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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
i am only going to waste energy on him until he is defeated! then i will assign him a space on the history shelf in my library.

if the republican party had put up a sane, responsible adult as a candidate, i would have voted republican. you underestimate the level of resentment of trump that exists amongst conservative moderates.

i am a moderate, slightly right of center, conservative at this point in my life. i'm part of the most numerous group of voters. the voters that are poised slightly left or right but are not extremists. this group is under- represented in both parties. this is one of the reasons we need a third party. we need to break this pair of dynasties that are forcing us to make choices we don't really like.

if you don't vote you are part of the problem because you are not helping move the country towards solutions that benefit the majority of people.

our form of government is a "constitutional democratic republic". it is not perfect and relies on direction from the voting public. i don't like either party right now but i feel it is my duty as a citizen to at least try to help change things for the better.

never saw them but was a big fan of their first 3 albums. by the way, you have excellent taste in dogs. i love blue heelers and want one but i'm not quite ready yet with the fencing and dog accommodations. one of my friends here has one and that's how i became familiar with the breed. the dog is glued to his side, goes with him everywhere. very sharp and alert,
Voting is just one part of political engagement, and the way it is currently structured, is quite limited. The seats for Congress and the House are probably more important then the POTUS at the moment. This shifting of the checks and balances is what is scary right now. It feels like both sides have agendas and want to tip the scales in their favor. The political climate is mostly about instilling fear in people. The R's want everyone to believe the D's are Marxists and will take your guns, freedoms, and money and distribute it to the masses. The D's want you to believe that the R's will enact project 2025 shit, turning us into some form of The Handmaids Tale.

I guess I'm more concerned about the R's because they say the quiet part out loud, and they attack people and want to remove rights that people have fought for. Culture war stuff.

As for the economics here, seems the train will derail regardless of which dumb dumbs are sitting in power. Capitalism is cannibalizing itself and will force us towards a kind of socialism and suffering. There will be finger pointing when it happens.

That's why I type on these forums, because I can't stand identity politics. It should just be us against them, and them are those who want to hold us down for their own gain. But we have been brainwashed into thinking that this is not a problem, as long as we can get our small piece of happiness and freedom. Well it looks like that is going away in many ways, and we are blaming each other just like our overlords would want instead of seeing the larger issues at play. Those that have all they need and have greed for more are so afraid that those who have less will take away from what they have. They make this the problem when there are so many other problems they will not acknowledge. And I get it, a hard working person who has built a life for themselves is at risk these days, but their anger is misplaced.

So while i know three is a lot at stake this cycle, I am not excited about voting because voting is the least I can do. What I should be doing beyond that is being engaged, and challenge mindsets and ideology. I still think of Utopia while living is dystopia, some of that is personal, but much of it is beyond my control. Acceptance is good, but also trying for a better world is also good, unless you give up hope.

There is a decent system in place, it just needs to be hijacked from those that believe they control it. I think this is the appeal of MAGA as its an attempt to take power back from the establishment. Unfortunately it is largely a collective of outspoken, but yet on some levels brave and engaged, idiots. Watching Chomsky debate the stuck up, elitist politician was refreshing, just solely based on how intelligent he was and could argue historical truth away from the propaganda narrative the imperialists use to paint their undertakings.


Well-known member
This is gonna be funny for Elon if this is real




Well-known member
Polls were not very reliable with Hillary vs Trump don't forget. It is a test for Harris to see if she can rebuild herself to present better.

I had that thought as well.



Well-known member
someone at the fed department unplug this meme posting cannavore bot .

annoying as fuck.

it is torture reading his constant shit stirring bollocks
My bad lemme drop down to your level for a sec;

Hitler wuz a Rothschild!!!

Marx wuz a Rothschild!!!


Clot shot!!!!

Last edited:


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Did anyone else notice that the Harris campaign had posters and literature in place already on Monday? I bet the decision was made at least a week in advance of Biden's Sunday announcement. This may have been contrived for maximum negative impact on the Republican campaign, in that they became convinced that Biden was stubbornly clinging on.

I watched Fox, for a duration which I could tolerate, yesterday, seeing Trump addressing a rally spewing pure bullshit and an interview with Stephen Miller (the snake ear whisperer) reminded me of my contempt for these manipulators inclusive of the network. CNN's approach to brainwashing is much more subtle, convincing their viewers they are hearing news and intelligent commentary. The result for both viewing groups is the belief that they have concluded their stance (the narrative) on their own through critical thinking.


Well-known member
My bad lemme drop down to your level for a sec;

Hitler wuz a Rothschild!!!

Marx wuz a Rothschild!!!


Clot shot!!!!

just for the record, because i don't have a horse in this race, the theory that hitler was a rothschild is based upon the fact that hitler's paternal grandmother gave birth to hitlers father out of wedlock. she died in the 1840's and took the name of hitlers grandfather to the grave with her.

so, there is no direct evidence in the literature that proves any relationship to the rothschild's.

however, marx does seem to be a distant relative of the family, as a 3rd or 4th cousin. but history does not show any interaction with them.


Well-known member
Did anyone else notice that the Harris campaign had posters and literature in place already on Monday? I bet the decision was made at least a week in advance of Biden's Sunday announcement. This may have been contrived for maximum negative impact on the Republican campaign, in that they became convinced that Biden was stubbornly clinging on.

I watched Fox, for a duration which I could tolerate, yesterday, seeing Trump addressing a rally spewing pure bullshit and an interview with Stephen Miller (the snake ear whisperer) reminded me of my contempt for these manipulators inclusive of the network. CNN's approach to brainwashing is much more subtle, convincing their viewers they are hearing news and intelligent commentary. The result for both viewing groups is the belief that they have concluded their stance (the narrative) on their own through critical thinking.
yep, my wife and i were talking about that. it's obvious the democrats are manipulating the presentation of events to throw the RNC's timing off balance. they probably knew way before the announcement and are playing things to eat up trump's time in the spotlight until the end of the campaign. the picking of a vp running mate is being stretched out as long as possible for the same reason. the news outlets are spending a large amount of time speculating out loud about who the pick will be. i'm sure the democrats have thought out who the pick is already but are playing it for drama and suspense. there are only so many hours left before the election and the more of those hours the democrats eat up the media's time, the less time trumpy bear has.

politics is a nasty game but i don't care what they do as long as trump is defeated. just keep it legal and don't engage in violence.

george clooney was asked if he would consider entering into politics as a candidate and he said "hell no, i want to live a nice life".


Well-known member
just for the record, because i don't have a horse in this race, the theory that hitler was a rothschild is based upon the fact that hitler's paternal grandmother gave birth to hitlers father out of wedlock. she died in the 1840's and took the name of hitlers grandfather to the grave with her.

so, there is no direct evidence in the literature that proves any relationship to the rothschild's.

however, marx does seem to be a distant relative of the family, as a 3rd or 4th cousin. but history does not show any interaction with them.
yea but when they say rothschild they mean jew