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300 watt Hi-Intensity LED in Mini-Me F & D


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2 @ 10ft 1/4" coiled copper tubing < $18, where a single 20ft was $29.95 . Needless to say...

Gallon jug is freezing now

Instead of wrapping the copper coil outside the frozen jug (which makes refreezing easy), what if I wrapped the coil INSIDE?

I assume it would stay colder a lot longer, as it would be encased in ice instead of exposed to ~ 80* ambient temps.

To do that I would have to cut the long rez probe ends, but no tubing to submerge in each rez.

I will look for 1/4/1/4 coupler


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Cross your fingers!

This morning I put the DIY cooler together. I went the simplest route coiling the copper tubing around a 1g frozen jug, and submerged ~ 6" of tubing into the rez. 1/4" is very malleable

I realize that the better solution is to put the coil inside the jug then freeze. That will require cutting the tubing so it will fit in the freezer. I need a slip on/off connector to attach the 'probe' to the coil.

In the mean time...

At first I was going to see whether the cooling would be sufficient to lower the over night ~ 2g rez temp ~ 80*s, but decided to put a ~ 1 liter frozen jug in the rez to jump start, which should improve on any result

I also covered the cooler with heavy duty foil

Here's snap shot of the reveg as a starting point, but it will take a few days (assuming this works) to see the benefits of a constant < 70* rez temp

Looking at the pictures, MAYBE, I should put the coil in the rez and the probe end in the frozen jug. Hmmmmm


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Well, 4 hours later, the good news is it is working, in that the rez is staying 'cooler', but, not as cool as I hoped.

The gallon jug is now ~ half frozen

Clearly, there is more to be done to get a higher efficiency= cooler result

I have a bunch of ice paks. Will put them between the jug and the igloo


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More Good News

This morning I put the frozen one gallon jug (with coil inside) into the igloo, inserting the probe end of the coil into the rez, which was room temp from over night; within 30 minutes the rez began to cool

I also reconfigured the feeder tubing: the two totes now feed off the one rez, making my job a whole lot easier

Plus, I added the extra magnets to the recirculating tubing and doubled the hematite inside the funnel

The pistils are very fuzzy (a good thing):woohoo:

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ICMag Donor
23 hour update:

This morning there as still a baseball size ball of ice in the jug: water/nutes still cool. I don't have a thermometer to check but probably < 75*

Replaced with second jug this morning


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I keep tinkering with the cooling system. Just now put the rez and ice jug into a can cooler, then filled in the space between them with cold water that was in the round cooler, surrounding the ice jug.

The combination of the cooler + ice jug + cold water surrounding the rez should be the icing on the cake.

Most likely this eliminates the need for the copper coil


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Happy Father's Day All You Muthas

Happy Father's Day All You Muthas

My passive rez cooling system is working great! I get a minimum of 24 hours of cool temps.

I bought a thermometer and inserted it into the funnel ~ 2 pm yesterday, which is the least cool as it is most exposed to ambient temps, it registered 72.1*s. This morning it barely broke 73*s, but the frozen jug was completely melted. 71+* ~ 1/2 hour after exchanging the jug

View attachment 321959

I can live with 24+ hours of stable low 70* rez temps. This is easy to DIY and well worth it, especially if you are not home all day

Even though the 3 dwarf clones are well below the intensity sweet spot, the new growth looks very happy with lots of fluffy pistils

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ICMag Donor
Had an issue with the rez. A one gallon jug split, emptying into the water bath which warmed the rez to ~ 76*s by this morning

Yesterday, I cut open a bunch of blue ice baggies and loaded them into another one gallon jug and froze it. I placed it in the cooler this morning. I have enough blue ice left to load a 1/2 gallon jug. Be interesting to see how long they will keep rez cool.

Yesterday I noticed that the pistils looked fuller, fatter and fluffier, most likely a result of getting the rez temp below 70 for a couple days

Note the dwarfs on the left are well below the intensity of the BML, and yet the colas are budding

Also, it occurred to me that although the BML is ~ 330w, the plant/s under half of it are receiving only half the potential = ~ 165w, so I added a divider to isolate each side

Got a smoke report from a Bahamian regarding the crappy looking dwarf lower buds that I harvested a couple weeks ago. 'Shit was Dank and full of Fire'

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I am happily surprised at the SPYDRs photon penetration. AFAIK, it does not have lenses, and the diodes are protected with an opaque diffuser, which has to reduce penetration potential. That said, there are better offerings in the $1500 range to cover 3 x 3, and more like 4 x 4.

Personally, I prefer 2 small square panels to provide the same coverage, if for no other reason than they are easier to work around. Like now, I have 3 runts growing under half the SPYDR, but they are ~ 30" below the panel. Due to its' design (which I do like very much, alas execution not so much) I cannot lower it to compensate: no problem if I had 2 @ ~ 200w panels instead. Still the runts are budding nicely.

The out of focus close up of a cola with my hand is ~ 20" below the panel. It is ~ half way down. Note the buds below that are about the same, even near the very bottom

And man, she is STICKY

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nice regrowth! you can tell its a reveg by all the single speared leaves. Interesting how they re-establish themselves like that.


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I think I will post weekly pics at this stage, so look for that Wednesday/Thursday

This morning, even though the buds are fattening up nicely, I replaced the nutes with fresh at a lower ppm, but with aa higher percentage of + Size

I am noticing the ppm levels rise a good bit each day, so been adding water only to top off


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Got a bit of egg on my face regarding my BML SPYDR. Turns out it does have 2nd gen Osram diodes. My misread was I also have 2 of their 3ft bars, which are first gen diodes < 30-40% as intense
I cut back on feeding times, now every 2 hours. Will cut light on time back another 15 minutes

Brain-fart: It occurred to me to use the 2@ 3ft bars for vegging.

May need to DIY a fence post/rain gutter for 3 ft of plants growing F & D

Hmmmmmmm! may have to pop new seeds sooner than I thought

Anybody have input on a Critical Mass? Adding to the problem: it is crossed with an unknown, but he thinks Hog, whatever that is



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Exciting Times here

The 2 new panels are scheduled to arrive Thursday/Friday

Transcendent Lighting D-200 (230w)- neutral white, no separate r/b switches, designed for greenhouse supplement lights

Amare SE 220; 220w (my first COB)

Even though this will not be a straight up comparison (they are different animals) I will probably flower side by side, using the same nute rez mostly to see if Intensity trumps ideal cannabis spectrum, although I do expect the Amare to be intense, too

I've been wondering which one to veg under, but trying to avoid any advantages, then it hit me...

I have 2 @ 3ft BML bars with spectrums I chose for side lighting during flower

Even though the blend is Burple, they should be fine for vegging, especially Critical Mass, which is Indica dominant

Looks like ~ 7 more days to flush. I am going to replace with fresh nutes today. Mostly +Size to help plump those fat colas

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