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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 26 54.2%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 22 45.8%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Companies are hiring. Inflation keeps dropping. The economy is rolling along. Bad news for the trump supporters that want the economy in the toilet. They want things to fail.

The unemployment rate edged up to a still-low 4%, from 3.9%, ending a 27-month streak of unemployment below 4%, the Labor Department said Friday. That had matched the longest such run since the late 1960s.

Annual inflation has declined to 2.7% by the Fed’s preferred measure, still above the Fed’s 2% target.



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
You guys are right and wrong about WA state. It doesn't rain as much as people think. It's actually in a rain shadow. It is however cloudy a lot. And when it rains it's usually light and just drizzling. It could rain for 5 minutes and that counts for the day.

It's not expensive everywhere. Eastern Washington is less expensive.

The crime there has gotten much worse as the Democrats have gained more power.

As for the weed thing hell ya. The PNW (Pacific Northwest) has always had the chronic. That's where Northern Lights came from. In 1986 I smoked my first bowl. It was like the RKS that everyone talks about. Let just say I was hooked instantly,:smoke: That's all I ever saw until I moved to CA. I was like WTF I thought CA was supposed to have the good stuff. That was first time I ever saw brick weed. There was still good weed where I was in Tahoe but not as consistency good. The PNW including Vancouver BC has had some of the best in the country and still do.

Colorado has the goods now but too but most of the genetics came from places like the PNW and CA.

I bought my first pipe at the Pike Place Market when I was 15. The Smoke Shop is still there in the Lower Market. Thinking about this is making me hungry for some Ivar's. Or Dick's hamburgers.

British Columbia interior mountains grows some of the best weed anywhere.


Well-known member
trump had his pals.


moose eater

Well-known member
Trump again trying to rally his simpleton knee-jerk base by advocating death penalties for drug dealers.

Apparently, he missed the memo concerning the failure of the 90-year-old war on drugs.

But they tended to lap up his encouragement to punch opposing protesters in the face at some of his past events, so maybe he figures he's caught their pulse, so to speak, and realized what gets their tiny little dim-witted hearts all twitterpated.

I wonder what he thinks chronic abuse/long-term use of Rx Adderall ought to earn someone? Re. his alleged fondness for the stuff. And it's not typically displeasing stuff, until a person gets past the half-way or 2/3-mark on a good run with the stuff, at which point some depressing retrospect can kick in.

Maybe that explains some of his bipolar-like swing in heart and statements?
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moose eater

Well-known member
Look what my daughter bought me. No Christmas presents for her this year.

View attachment 19015979
My daughter still distances me subtly by dating military and cops. With the exception of one civil engineer, and she just dropped him.

A former partner and neighbor many years ago who was a grower for MANY years, had a daughter that used to sit behind him in the van and tell him when he was 2 mph over the speed limit. Her aspirations early in life were to join the FBI.

Sometimes you just take it as it goes and accept that Murphy has a hell of a sense of humor.
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Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor


Well-known member
I hear on the news, you guys have Venezuelan gangs running rampant up there. One good thing about our Jalisco new generation cartel is that wouldn't happen here. 🏴‍☠️
they are not exactly running rampant, but there has been some Venezuelan gang activity.

one reason the crime rate is dropping is that the US has the most armed civilian population in the world. approximately 120 guns per 100 people.

people are resisting home invasions, carjackings, and robberies with force. everybody is arming up, storing ammo, and practicing. i mean everybody, too! suburban liberals are buying guns just like the far right.

in an ideal, utopian world no one would need guns, but the unfortunate reality is that we, as a race, are violent.

to me, guns are just tools, like a hammer or saw, bad people use them to do bad things but good people use them to stop bad people.

i live out in the country, 10 miles outside of a city with about 500,000 people. on weekends you can hear gunfire all around as neighbors practice.

while the violent crime rate is dropping, most folks do not have that impression. i think that's because we are at a point in history where information is instantaneously transmitted and we are more aware of what's going on around us now than in the past.


Well-known member
one reason the crime rate is dropping is that the US has the most armed civilian population in the world. approximately 120 guns per 100 people.

people are resisting home invasions, carjackings, and robberies with force. everybody is arming up, storing ammo, and practicing. i mean everybody, too! suburban liberals are buying guns just like the far right.
out of all the known reasons you could name as to why crime is dropping.... this isn't one of them lol.

increase in video games and a reduction in lead exposure i guarantee plays a larger role.

while the violent crime rate is dropping, most folks do not have that impression.
corrupt media and bad media literacy are to blame. it's just easier to be a reactionary fascist these days than to use critical thinking.

i think that's because we are at a point in history where information is instantaneously transmitted and we are more aware of what's going on around us now than in the past.
in the current climate, if you want to be educated on the topic, you have to wade through a sea of shit waist deep of disinformation and psyops before you get to the truth. most people just aren't that mentally strong and end up falling for the reactionary propaganda.


Well-known member
I hear on the news, you guys have Venezuelan gangs running rampant up there. One good thing about our Jalisco new generation cartel is that wouldn't happen here. 🏴‍☠️
the result of destablizing venezeualan and south american democracies and economies. the west creates it's own problems.


Well-known member
Shot a child in the back multiple times including the head and then mag dumped his body on the ground cause he's a scared little pussy.

Whew glad we have these patriots walking around keeping us safe from brown children returning an airsoft gun to the store they bought it at!


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