth it.

That said, I used to fill the buckets way up past the bottom of the pot when I first dropped them in the system to help get the roots started. Then I would just let it natural fall to *just* under the pot in veg, and a little lower in flower.


Well-known member
Day 27 bloom

Day 27 bloom

If ya never seen me grow this strain before watch out,c theres going to be some huge ass colas in the UC

LED I just use calimagic on massboost weeks plants dont mind



Active member
Wow. Your garden is looking crazy good right now!!! How far along are you?

I gotta place an order ASAP for some Aptus if I wanna flip to flower!!!!

Overall if you take everything into consideration which system do you think is more work? UC or coco? Which do you think will produce better?


Well-known member
The UC is really easy. All I do is a nute change out every Monday in bloom and top off with nutes and adjust PH every Friday. Very stable and easy to run but then again I been growing in one like 4yrs.
Coco is more work with the aptus and tea feeding weekly and filling the rez once a week but not much. If I didnt have to do any transplanting it would be really simple.

Cant tell you whats gonna yield more never did a full coco run before so what ever happens I know for fact I can get the coco better next round