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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
i was glad to see that he canceled the leases to drill on the north slope of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. they should never have been handed out to start with IMHO. the place is too ecologically fragile to do it safely, even "if" you totally discount the harm done to the wildlife there as a result of disturbing nesting grounds for waterfowl and the calving grounds and migration routes of the caribou herds. we pump so much oil out of the ground in the lower 48 that we are selling it on the open world market instead of using it here. fuck big oil...twice!


Well-known member

Thanks for that one. It was easier than I thought.


Kiss My Ring

Biden And Democrats Trying To Make Housing Marxist Controlled​

The left’s solution to nose-bleed housing costs: take it away from greedy capitalists and make it a “human right.” In other words, use the government to build it for free. Sadly, houses are not built by magical house fairies. Somebody had to build that “free” house. And if there’s no profit in it, the only options are force them to build it. Or do without. In reality — and despite the slick marketing — socialism delivers both: force and poverty.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
i was glad to see that he canceled the leases to drill on the north slope of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. they should never have been handed out to start with IMHO. the place is too ecologically fragile to do it safely, even "if" you totally discount the harm done to the wildlife there as a result of disturbing nesting grounds for waterfowl and the calving grounds and migration routes of the caribou herds. we pump so much oil out of the ground in the lower 48 that we are selling it on the open world market instead of using it here. fuck big oil...twice!
yeah! f'the lower 48
plus canada and mexico!
/thats where most of our oil comes from
but lets drive up oil prices, russia will appreciate that
/you are 100% correct how the us will sell the oil we extract at spot prices; often the gas companies buy it from themselves to refine so they are making money hand over fist

but f.big oil four times, one day my car will run on farts and sunshine


Kiss My Ring

CNN Poll: 61% of Americans Think Biden a Crook Who Has Ruined the Economy​

'No wonder national Democrats are freaking out! ... '
By Mark Pellin
September 8, 2023

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) An eye-popping 61% of Americans think that President Joe Biden was involved with his son Hunter’s corrupt business dealings, while nearly 60% said the president’s policies are making the economy worse.
The tsunami of scandals and public missteps swamping the vacationeer-in-chief has eroded his public standing across all demographics and crossed partisan lines, according to the brutal results of a CNN poll released Thursday, which showed only 26% of Americans think Biden has the cognitive capacity to serve effectively as president.
Biden’s overall approval rating with Americans has plummeted to 39%, the start to a string of numbers that CNN was forced to concede “are rough for President Biden,” said White House correspondent Phil Mattingly. “It could spell trouble for Democrats and the president’s hopes for reelection in 2024.”
Some of the more dire indicators included 70% of Americans who said “things are going badly for the country” and 58% who said they had an unfavorable impression of Biden.
That could be related to a growing number of Americans who think Biden is corrupt and has wrongly interfered with investigations into Hunter Biden’s myriad legal issues.
In addition to the 61% who said they “think that Biden had at least some involvement with Hunter Biden’s business dealings,” another “55% majority of the public says the president has acted inappropriately regarding the investigation into Hunter Biden over potential crimes,” CNN reported, with 42% of Americans saying “they think he acted illegally.”
CNN Chief Political Director David Chalian assured viewers that the damning numbers weren’t because Americans actually believe the mountain of evidence implicating Biden in multiple corruption schemes, but because the White House wasn’t doing a sufficient job enabling fake news to spread regime talking points.
“This is to show what happens when you don’t push back at all, which is really what the White House has been doing,” Chalian lamented. “There’s not been a Hunter Biden defense, kind of mounted in a public relations way, and it’s starting to seep through beyond just the right wing echo chamber.”
The seepage didn’t stop there, and it leaked across partisan lines. Nearly 70% of Democrats said the party should nominate anybody but Biden, and majorities from both parties blamed Biden for their perilous economic straits.
“This is why you hear him talking about Bidenomics all the time and trying to get that number lower,” Chalian said.
“It makes you think, was it right for them to label it Bidenomics?” fretted CNN anchor Poppy Harlow.
“Right,” Chalian countered, and again urged the White House’s fake news machine to spring into action. “He’s got to convince Americans that he’s actually improving the economy. You see, a majority thinks he’s worsened it.”
The same misguided Americans are also alarmed by Biden’s enfeebled physical condition and diminishing cognitive abilities. Overall, 73% said they are “seriously concerned Biden’s age might negatively affect his current mental and physical competence,” while 76% are “seriously concerned Biden’s age might negatively affect his ability to serve another full term.”


Kiss My Ring

Biden Officials Likely Violated First Amendment On Social Media: 5th Circuit Court​

Here's how it started...

Here's how it's going...

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Friday that several Biden administration officials had likely breached the First Amendment by pressuring social media companies to moderate or take down content they deemed problematic.
And here is Exhibit A of that First Amendment-crushing coercion and collusion... which obviously began in the Trump-era under Anthony Fauci. ZeroHedge was banned from Twitter one day after this email.

In an unsigned 75-page opinion, three 5th Circuit judges agreed with the plaintiffs that the administration “ran afoul of the First Amendment” by at times threatening social media platforms with antitrust action or changes to law protecting them from liability.
However, as The Epoch Times' Aldgra Fredly reports, the three-judge panel of the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals narrowed much of an injunction issued by a Louisiana judge that restricted Democratic President Joe Biden's administration from communicating with social media companies.
The court said that the White House, Surgeon General, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the FBI "likely coerced or significantly encouraged social media platforms to moderate content" in violation of the First Amendment.
"It is true that the officials have an interest in engaging with social media companies, including on issues such as misinformation and election interference," the three-judge panel said in a 74-page ruling (pdf) on Sept. 8.
"But the government is not permitted to advance these interests to the extent that it engages in viewpoint suppression," they added.
The court found that the officials made "express threats" and "inflammatory accusations" by saying that the platforms were "poisoning the public" and "killing people." The platforms were told they needed to take "greater responsibility and action."
"Then, they followed their statements with threats of 'fundamental reforms' like regulatory changes and increased enforcement actions that would ensure the platforms were 'held accountable'. But, beyond express threats, there was always an unspoken 'or else,'" it added.
The court also said the officials encouraged social media platforms to moderate content by "exercising active, meaningful control over those decisions," particularly concerning the platforms' moderation policies.
According to the ruling, the FBI "regularly met with the platforms, shared 'strategic information,' frequently alerted the social media companies to misinformation spreading on their platforms, and monitored their content moderation policies."
"But, the FBI went beyond that—they urged the platforms to take down content. Turning to the Second Circuit's four-factor test, we find that those requests were coercive," it added.
The judges emphasized that the government cannot supervise a platform's content moderation decisions and cannot impose "legal, regulatory, or economic consequences" if they refuse to comply with a given request.
"Social media platforms' content-moderation decisions must be theirs and theirs alone," the court asserted.
The attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri, along with several social media users, had sued last year, saying Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter engaged in censorship as a result of repeated urging by government officials and threats of heightened regulatory enforcement.
The lawsuit said the censored views included content questioning anti-COVID-19 measures such as masks and vaccine mandates and allegations of election fraud.

But the court excised much of U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty's broad July 4 ruling, saying mere encouragement to take down content doesn't always cross a constitutional line.
"As an initial matter, it is axiomatic that an injunction is overbroad if it enjoins a defendant from engaging in legal conduct. Nine of the preliminary injunction's ten prohibitions risk doing just that. Moreover, many of the provisions are duplicative of each other and thus unnecessary," the ruling said.
The ruling also removed some agencies from the order, namely the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency, and the State Department.
Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey said they filed the lawsuit against dozens of officials in the federal government "to halt the biggest violation of the First Amendment in our nation’s history."
"The first brick was laid in the wall of separation between tech and state on July 4. Today’s ruling is yet another brick," he said in a statement.
“Missouri will continue to lead the way in the fight to defend our most fundamental freedoms.”
In a posting on X, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry called Friday’s ruling “a major win against censorship.”


Kiss My Ring
i was glad to see that he canceled the leases to drill on the north slope of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. they should never have been handed out to start with IMHO. the place is too ecologically fragile to do it safely, even "if" you totally discount the harm done to the wildlife there as a result of disturbing nesting grounds for waterfowl and the calving grounds and migration routes of the caribou herds. we pump so much oil out of the ground in the lower 48 that we are selling it on the open world market instead of using it here. fuck big oil...twice!

CNBC’s Croft: We Can’t Release from Drained SPR, So We’re Having to Hope Saudis Will Produce More Oil​

Ian Hanchett 8 Sep 2023

On Thursday’s broadcast of CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” CNBC Contributor and Managing Director and Global Head of Commodity Strategy for RBC Capital Markets Helima Croft stated that because President Joe Biden can’t lower oil prices by releasing a large amount of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) because it’s at low levels, “they are having to rely on energy diplomacy” with Saudi Arabia in an effort to get the Saudis to provide oil relief.
Co-host Becky Quick asked, “So, we had thought that oil prices were going to be higher. We’ve kind of dodged that bullet. It’s been the one area where inflation hasn’t been really rampant. Are you thinking that we are in for higher prices for an extended period of time?”
Croft answered, “The challenge for the Biden administration right now is, they do not have up their sleeve probably another blockbuster SPR release. And so, they are having to rely on energy diplomacy. And you mentioned the G20, the question is, can President Biden try to secure additional oil relief from the Saudis as part of this megadeal that has been in the works? Negotiations have been ongoing for several months about a deal that would include Israel normalization, assistance for the Saudi civilian nuclear program, new security guarantees for Saudi Arabia. Can they get this megadeal across the finish line, and would it include some form of oil relief?”

video here: https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2023/09/08/cnbcs-croft-we-cant-release-from-drained-spr-so-were-having-to-hope-saudis-will-produce-more-oil/

House of Saud has cut production so no this is not a good thing. stupid to think it's about the climate. damned children throwing tantrums/tilting at windmills literally.
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Kiss My Ring

WATCH: Joe Biden’s Latest Campaign Ad Highlights His Devotion to Giving Ukraine More US Taxpayer Money​

by Cristina Laila Sep. 8, 2023 5:20 pm


Joe Biden’s latest campaign ad: Vote for me and I will give your hard-earned taxpayer money to Ukraine.

Americans are suffering under Biden’s economic agenda dubbed ‘Bidenomics.’ 30-fixed mortgage rates are nearly 8%, food prices are skyrocketing, gas prices are soaring, energy bills have more than doubled and inflation is still high.

And what is Joe Biden campaigning on?

His devotion to putting Ukraine first. With Joe Biden, it’s always America last.

Biden’s latest ad shows him walking through war-torn Ukraine next to Volodymyr Zelensky as ‘air raid sirens’ blared.

Former Secret Services agents Dan Bongino and Jeff James confirmed Biden’s ‘heroic’ walk through Kiev while air raid sirens blared earlier this year was staged.

“The standard Secret Service response would be to evacuate, yet nothing happened!” Dan Bongino said on his Fox News show “Unfiltered with Dan Bongino.”

Jeff James suggested the air raid siren was staged to make Biden look tough.

Now Joe Biden is using this staged photo-op for his reelection campaign.

“He entered Ukraine under the cover of night, and, in the morning, Joe Biden walked shoulder to shoulder with our allies in the war-torn streets, standing up for democracy in a place where a tyrant is waging war to take it away,” the ad says.

Fraud...joe has to keep sending money or Zelensky will out him, lol. the Z is blackmailing the bidens. watsup wit dat?
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Kiss My Ring

Morgan Stanley Banker Filed ‘Fraudulent Schemes’ SEC Complaint Against Hunter Biden​

President Joe Biden, and his son Hunter Biden arrive at Fort McNair, Sunday, June 25, 2023, in Washington. The Biden's are returning from Camp David. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
Wendell Husebø8 Sep 202320


A Morgan Stanley banker filed a formal complaint to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) against an investment firm linked to Hunter Biden in 2016, a document disclosed by Congress shows.
Compliance officers at U.S. banks flagged at least 170 suspicious activity reports against the Biden-linked firm for the U.S. Treasury’s review. But filing a complaint with the SEC, the top securities market regulator in the U.S. is a far more serious step.

At the time, Joe Biden was vice president of the U.S.
The Morgan Stanley whistleblower, through a lawyer from New York, filed the complaint on November 1, 2016, with the SEC under the Dodd-Frank financial reform law. The complaint flagged “suspicious” transactions and “fraudulent” schemes, although much of the complaint material and the name of the whistleblower is redacted.

RELATED VIDEO — CNN’s Chalian: “A Lot” of Our Polling Showing Most Believe Joe Was Involved in Hunter’s Deals “Driven by Partisanship”:

An attachment to the complaint concerned a Hunter Biden-linked firm Rosemont Seneca, Just the News reported:

The complaint itself did not directly mention Hunter Biden but a series of attachments incorporated in the complaint clearly did, including the May 2015 compliance presentation complete with the Hunter Biden dossier.

“[Whistleblower redacted] had made various reports to his employer, Morgan Stanley, regarding the fraudulent schemes detailed in the addendum, which were perpetrated by third parties,” the complaint reads.

“In addition to seeking recovery in connection with his prior reporting [whistleblower redacted] makes this submission offering new information concerning additional securities frauds being perpetrated,” the complaint added.

WATCH — Joe Biden Snaps at Reporter over “Big Guy” Question: “Why’d You Ask Such a Dumb Question?”:

Joe Biden claims he has no knowledge of his family’s business.

“I have never discussed, with my son or my brother or with anyone else, anything having to do with their businesses. Period,” he said in 2019. “And what I will do is the same thing we did in our administration. There will be an absolute wall between personal and private and the government.”

Powerful allegations suggest otherwise. The allegations include, but are not limited to, photos, texts, an audio recording, and IRS and former business partner whistleblower testimonies:
  1. Biden family suspicious activity reports of wire transfers
  2. Texts
  3. Emails
  4. WhatsApp messages
  5. Photos of Joe with Hunter’s business partners
  6. Joe Biden’s voicemail to Hunter
  7. Five individuals referencing Joe Biden as the “big guy”
  8. Two whistleblower testimonies
  9. FBI FD-1023 form alleging recorded phone calls and texts between Biden and a Burisma executive
  10. FBI informant alleging bribes
  11. Video of Joe Biden bragging about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor
  12. Hunter’s statements about giving half his income to his dad
  13. Former White House Aide saying FBI ignored Joe Biden’s role in Ukraine business dealings
  14. Millions flowing into Biden family bank accounts
  15. Hunter paying for Joe Biden’s expenses
  16. Email


Well-known member
it's such a shame that you're not a comedian and a tragedy you make light of such serious implications along with the resident of most of my posts. :dunno:

not too fast on the draw are you pardner, took you long enough!

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?​

  • Donald Trump
  • Joe Biden
  • Neither I check neither!
  • I'm tired of all the stupid culture war bullshit and tired of having to vote for the lesser of two evils. I think Trump should be disqualified from running by the 14th Amendment and although he actually did win the presidency fairly the first time you will remember he lost the popular vote by 3 million. he lost the last election by a popular vote of nearly 8 million. his base is shrinking not growing. it's not just Democrats vs Republicans anymore. there is a large and growing group of independent voters who just don't like Trump and they are the ones who beat him last time because they voted against him and not for Biden.
  • he has 91 felony charges to deal with and will get convicted of some of them.
  • many states are thinking about getting him removed from the ballot because of this. individual states can and will do this. if he can't get on the ballot he can't have electors from that state. and there goes the Electoral College that he needs so desperately.
  • Trump took an oath of office and he swore, on a Bible;
  • "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." and then he shit all over the Constitution. plotted to defraud the voters, conspired with others to defraud the voters, and tried to interfere with an official act of Congress. I don't like Joe Biden either and I'm not too fond of the Democratic party right now, they are a mess.

  • Biden and Trump are too old. it's a job that requires energy and focus.

  • I would vote for a moderate, sane, responsible adult from either party if we can find one. but I would like the next president to be a Republican if they can wrest control from the dumbass MAGA cult.

    Out of the current group of Republican candidates, I think Niki Haley would make a great president.

  • Desantis and Ramaswamy Ding Dong are both idiots.

  • i would vote for Satan before voting for Trump.

  • and you, my nearsighted friend, are making a lot of assumptions.


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites

Why didn't they include the answer?

Obviously edited to elicit a response...

A "legitimate conversation" that is almost entirely one-sided dominated by a pushy kid asking a question with an obvious answer doesn't make for a great propaganda byte.

The cult is Trump. The reasoning they are insinuating what they intend for you to mimick can be turned on its heels in the opposite direction.

It's pretty obvious that the spam in the thread is a list of shit about Biden, yet it is not a list of great things that Trump did and wants to do in the future.

Trump isn't Biden is the reasoning that they intend to convince you to use, but the video is showing that type of reasoning being under question.

Fucking idiots.

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