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Kiss My Ring

Exclusive—Alex Marlow on ‘Breaking Biden’: The Evidence Shows Joe Biden Doesn’t Care About National Security​

(Photos: Alex Brandon/AP; Guillermo Arias, Denis Balibouse, Atta Kenare/Getty Images)
A. Brandon/AP; G. Arias, D. Balibouse, A. Kenare/Getty Images
Alexander Marlow14 Oct 20231,994


“Folks are tired of being taken advantage of and played for suckers,” Joe Biden said during remarks in the White House Rose Garden last Wednesday.
“Unfair fees known as junk fees – those hidden charges that companies sneak into your bill to make you pay more because they can. Simply because they can. Charges that are taking real money out of the pockets of American families,” the president said, as if speaking to an audience of suckers.
Yes, with Islamic terrorism dominating the front pages around the world, and with Americans literally being held hostage by Hamas at that exact moment, Joe Biden set his mind to vanquishing the evil that is “junk fees.”

While no one likes “junk fees,” this is just the latest reminder that Joe Biden does not prioritize keeping Americans safe. Then again, what do we expect from a president who believes that “the only existential threat” we face is “global warming”?
National security is Joe Biden’s oldest and biggest blind spot. He is a foreign affairs dynamo in his own mind, a world class diplomat. But his record shows that he is the exact opposite. I thoroughly document his numerous failings in my new New York Times bestselling book Breaking Biden. Example after example illustrates a simple truth: Joe Biden has no interest in — or vision for — protecting the citizens of our country.
Even the Democratic establishment knows this. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates said in 2014 that “[Biden] has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” However, the Obama administration still saw fit to put Biden in charge of Ukraine and China. Adding those countries to Biden’s portfolio did not benefit any Americans – aside from the ones with the last name Biden. The Biden family cut lucrative deals in each country, and you’ll find all the details extensively footnoted in Breaking Biden.
Cash for Terrorists
The Obama/Biden administration also airlifted Iranians $400 million in cash, delivered on a pallet, as part of a $1.7 billion payment.
Who sends pallets of cash to people who want the United States (and Israel) wiped off the map? Barack Obama and Joe Biden, apparently.
They funded the funders of terrorism with your taxpayer dollars in the most humiliating way possible.
Sadly, Joe has continued this legacy since ascending to the Oval Office.

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi speaks during a rally outside the former U.S. embassy in the capital Tehran on November 4, 2022, to celebrate the 43th anniversary of the Iran hostage crisis against Americans. (ATTA KENARE/AFP via Getty Images)
He has tried to revive the Iran nuclear deal, which allowed Iran to make progress toward becoming a nuclear power. Since Biden has been president, the U.N. nuclear watchdog found that Iran has enriched uranium to near weapons-grade.
Empowering Putin
Not only did the revival of the Iran nuclear deal empower and embolden the evil Iranian regime—which has its fingerprints all over the latest round of brutal terror that saw innocent children murdered in their homes—Russia is a key partner in the deal.
Vladimir Putin was already the American left’s most hated international villain before the Ukraine invasion. But Biden’s renewed interest in an Iran deal will actually strengthening Putin’s geopolitical position. The media and political establishment have been deafeningly silent on the subject, which is not only next-level hypocrisy, but also a national disgrace.

U.S. President Joe Biden and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin meet at the start of the U.S.-Russia summit on June 16, 2021, in Geneva, Switzerland. (Denis Balibouse/Getty Images)
Biden has also strengthened Putin by embracing policies that seek to cripple the American energy sector. Hostility to harvesting our own abundant national resources not only causes energy costs to go through the roof, it also benefits other hostile energy producing nations like Russia and Venezuela. They can use the windfall profits from rising energy prices to fund whatever they please. Like, for example, an invasion of a neighboring country.
While he has enriched our enemies, Biden has also alienated key allies like Saudi Arabia and Israel. This week, he is acting like a steadfast partner to Israel. It’s a welcome reversal, but it comes long after he had earned a reputation as being “the most hostile President toward Israel,” according to the Zionist Organization of America.
Liberating Jihadis, Emboldening Extremists
The instance where Joe most strongly asserted himself against the advice of his inner circle was his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. We’re still paying the price for that decision; Iran only began planning the recent attacks on Israel after the U.S. departed from the region, leaving more than $7 billion of U.S. equipment in the hands of a regime that sponsors terrorism.
As I detail in Breaking Biden, allies knew the withdrawal would be a victory for global jihad. The United Kingdom’s Chief of the Defense Staff General Nick Carter said in 2021 (emphasis mine), “Withdrawal under these circumstances would be perceived as a strategic victory for the Taliban, which would weaken the Alliance and embolden extremists the world over.”

A U.S. Chinook helicopter flies over the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Aug. 15, 2021, as the U.S. scrambles to abandon the embassy amid the Taliban’s advanced on the Afghan capital. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)

Afghan people climb atop a plane as they wait at the Kabul airport on August 16, 2021, after a stunningly swift end to the United State’s 20-year war in Afghanistan, as thousands of people mob the city’s airport trying to flee the country after the Taliban captured of the capital city. (Wakil Kohsar/AFP via Getty Images)

Men watch as an armed Taliban security personnel rides a vehicle convoy during a parade near the U.S. embassy in Kabul on August 15, 2023, as the Taliban celebrates the second anniversary of their takeover of the country following the U.S. withdrawal. (WAKIL KOHSAR/AFP via Getty Images)
Rory Stewart, a former British cabinet minister, said that the failed withdrawal demonstrated the West’s “impotence.”
These words are much more haunting now after Hamas’s attack on Israelis.
Upon America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, thousands of prisoners who were detained at Bagram Air Base were freed. These weren’t petty criminals; there were heavy hitters from the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and the Islamic State (ISIS). Those three organizations all became stronger thanks to Joe Biden’s policies.
Giving China Another Win
Adding insult to injury, Russia and China got to savor watching their primary geopolitical foe suffer a humiliation on the world stage Chinese Communist Party (CCP) state media immediately declared that China was the real winner of the Afghanistan debacle.
China shares a small section of border with Afghanistan and saw America’s pullout as a business opportunity. Naturally, this excited the Taliban as well, which accepted Beijing’s offer to help “rebuild” Afghanistan.
The Associated Press

U.S. President Joe Biden, right, and Chinese Communist Leader Xi Jinping shake hands before their meeting on Nov. 14, 2022, in Bali, Indonesia. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
In early 2023, the Taliban and China’s Xinjiang Central Asia Petroleum and Gas Company signed an oil extraction deal. China and the Taliban’s partnership is bound to deepen.
The fallout from Biden’s failure is immense and seemingly unending.
Biden empowered China as Vice President and downplayed the threat they pose during his presidential campaign. From the “Swirly Summit” in Anchorage to the Chinese occupying American farmland to the massive humiliation of the Chinese spy balloon, Biden’s ineffectuality in the face of the CCP is undeniable.
His family’s business ties to China are a blight on our country. One shocking incident of the Biden family’s way-too-cozy relationship with the CCP was when a Chinese company acquired oil from America’s strategic petroleum reserve released by Biden. The company that received the oil just so happens to have a connection to Hunter Biden.
There are several other examples like this one documented in Breaking Biden that are equally as outrageous.
Empowering the Cartels, Endangering Americans
And Biden has also refused to tackle America’s most basic national security issue of all: our open southern border. I write in Breaking Biden that he has treated America as a “sanctuary country.” He has had 50 years in politics to address this clear vulnerability, yet he has not done so. This is intentional.
As president, he handed off responsibility to Vice President Kamala Harris, perhaps the only person less capable than he is himself. After five decades in politics, Biden finally started taking action on immigration after state and local Democrats spoke up following Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s highly effective busing campaign. But Joe Biden had already empowered Mexican cartels, which smuggle humans and drugs into our country, leading to a heightened humanitarian crisis. The downstream effects of this failure are far too numerous to fully describe in this column.
Massive migrant crossings resume in Texas border town after Biden admin re-opens international rail traffic. (Randy Clark/Breitbart Texas)

Massive migrant crossings resume in Texas border towns after the Biden administration re-opens international rail traffic in September 2023. (Randy Clark/Breitbart Texas)

This aerial photo shows migrants waiting in the Rio Grand for an opening in the razor wire barrier to cross into the United States in Eagle Pass, Texas, on September 25, 2023. (ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

A migrant climbs over the border fence into the United States from Tijuana, Mexico, on May 10, 2023. (GUILLERMO ARIAS/AFP via Getty Images)
Domestically, he has not been any better. He has also abandoned our cities to criminals and anarchic politicians who seek to protect law-breakers at the expense of the law-abiding. He has AWOL as our metropolises burn, likely because taking a strong stand against urban crime is likely to alienate some of his voter case, something Joe Biden is loath to do.
Joe Biden delegates many of his policies to phony experts. He entrusts his diplomacy to influence-peddling grifters and entrusts our homeland to open-borders zealots. When it comes to national security, his legacy has been a 360-degree failure. He bears significant responsibility for the fate suffered by the American victims of Hamas’s most recent attack.
He is a faithless partner to our allies, he is a patsy to foreign financial interests, and he is a mascot for the military industrial complex. It is a record that has made America weaker and her people less safe.
What is safe to say, however, is that Joe Biden simply doesn’t care. After all, none of this is an “existential threat.”


Kiss My Ring

Exclusive: How Andriy Derkach’s Activities Uncovered Joe Biden’s Connection to a Corrupt Scheme of Reverse Gas Supplies in Ukraine​

by Guest Contributor Oct. 16, 2023 8:00 am

Guest post by Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos

Despite active opposition from Democrats, the scandal surrounding corruption schemes involving the Biden family is growing ever larger. With Biden Sr.’s easy hand, key authorities – the FBI, the DOJ, the IRS and U.S. diplomatic missions abroad – have been involved in the scandal, hiding evidence and slowing down any investigations into the current president and his son over the past five years.

At the center of an investigation by Republicans on two House committees that could end with Biden’s impeachment is the current U.S. President Joseph Biden (the former Vice President under Barack Obama), members of his family (especially son Hunter Biden and brother James Biden) and his inner circle, in particular, Amos Hochstein, Antony Blinken, Marie Jovanovitch, George Kent and John Kerry. And the country where international corruption in Biden’s performance flourished to the greatest extent can deservedly be Ukraine, which was in Joe Biden’s area of responsibility under President Barack Obama.

One of the episodes concerning Biden’s possible money-making schemes in Ukraine is Ukraine’s conversion to reverse supplies of natural gas. The evidence in this scheme was made public by perhaps Biden’s main opponent outside the United States, Ukrainian politician Andriy Derkach, who also introduced the world to such crimes as the Bidens’ shady earnings and influence peddling to protect the interests of Burisma Holdings, the plundering of international technical assistance by grant organizations in Ukraine with the tacit approval of the U.S. Democratic top brass and its leader, NABU’s interference in the 2016 presidential election on Hillary Clinton’s side, and the accountability of law enforcement agencies in Ukraine to officers of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.

Let’s tell the story of the reversal in more detail. During the period of complication in relations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation after the annexation of Crimea and fighting in the east of Ukraine (in the so-called LPR and DPR), it was international organizations and the United States that determined the vector of development of the Ukrainian energy sector – to “energy independence” from Russia and integration into the European energy system. This transition implied the purchase of energy carriers at European spot prices and regulation of the domestic market in terms of pricing. These changes led to an active increase in gas, electricity and heating tariffs for industry and households, which has not stopped until now.

The two key players in this industry were and still are the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Public Utilities, which influenced only the pricing of domestic market tariffs, and PJV Naftogaz of Ukraine, the state monopoly and Ukraine’s largest and most profitable company. For the management of PJV Naftogaz of Ukraine, in addition to its immediate head Andriy Kobolev (many media outlets wrote about his close ties to the United States and even his American citizenship), the Supervisory Board of the company included Amos Hochstein, an adviser to U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden on energy issues. Hochstein held this position until 2021, and is now appointed as Biden’s White House advisor.

It is Amos Hochstein that the media call the architect of the corrupt scheme that involved the so-called reverse of European gas to Ukraine. And it was to control its implementation by Kobolev that Amos Hochstein was appointed to the Supervisory Board of Naftohaz of Ukraine.

The Amos Hochstein-Andriy Kobolev nexus ensured the “reverse gas supply scheme” during 2015-2020. As part of this scheme, Ukraine, having officially refused to purchase Russian gas, imitated the search for new supplier countries. The population read news about the transition to “reverse supplies” of gas from Europe, but in reality Ukraine bought the same Russian gas, although it paid for it to new companies and with due regard for the financial interests of all those involved.

To physically organize corruption on the reverse route, several proxy firms were created. An example is the company “ERU Trading”, which in 2015 alone purchased more than 420 million m3 of “European” gas from the Slovakian division of ENGIE and resold it to Ukrainian industrial enterprises. The funds received as a result of such a scheme were withdrawn to offshore companies.

In particular, it was Andriy Derkach who showed during the press conference in Kyiv that only on two episodes from July 2016 to July 2017, 348 and 274 million hryvnias were withdrawn to the account of ERU Management Services LLC, i.e. in total – more than 620 million hryvnias. According to calculations made public in Ukraine, Kobolev’s team managed to withdraw $50 from the Ukrainian budget for each 1,000 m3 of gas on such supplies, which totaled $1.5 billion.

At the same time, Ukraine has never denied that the scheme was organized thanks to the participation of Amos Hochstein and the patronage of Joe Biden. “The reverse from Slovakia in 2014 was made by Joe Biden,” the authoritative Ukrainian weekly Liga quoted the trader as saying.

Today, the media are increasingly talking about the synchronization of law enforcement actions in Ukraine and the United States, further attempts to hide or destroy everything related to the cases of Naftogaz of Ukraine, Burisma, USAID grantees, and the fact that the authorities are trying to get possible witnesses to Biden’s international corruption in Ukraine out of harm’s way. In the last six months alone, three cases involving key witnesses to Biden’s corruption schemes have been closed in Ukraine (in the Burisma case), and a fourth case – against Andriy Kobolev, the head of Naftogaz of Ukraine, who is the executor of Amos Hochstein’s billion-dollar scheme to “reverse European gas” to Ukraine – is close to being completely dismantled.

In the past, the US Democratic top brass traditionally defended itself against Derkach’s accusations, calling them “disinformation and Russian propaganda.” But what to do now that his evidence is being corroborated in official investigative documents in the U.S. itself? Perhaps it’s time to invite him to the US presidential impeachment hearings and get all the first-hand information about Biden’s possible crimes?


Kiss My Ring

House Oversight Launches Investigation Into Whether Biden’s Stolen Classified Documents Were Used to Make His Family $Millions$​

by Cristina Laila Oct. 16, 2023 11:45 am

The House Oversight Committee on Monday launched an investigation into whether Joe Biden’s stolen classified were used to make his family millions of dollars.

“We are investigating whether classified documents President Biden was caught mishandling included sensitive information related to specific countries involved in his family’s foreign business schemes that brought in millions for the Bidens,” the Oversight Committee said on Monday.

On Monday House Oversight Chairman James Comer sent a letter to Special Counsel Robert Hur demanding more information about Joe Biden’s stolen classified documents.

The House Oversight Committee last week revealed that five White House employees were involved in Biden’s stolen classified documents case.

The Committee also revealed Joe Biden and his attorney lied about communications and when the classified documents were discovered.

Joe Biden STOLE SCIF-designated classified documents and improperly stored them at the Penn Biden Center. He also stored classified documents in his garage next to his Corvette where his son Hunter had access to the sensitive materials.


Nine boxes of documents were taken from Joe Biden’s lawyer’s Boston office and we have no idea what is in those boxes because the National Archives is covering up for Biden.

Recall that it was reported that Joe Biden’s attorney first discovered “Obama-Biden administration documents in a locked closet while packing files as they prepare to close out Biden’s office in the Penn Biden Center” in November 2022. Biden and his team claimed they immediately contacted the National Archives upon discovering the documents in November 2022.

“They immediately called the Archives — immediately called the Archives, turned them over to the Archives, and I was briefed about this discovery,” Biden said in November 2022.

This timeline presented by Biden’s attorney is of course a lie.

According to new information released by the House Oversight Committee, Joe Biden lied about the timeline. Annie Tomasini, Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor to the President and Director of Oval Office Operations, went to Penn Biden Center to take inventory of President Biden’s documents and materials on March 18, 2021.

The classified documents were discovered nearly TWO YEARS before Joe Biden’s lawyer said he ‘found’ them.

Chairman Comer in his letter cited Robert Hur’s interview with Joe Biden.

“Recent reports indicate you recently interviewed President Biden and other individuals involved in this matter, and the Committee now seeks information from your office to further our investigation,” Comer’s letter to Hur said. “As detailed in the Oversight Committee’s bank memoranda and Impeachment Inquiry Memorandum, evidence suggests President Biden may have used certain members of his family-particularly his son, Hunter Biden-to accumulate millions of dollars from foreign individuals and entities for the benefit of his family and himself.”

“Indeed, the Biden family received millions of dollars from foreign sources while President Biden served in public office and afterwards,” the Oversight Committee said. “If any of the classified documents mishandled by President Biden involved countries or individuals that had financial dealings with Biden family members or their related companies, the Committee needs access to that information to evaluate whether our national security has been compromised.”

We are investigating whether classified documents President Biden was caught mishandling included sensitive information related to specific countries involved in his family’s foreign business schemes that brought in millions for the Bidens.@RepJamesComer is… pic.twitter.com/9m6f4u1kwg
— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) October 16, 2023


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Biden Stumbles Again With Green Energy Subsidies​

Administration showering billions in corporate welfare.

By: Andrew Moran October 16, 2023 - 7:14 amArticles, Economic Affairs News, Opinion, Politics
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Over the past year, US taxpayers have learned that one of the chief lessons of Bidenomics 101 is doling out billions of dollars in green energy subsidies for wealthy corporations. This was what the trifecta of legislative accomplishments – Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS and Science Act, and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – was all about. President Joe Biden traveled to Philadelphia, PA, this weekend to again tout Bidenomics and announce several billion dollars in so-called federal investments for hydrogen projects.

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$7 Billion for Green Energy Subsidies​

Stumbling twice on a short flight of stairs, President Biden took to the stage to award $7 billion in federal grants across 16 states, from California to Pennsylvania, for developing seven regional hydrogen hubs as part of the administration’s broader decarbonization initiative. What companies will receive some of these green energy subsidies? A range of businesses will be involved, but three of the most prominent names on the list are Amazon, Chevron, and Exxon Mobil, worth a combined $2.2 trillion.

While critics would likely ask why some of the wealthiest corporations in the world need a handout from Uncle Sam, President Biden noted that the giveaway is essentially seed money to help jump-start the production of clean hydrogen by having the critical infrastructure established. Additionally, the total investment in these hubs will reach $50 billion because of the substantial private investment also being made.

“I’m here to announce one of the largest advanced manufacturing investments in the history of this nation. It’s all part of my plan to make things in America,” Biden said.

new banner The State of Bidenomics
Of course, the administration’s latest announcement focuses on clean energy, but observers are omitting one key thing: Green energy subsidies are just more corporate welfare. Politicians are, once again, transferring resources from taxpayers to special interests.

Is Hydrogen the Answer?​

Hydrogen is considered a crucial component for achieving the world’s net zero carbon emissions objective by 2050. Hydrogen emits only water when burned as fuel or inside a fuel cell for automobiles. However, hydrogen production requires an immense volume of energy, meaning that, depending on its source, it might not be as green as its proponents would contend. So, for instance, hydrogen can be produced from natural gas, and this so-called bridge fuel has received enormous criticism from climate activists.

Consider this statement from Maggie Coulter, an attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity’s Climate Law Institute, who told the Associated Press: “Throwing billions at hydrogen hubs deepens our dependence on fossil fuels and worsens the climate emergency.”

Indeed, hydrogen could only be labeled green if new renewable sources are built to power hydrogen output rather than relying on the present grid and other carbon accounting programs. In other words, it might have the same environmental effects as fossil fuels. For now, according to the International Council on Clean Transportation, the world is greenwashing green hydrogen.

Trickle-Down Bidenomics​

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(Photo by Marijan Murat/picture alliance via Getty Images)
US administration officials have repeatedly asserted that Bidenomics is about growing the economy from the middle out and bottom up, abandoning the concept of trickle-down economics of the past three decades. However, this pejorative term – economic policies that disproportionately favor Corporate America and the 1% – can apply to the president’s economic doctrine.

As Liberty Nation has regularly reported, the White House, state governments, and city officials are spending trillions of dollars on corporate welfare. No one in the Oval Office or inside the Democratic caucus on Capitol Hill wants to admit this because the taxpayer-funded subsidies are allocated to their preferred sectors, mainly green energy.

President Biden has demanded that corporations must pay their fair share while signing over checks to these same entities. Moreover, global leaders, like United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, have called for an end to fossil fuel subsidies. This should be a welcome call to action as long as it includes renewables and green energy. Otherwise, they pick winners and losers, favor one industry over another, and engage in hypocrisy. Leftists are not opposed to corporate welfare. They just want the money to go to another set of special interests for a specific cause. That is Bidenomics 101.


Well-known member
Kennedy has about the same chance as the proverbial snowball. he sets off the Democrat's crazy radar.

i tried listening to him in an interview he did and it was painful. he's one of those rare left-wing conspiracy theorists. the only people who listen to him are other conspiracy nutjobs.

and, like most people who were born wealthy, he is totally out of touch with working-class people.
RFK isn't on the left whatsoever


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Bros still copy pasting walls of article text that no one reads lol
I read it. And laugh.

Every single thing he posts has been disproven years ago and is a rehash of the same old nonsense, or is completely made up. The only real thing he posts are about Biden getting old but ignores the fact that Trump is a mere 3 years younger and produces a word salad daily.

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