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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
a group of democrats, not republicans, are calling for an arms embargo on israel.
I’m a libertarian, borderline anarchist. I despise both parties.

I don’t even really like trump, but when he wins, seeing all the green haired idiots crying that the world is over will be so satisfying. That, and I’ll probably earn 25% more money.


Well-known member
:LOL: Good grief man youre in deep arent you

All good buddy. im glad people can actually have an opinion now. Just a few months ago anyone on here who wasn't a trump bashing liberal got banned on a weekly basis.

So Hais account would have lasted 3 days :D

how many times did you get banned?


Well-known member
Yeah......back when conservatives like buckley....were so balanced

He was a real Conservative which was the point I was making. I didn't agree with all of his opinions. Although I'm definitely not an LGBTQ cheerleader. I find the lifestyle abhorrent but what they do does not affect me and I believe people living that lifestyle should have exactly the same rights that I have and I would come to the aid of someone being verbally or physically assaulted because they were LGBTQ. There is no place in our society for discrimination or intimidation based on race or lifestyle. I might not like what they're doing but I'll defend their right to do it.

Buckley was 50/50. He should have just kept his mouth shut about some issues. He was a smart guy. Racist and homophobic obviously. But as a man of color I have no issue saying that he was right and had good ideas regarding many topics.

I mostly referenced him as a showpiece to how intelligent the republican party used to be. It wasn't that long ago that John Boehner was the Republican Speaker of the House. He was a very smart guy as well and now he's one of the most successful lobbyists for the Cannabis industry.

Republicans used to be smart. Now it's the boeberts, greenes, and prior to that sarah palin.

Imagine that. sarah palin was the most popular figure in the Republican party for years. It just shows the dumbing down of America that someone like that could become so popular. Fortunately she fell fast. I think getting her drunken ass pulled off of someone's property by her hair through the mud cost her a significant amount of support.


Well-known member
if voting made any different to world affairs and whatever the establishment intends to do as they choose, then you would not be able to vote .

democracy never existed , and politics is to give the illusion of possibility of change or a say on any relevant matter , and to divide and conquer and then make order out of chaos, while the people argue amongst themselves and blame each other for the actions of the establishment



Well-known member
I don't have to prove anything to you or any of the other shallow people out there. You actually sound like trump. I have this I have that. Look at me! I have money!

Well let me tell you something little man. I have more than you'll ever have.

You think your smart and that might well be true but you are just vile. I try and give everyone a chance but your chances have ran out. Nobody gives a damn if I bet you or not. I'm not going to waste my time with some pathetic "Bet." There are people on this site and others that have met me in person. Your implication of me as being a poor beggar is just stupid.

I try my hardest to be respectful, cordial, and just engage in discussion. But for you I'll make an exception. You are ignorant. Plain and simple. You think you're smart and you may be knowledgeable in some topics but overall you are ignorant.

I'm not into name calling but calling you ignorant is on point.

I would be repulsed to be in your presence. I can tell what type of person you are. The type that sickens me and anyone with any decency.

You be you. You don't know anything else.
Your tears taste delicious.


Well-known member
He was a real Conservative which was the point I was making. I didn't agree with all of his opinions. Although I'm definitely not an LGBTQ cheerleader. I find the lifestyle abhorrent but what they do does not affect me and I believe people living that lifestyle should have exactly the same rights that I have and I would come to the aid of someone being verbally or physically assaulted because they were LGBTQ. There is no place in our society for discrimination or intimidation based on race or lifestyle. I might not like what they're doing but I'll defend their right to do it.

Buckley was 50/50. He should have just kept his mouth shut about some issues. He was a smart guy. Racist and homophobic obviously. But as a man of color I have no issue saying that he was right and had good ideas regarding many topics.

I mostly referenced him as a showpiece to how intelligent the republican party used to be. It wasn't that long ago that John Boehner was the Republican Speaker of the House. He was a very smart guy as well and now he's one of the most successful lobbyists for the Cannabis industry.

Republicans used to be smart. Now it's the boeberts, greenes, and prior to that sarah palin.

Imagine that. sarah palin was the most popular figure in the Republican party for years. It just shows the dumbing down of America that someone like that could become so popular. Fortunately she fell fast. I think getting her drunken ass pulled off of someone's property by her hair through the mud cost her a significant amount of support.

Im just surprised at your personal standing. Buckley would have adored trump. Hell, he probably would have considered him a rino.

Ive interacted with you enough that i can tell your an intelligent guy. Just cant figure out why you waste your energy over a man that feeds off attention like some child and, as you've clearly pointed out, is destined to lose in November. As someone not voting this year it fascinates me, the hold this man has taken on the human psyche.

It IS a disease and theres still time to move on. I mean you dont want to end up like armedoldhater do you? Sitting in some old folks home down the road speaking in tongues while some under payed nurse tucks your hemorrhoids :confused:


Well-known member
if voting made any different to world affairs and whatever the establishment intends to do as they choose, then you would not be able to vote .

democracy never existed , and politics is to give the illusion of possibility of change or a say on any relevant matter , and to divide and conquer and then make order out of chaos, while the people argue amongst themselves and blame each other for the actions of the establishment

once again, defining what's wrong with everything but not offering any constructive ideas.

please enlighten us with all of your ideas about how to fix the situation. how do we fix it if we don't vote?

voting is the only nonviolent tool we have. surely you are not suggesting violence?


Well-known member
Liking lord of the rings is also far right now.


Well-known member
Im just surprised at your personal standing. Buckley would have adored trump. Hell, he probably would have considered him a rino.

Ive interacted with you enough that i can tell your an intelligent guy. Just cant figure out why you waste your energy over a man that feeds off attention like some child and, as you've clearly pointed out, is destined to lose in November. As someone not voting this year it fascinates me, the hold this man has taken on the human psyche.

It IS a disease and theres still time to move on. I mean you dont want to end up like armedoldhater do you? Sitting in some old folks home down the road speaking in tongues while some under payed nurse tucks your hemorrhoids :confused:
i am only going to waste energy on him until he is defeated! then i will assign him a space on the history shelf in my library.

if the republican party had put up a sane, responsible adult as a candidate, i would have voted republican. you underestimate the level of resentment of trump that exists amongst conservative moderates.

i am a moderate, slightly right of center, conservative at this point in my life. i'm part of the most numerous group of voters. the voters that are poised slightly left or right but are not extremists. this group is under- represented in both parties. this is one of the reasons we need a third party. we need to break this pair of dynasties that are forcing us to make choices we don't really like.

if you don't vote you are part of the problem because you are not helping move the country towards solutions that benefit the majority of people.

our form of government is a "constitutional democratic republic". it is not perfect and relies on direction from the voting public. i don't like either party right now but i feel it is my duty as a citizen to at least try to help change things for the better.
:LOL: Not a hotdog fan but i love me some ZZ Top. Guilty as charged
never saw them but was a big fan of their first 3 albums. by the way, you have excellent taste in dogs. i love blue heelers and want one but i'm not quite ready yet with the fencing and dog accommodations. one of my friends here has one and that's how i became familiar with the breed. the dog is glued to his side, goes with him everywhere. very sharp and alert,


Well-known member
never saw them but was a big fan of their first 3 albums. by the way, you have excellent taste in dogs. i love blue heelers and want one but i'm not quite ready yet with the fencing and dog accommodations. one of my friends here has one and that's how i became familiar with the breed. the dog is glued to his side, goes with him everywhere. very sharp and alert,

Yeah mango is a miniature blue heeler and shes very loyal. They're known to pick one person to like a lot and just tolerate everyone else but mines really chill. Every now and then her natural instincts kick in and she lightly bites the back of someones leg, they are herd dogs, but by no means harms anyone


Well-known member
Im just surprised at your personal standing. Buckley would have adored trump. Hell, he probably would have considered him a rino.

Ive interacted with you enough that i can tell your an intelligent guy. Just cant figure out why you waste your energy over a man that feeds off attention like some child and, as you've clearly pointed out, is destined to lose in November. As someone not voting this year it fascinates me, the hold this man has taken on the human psyche.

It IS a disease and theres still time to move on. I mean you dont want to end up like armedoldhater do you? Sitting in some old folks home down the road speaking in tongues while some under payed nurse tucks your hemorrhoids :confused:

This thread on this forum is the only place I have any input regarding trump. 99.999999999999999% of my time I'm not thinking about the scumbag. There is no disease. The disease is maga and those that worship trump. You have things backwards. Those with the maga hats and cheap chinese trump branded shoes are the ones with a disease.

This is the disease: 100% idiots



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