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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Every time I see a spam bombing that long I assume that trichrider just delivered the weekly propaganda.

I'm sure he mixes it up more than I can give him credit for.... but I still just see this as I scroll past:

View attachment 18890680

Where's the endless spamming of Trump's stellar achievements and innovative platform??
good ole trichy doesn't understand that he can bash the Bidens all day long and still have zero effect on the voters.

nobody cares about the Bidens. i don't know anyone who says they actually like Joe Biden. as far as i'm concerned, if he did break any laws he should be prosecuted just like Trump is being prosecuted for all the laws he broke.

trichy keeps trying to blend Joe and Hunter into one entity and that is a failed mission.

the same people who voted against Trump last time will vote against Trump this time.

only this time there will be a fresh batch of young voters who have come of age since the last election. most of them will see Trump as a criminal.

if the Republican party wants to win this election they need to find a younger, more dynamic candidate who is not dragging around more baggage than Samsonite.

Trump has more loose screws than a Studebaker.


ICMag Donor
The guy calling Biden old is basically the same age. He dies his hair strawberry blond, paints his face orange with make up, and stuffs himself with fast food. His followers are stupid enough to believe that this fat painted old fuck is youthful. Acting like a rotten child with no rules or limitations, and an old man reliving experiments with mommy's make up are not youth. It's just fucking nuts.


Well-known member
Every time I see a spam bombing that long I assume that trichrider just delivered the weekly propaganda.

I'm sure he mixes it up more than I can give him credit for.... but I still just see this as I scroll past:

View attachment 18890680

Where's the endless spamming of Trump's stellar achievements and innovative platform??
well, he managed to grift quite a bit of money from suc...uh, GOP voters, overcharged his own security detail (WE paid for that shit with taxes), fraudulently undervalued everything at tax time and fraudulently OVER-INFLATED the same properties worth when using it as collateral when scamming banks. and we will probably never know how much cash he and his extended family received from Russian/Chinese oligarchs, governments, & crime syndicates, nor what he gave them in return. we know it is a figure up in the billions. trichy would count that as "stellar" i'm sure...


Well-known member
how's that job search going? the wife still footing all the bills. LOL
kids truck been repossessed yet?
better finish the laundry and wash dishes before you feed the chickens.:sasmokin:
reality really gnaws your ass, doesn't it? don't go away, it's gonna get a lot worse, LOL! nope, i'm making house/truck payments. truck is in my name, by the way. already done with chores today (hours ago, lol), and wish i HAD chickens. got friends that have them though, so i'm good. thanks for being concerned, i appreciate it! :thank you:


Well-known member
So Biden backs the UAW strike and Trump slams the UAW president.

Party of the Working Man indeed.
it may be more profitable for the wealthy elite to enslave the workers rather than pay them. i think an analysis should be done of the costs of feeding, housing, and maintaining them in good health as opposed to paying them at all.

then they wouldn't have to deal with these annoying demands for a decent living wage.


Well-known member
So Biden backs the UAW strike and Trump slams the UAW president.

Party of the Working Man indeed.

Remember when trump told all those auto workers not to sell their homes because the jobs were coming back? Then, their plant closed?

I RODE THROUGH your beautiful roads coming up from the airport. And I was looking at some of those big, once-incredible, job-producing factories, and Melania said, “What happened?” I said, “Those jobs have left Ohio. . . but they’re all coming back.” Don’t move. Don’t sell your house. — President Donald Trump, Youngstown, Ohio, 2017

The exact opposite happened. In April 2018, GM cut the second shift. Shortly after the midterm elections, GM delivered the death sentence: The plant would close for good in the spring of 2019. Some of Trump’s fans at the factory held out hope that their president would intervene. Surely, Trump would do something, they reasoned, since he had just promised the jobs were coming back to Youngstown, not leaving.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Ken Buck, a Republican, represents Colorado's 4th Congressional District in the House.

The House is back in session, and Americans are getting an up-close look at Washington's dysfunction. We are barreling toward a government shutdown without making progress on cutting our out-of-control spending. Yet Republican leadership has decided to divert attention to an impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

The GOP's charge against Biden is that he personally benefited from his son's deplorable business exploits around the globe. Without doubt, Hunter Biden's shady business deals undermined America's image and our anti-corruption goals, and his conduct was thoroughly reprehensible. What's missing, despite years of investigation, is the smoking gun that connects Joe Biden to his ne'er-do-well son's corruption.

My fellow Republicans leading the House inquiry believe the connection comes through the 2016 firing of Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin, which then-Vice President Biden helped facilitate.

The dominant narrative in right-wing media is that Shokin was an anti-corruption zealot with an active investigation into Burisma, the company where Hunter Biden held a seat on the board of directors, and from which he reportedly received large monthly payments.

The truth about Shokin is much more complicated and runs counter to the GOP's "gotcha" narrative. In reality, Shokin was deeply enmeshed in Ukraine's culture of corruption and, far from being a beacon of transparency, was viewed by many in the West - including some conservative Republican senators - as an obstacle to anti-corruption reforms. There is, in fact, no evidence that Shokin was engaged in an investigation of Burisma, or that Joe Biden's role in his firing was in any way connected to Burisma.

Much attention has been focused on a speech Biden delivered in December 2015 before Ukraine's parliament, in which he explicitly called for change at the prosecutor general's office. Far from being out of line with U.S. policy, Biden's remarks were entirely within the U.S. government's paradigm of helping Ukraine break free from its lawless Soviet past. Other senior officials, including U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, made the case during the same period for firing Shokin

The European Union, which necessarily pays a great deal of attention to the politics and policies of neighboring Ukraine, was also of the opinion that Shokin should be sacked. Shokin had been the biggest barrier to the E.U.'s years-long efforts to encourage rule-of-law reforms in Ukraine.

These facts - like all facts - are stubborn things.

Republicans in the House who are itching for an impeachment are relying on an imagined history. Their inquiry, formally announced by Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Tuesday, rests heavily on a fictitious version of Shokin's career, with the alleged investigation of Burisma at the center. It's a neat story, and one that performs well in certain media circles. But impeachment is a serious matter and should have a foundation of rock-solid facts.

Does this flimsy excuse for an impeachment sound familiar? It should.

In 2019, the Democratic-controlled House, led by then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), pursued an impeachment of President Donald Trump on the loose allegation of a quid pro quo - again involving Ukraine and Shokin. The Democrats alleged that Trump called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to pressure him into examining the theoretical connection between Hunter Biden's payments from Burisma and Shokin's firing. Trump ultimately did withhold aid from Ukraine, consistent with the U.S. government's long-standing policy of tying aid to anti-corruption reforms. But the Democrats were off and running.

I joined my Republican colleagues then in denouncing that impeachment. It was, as we argued at the time, an inversion of our own rule-of-law system. The Democrats had their man and found a pretext to impeach him.

Trump's impeachment in 2019 was a disgrace to the Constitution and a disservice to Americans. The GOP's reprise in 2023 is no better.



Kiss My Ring

White House Alters Official Transcript After Biden Says 'Black And Hispanic' Workers 'Don't Have High School Diplomas​

President Biden, who was mentored by former KKK 'Exalted Cyclops' Robert Byrd, once called a black adviser 'boy' during a FEMA briefing, called Obama the first mainstream 'bright and clean' and articulate African-American, and worried in the late 70s that forcing schools to desegregate would subject his white children to "a racial jungle," just did it again.

(There's a lot more, by the way...)

Then-Senator Joe Biden holding hands with mentor and former KKK Exalted Cyclops Sen. Robert Byrd in 2008
In another humiliating gaffe, the 80-year-old Biden suggested that httdfdps://x.com/CurtisHouck/status/1432401230916169742?s=20b black and hispanic workers don't have high school diplomas.

"We’ve seen record lows in unemployment particularly — and I’ve focused on this my whole career — particularly for African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans, you know, the workers without high school diplomas," he said in televised remarks.

The White House, of course, went into damage control mode - doctoring the official transcript to read something Biden never said, and claiming that there was supposed to be the word "and" separating the minority groups and veterans, from 'those without high school diplomas.'

"We’ve seen record lows in unemployment particularly — and I’ve focused on this my whole career — particularly for African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans, you know, and the workers without high school diplomas," reads the official transcript.

Blacks, hispanics, veterans, and possibly those without high school diplomas took offense, and general mockery ensued.


at least i get to expose the haters suffering TDS...glorious day.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor

White House Alters Official Transcript After Biden Says 'Black And Hispanic' Workers 'Don't Have High School Diplomas​

President Biden, who was mentored by former KKK 'Exalted Cyclops' Robert Byrd, once called a black adviser 'boy' during a FEMA briefing, called Obama the first mainstream 'bright and clean' and articulate African-American, and worried in the late 70s that forcing schools to desegregate would subject his white children to "a racial jungle," just did it again.

(There's a lot more, by the way...)

Then-Senator Joe Biden holding hands with mentor and former KKK Exalted Cyclops Sen. Robert Byrd in 2008
In another humiliating gaffe, the 80-year-old Biden suggested that httdfdps://x.com/CurtisHouck/status/1432401230916169742?s=20b black and hispanic workers don't have high school diplomas.

"We’ve seen record lows in unemployment particularly — and I’ve focused on this my whole career — particularly for African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans, you know, the workers without high school diplomas," he said in televised remarks.

The White House, of course, went into damage control mode - doctoring the official transcript to read something Biden never said, and claiming that there was supposed to be the word "and" separating the minority groups and veterans, from 'those without high school diplomas.'

"We’ve seen record lows in unemployment particularly — and I’ve focused on this my whole career — particularly for African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans, you know, and the workers without high school diplomas," reads the official transcript.

Blacks, hispanics, veterans, and possibly those without high school diplomas took offense, and general mockery ensued.


at least i get to expose the haters suffering TDS...glorious day.

That is an interesting interpretation of what he said.

Oh no, he put a weird pause in. THE HORROR!!!!

Maybe you should be called Pizza Cutter instead.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
what brand is it you'd consider cheap? i won't buy bud even if you claim it's cheap. and where is it? maybe you think so because it's cheaper than your gin.

You have no idea what I do for a living...

But you don't really care much for details.

I don't drink gin.

Why don't you buy Bud? Is it the Kid Rock made a point of shooting Bud Light bit?

If AB isn't off the table due to narrow-mindedness, Busch Light is a stable staple of the economically challenged...

PBR has always been the cheapest cheap beer that isn't immediately thrown up (I'm looking at you Steel Reserve).