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3-in-1 Dimming including On/Off function for meanwell drivers


pure dynamite
Wow, you gone with the mega from the start. You must have planned a big project with a lots of functions.
Looks great so far! :wave:
Here is the working model. I have to get a case to put the unit in. Currently, it drives six channels of LED's each independent of each other. You can turn any channel on/off or set dimming for each light channel indepdent. I am going to go through a testing phase next and ensure the unit works as desired.

Parts list:
Arduino Uno Rev 3. (kit or completed)
i2c RGB LCD Shield by Adafruit (kit format)
RTC DS1307 by adafruit or others (kit format)
Temperature/Humidity Sensor DHT11TC breakout board by many
breadboard to interconnect power and ground.

current sketch is GrowGreen.ino ->https://github.com/AvidLerner/GrowGreen


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I will be packaging the GrowGreen CoB LED Controller very soon and providing a video of it's operations. this model uses the basic Arduino Uno, with RTC, DHT11, and a 16x2 lcd screen with five buttons, mounted in an enclosure with six output channel;s with both positive and VCC and GND pins for six channels PWM output. I will provide pictures very soon and an operational video, as well. peace
latest update: I have completed the basic model the six channel PWM driver using the Arduino Uno, Rev 3. adafruit lcd button shield, DS1307 RTC, and a DHT11-optional. I am awaiting the case and some parts to package it together. i use mine on a sheet of plexiglass along with the LDD-6 Driver Board from Coralux, and the MW 48v power supply. I run cables using security cable; two wire; from the LDD driver board to the LED light dimmer circuit on the driver and the Relay switch, using a y tap for the five volt signal. I directly control the dimming and on/off capability of both CoB's and LED's. My settings are remembered even after power off. The clock resets itself to the current time it went offline and continues from there. if you spent hours offline, you will have to reset the time to the current time, but the cycles will continue as if there was no power outage.

I also have developed a twelve channel PWM driver using the exact same components. I have written two sketches for eth Arduino Uno rev 3. One is called the GrowGreen.ino and the other is called GrowGreen12Channel.ino. Both are available at this location on Github ->https://github.com/AvidLerner/GrowGreen If you buy the components as follows you can build either the six or twelve PWM channel unit as desired.:

1. Arduino Uno Rev 3 ->https://www.adafruit.com/products/50
2. Adafruit lcd shield using only pins 5v, GND, SDA, SCL ->https://www.adafruit.com/products/716
3. DS1307 RTC ->https://www.adafruit.com/products/264
4. a 12v power supply ->https://www.adafruit.com/products/798
5. LDD6up Driver ->http://coralux.net/?wpsc-product=ldd-6-driver-board
6. Mean Well LDD drivers 700mA & 1000mA. The 1000mA run the Royal blues and the 700mA run the various reds. One LDD driver for each 12 red or bluer leds, 15 max.
7. Mean Well SE-350-48v power supply ->http://www.meanwell.com/webapp/product/search.aspx?prod=se-350
8a. relay options a. -> adafruit built one for each fixture ->https://www.adafruit.com/products/2935
8b. relay option b sparkfun relay unit which can be connected with the driver at the fixture and connected to the GrowGreen Controller with extension cables->https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13815
9. PWM connectors from Arduino Uno to the case for connecting the six or twelve channels.

I will provide a video in the next week or so, showing the system and it's operation. until then have fun building your own unit. I will provide DIY kits with the code loaded, unit assembled, and tested.

As soon as I get the case in, I will provide a video for you folks. My setup is running two 200w LED lights, a Royal blue channel , Deep Red. IR channels and a Far Red channel at various times and lumen levels. 24/7 and I already went through a power outage and recovered. i just had to reset my clock after being offline for hours. peace
I have been revising the code, and focusing on the basics. The lcd display was becoming corrupted after w few hours. fixed that. I provide a version with just time and six PWM channels driven. period. new code is available at github under my name AvidLerner in the link I posted earlier. peace.
I have completed the redesign. i now have a more efficient program code, 8 channels of PWM led drivers, rotary encoder with a push button with two states menu and enter modes. I am waiting for a new case to mount it all in and i will showcase it via youtube for folks. I now have code to reprogram any coralux storm or storm x controller to be used for six or eight channel independent light controls. I have been testing for weeks and everything works fine using a Uno only. next is wifi controls. peace.
Completed version2 GrowGreen LED Controller, with 20x4 LCD, rotary encoder and eight channel PWM control. Works great peace


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, The Ghost of
Awesome work. A bit above my head and more involved than I would need.

Provided the unit has enough inputs, could you hook up a media moisture probe to run a res?
If you are interested in the Controller, but do not want to DIY one, PM me. I have a CO23 laser for laser cutting the cases with the 20x4 lcd screen, rotary encoder, and 8 channel pwm signal. peace
Awesome work. A bit above my head and more involved than I would need.

Provided the unit has enough inputs, could you hook up a media moisture probe to run a res?

I would have to do additional coding to monitor a rez sensor and take action based on that. I already have code for two recycle timers, which can take the place of two pwm channels. So I can option with 2- Cycle timer channels, 6 led channels, 8 pwm channels, and 24pwm channels and above. PM me if you are interested. The base model is the straight 8 channel led controller, All options would have to be determined. peace
For those aware or not aware, there is an issue of 5v pwm dimming versus 10v pwm dimming. 5v dimming is good for buck led drivers, LDD drivers using a driver board. Mean Well LED Drivers uses a 10v dimming circuit alien to Arduino and it's 5v pwm dimming signal. I resolved this was a MOD to the cable from the arduino to the led driver. The cable MOD provides both 5v and 10v pwm dimming signals simultaneously, to both dim the driver and turn the driver on/off as promised. Here is the basic circuit, it has two components, a npn bipolar transistor 2222 and a 1k ohm resistor. This MOD works and has been tested using a 9v battery for the power, total cost about $3. I provide a copy of the mean well data circuit and my circuit. peace


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thanks for adding the missing piece :D

You have to add another 2907a pnp transistor tothe colector of the npn transistor 2n2222 to invert the signal again back to it's original form. Connect a 10v power supply to the collector of the pnp, connect pnp collector to to Dim+ , connect 10- to Dim- and a 1k resistor across Dim+ Dim- to cancel the 4.7k pullup resistor in the Driver and you have an amplified, and twice inverted signal with both 5v and 10cv pwm in sync with each other. The first works, but you have to invert the output pwm signal, not an option for me, so I came to this logical conclusion to invert the signal back again. good luck peace


Active member
Thinking about experimenting with a single cxb3590 36v cob running off a meanwell hlg-80h-36b driver at 2.3a to see if I like it. I've read about the whole efficiency thing, but I figured pump some current through it and put it on a dimmer to figure out the best heights over the canopy and all that stuff.

So, for the dimmer question. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. Ideally, I'd want a programmable dimmer with the option to expand more drivers. I've been googling around and can't seem to find one at that voltage and current. Most are 24v and under 1.4 amps.

Any thoughts or suggestions?
There is no controller for COB led's which is why I created the GrowGreen LED Controller. I tried a Typhon controller and it could not dim and control on/off function. you have to choose. I hate making those kinds of choices. The only Controller i know that will both dim and control power is the GrowGreen so far. Wish I could help you. you can build a DIY version I well documented that for anyone with any basic electronics skills like soldering and such. The parts list is complete and I know a couple folks that have built them and they reported back to me, thanks. peace.

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