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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
no its what @Cannavore said (maybe he can provide a citation?)
I said "up to" because there is no concrete number.
i would say there are many more people living illegally in the us, many of them living in shit conditions being mistreated or taken advantage of
Areas of the US south have been deemed areas equivalent to third world countries

and this does not even count the people who are being trafficked here in the us for ????

/somewhere in my city right now i can guarantee there are people being held against their will just waiting to be sold into .
All the things you're worrying about are happening right now with native born US citizens and at a much higher rate. Documented and undocumented immigrants commit crime at a much lower rate.
but its all good man, its not illegal immigration hurts people on both side of the border
Immigration regardless of legality is pretty much a net positive. Especially for greedy American cunts, they should love illegal immigration. They work, pay into our welfare systems and collect nothing in return because they're undocumented.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
I lived 100 miles from the border for years. It was a routine thing for a regular neighborhood house to have 50 people in it being forced to work to pay off their border crossing “fee”.
and that not the ones who are selected to be sold to the next guy just because these lives are cheap to the traffickers
some dont even get that out" of being aboe to buy their freedom man and are pretty much being sold into slavery


Well-known member
If fascists aren't going to vote for Trump because VP's wife is a legal Indian immigrant, what makes you think they want these people in the country?

Those right wing weirdos have dined with Trump and are basically the future of the republican party. You asked for proof and I gave it to you. Stephen Miller can be thrown into that conversation too. They want to end birthright citizenship and weaken the status of legal immigrants in other ways too.

They didn't want Nikki Haley either. Something about the pigment in her skin. It's not surprising. Those good people carrying those tiki torches while giving the nazi salute that trump called good people are poor examples of real Americans. They pretend that they are but their actions go against everything America stands for. Before trump they stayed in the shadows. Then trump showed up with his dog whistle and they all stood at attention and cheered while trump denigrated people with brown skin, Asians, LGBTQ, and basically anyone that wasn't white. trump unleashed the hate these people had. They don't just hate people of color they hate themselves as well.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand the mindset of that crowd. Many lack a decent education and are easily controlled with soundbites and slogans.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
I said "up to" because there is no concrete number.

Areas of the US south have been deemed areas equivalent to third world countries

All the things you're worrying about are happening right now with native born US citizens and at a much higher rate. Documented and undocumented immigrants commit crime at a much lower rate.

Immigration regardless of legality is pretty much a net positive. Especially for greedy American cunts, they should love illegal immigration. They work, pay into our welfare systems and collect nothing in return because they're undocumented.
right, but your not a greedy american cunt now are you?
i love the welfare argument! and how the government is making money off the illegals?
is that just the republicans or do the dems get a taste of that too?

parts of the us are third world? you dont get out much do you


Well-known member
I can't wait for November to get here. Harris wins the election and the country moves on without trump in the picture.

It will take a couple more years for all the maga nonsense to subside but it will. Many of the maga will look back in a few years and say to themselves "What was I thinking?" They'll be embarrassed whenever they remember how they behaved and how they allowed some lying narcissist to control them and be a vehicle for hate.

Those that participated in the far left riots that destroyed cities across America will feel the same way.

Extremism has no place in America. Those of us with a moderate temperament that don't act out of emotion and get caught up in hysteria are going to decide this election. It definitely won't be trump and it might not be Harris. But rest assured that the adults in the room are taking back our country. And we'll do it without name calling and denigrating others.

You all have a good day.


Well-known member
and what would that prove? would you like to see some jackass quality interviews of dem supporters?

whats best for the country right now and whats best for the world
prosperity here we come! abortions for all and free fent and weed for all the homeless/illegals
and not to be too myopic,but there is way more at stake than just orange man bad, but i cant wait to see harris on a global stage!
she will put putin in his place and bring peace to the middle east
pessimist or optimist? glass half empty or half full?

everything is not an either/or proposition. it's not just one way or the polar opposite. there is a vast middle ground of compromise to use to improve the world.

are you blaming the biden admin for the hamas attack on israel and the israeli response? that shit has been going on since 1948 with every american president since then involved with supporting israel. it's a point of collective shame for all americans. do you really believe that trump will "put putin in his place and bring peace to the middle east"?

are you blaming the biden admin for the russian attack on ukraine? the causes for that have also been going on for a very long time.

are you blaming the biden admin and nato for helping ukraine defend itself against russian aggression?

trump, during the 2016 campaign, promised a bunch of things he did not deliver on. just like every other candidate in history. they all tell you what they are going to do and then get a reality check when they find they can't just rule by decree.

this is a democracy with three supposedly independently operating branches, the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. it's about checks and balances. it's not about one side or the other permanently winning.

if one side does achieve some sort of "total" victory and politically eliminates the other side who will suffer? the people in general will suffer.

considering our limited choices with only two parties, do you really want to see a one party government?

i wouldn't mind seeing a few "jackass quality interviews of dem supporters, there are some really dense ones and i get my entertainment wherever i can find it.


Well-known member
What does this even mean

What it means is hes just another billionaire slob that looks out for his own by meddling in elections and funding a one sided justice system in states hes never even set foot in

The two party failure. It always comes down to party loyalty, hence why you hate musk so much. If trump had remained a democrat he'd probably be on the one dollar bill by now
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Well-known member
Harris wins the election and the country moves on without trump in the picture.

But will you guys find the power to stop talking(and complaining endlessly) about him when hes out of the picture, is the big question. We shall see in november. The speakers corner will collapse without him 😜✌️


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
You can start dropping the temales in Texas first. I married the only mexican woman that hates them :D
wait whut? she hates tamales, but she like other comida? right
/i need to see whats up with our tamale lady
luckily today is taco tuesday!


Well-known member
I can't wait for November to get here. Harris wins the election and the country moves on without trump in the picture.

It will take a couple more years for all the maga nonsense to subside but it will. Many of the maga will look back in a few years and say to themselves "What was I thinking?" They'll be embarrassed whenever they remember how they behaved and how they allowed some lying narcissist to control them and be a vehicle for hate.

Those that participated in the far left riots that destroyed cities across America will feel the same way.

Extremism has no place in America. Those of us with a moderate temperament that don't act out of emotion and get caught up in hysteria are going to decide this election. It definitely won't be trump and it might not be Harris. But rest assured that the adults in the room are taking back our country. And we'll do it without name calling and denigrating others.

You all have a good day.
"adults in the room" love it! and all this violent rhetoric has to stop. i am a moderate first and detest extremism in any form.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
pessimist or optimist? glass half empty or half full?

everything is not an either/or proposition. it's not just one way or the polar opposite. there is a vast middle ground of compromise to use to improve the world.

are you blaming the biden admin for the hamas attack on israel and the israeli response? that shit has been going on since 1948 with every american president since then involved with supporting israel. it's a point of collective shame for all americans. do you really believe that trump will "put putin in his place and bring peace to the middle east"?

are you blaming the biden admin for the russian attack on ukraine? the causes for that have also been going on for a very long time.

are you blaming the biden admin and nato for helping ukraine defend itself against russian aggression?

trump, during the 2016 campaign, promised a bunch of things he did not deliver on. just like every other candidate in history. they all tell you what they are going to do and then get a reality check when they find they can't just rule by decree.

this is a democracy with three supposedly independently operating branches, the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. it's about checks and balances. it's not about one side or the other permanently winning.

if one side does achieve some sort of "total" victory and politically eliminates the other side who will suffer? the people in general will suffer.

considering our limited choices with only two parties, do you really want to see a one party government?

i wouldn't mind seeing a few "jackass quality interviews of dem supporters, there are some really dense ones and i get my entertainment wherever i can find it.
it seems like the whole dem ticket is running on the platform of we dont suck as much as the next guy so vote for us so you are right, half full

if you think that is positive thinking good for you

who do you think would be more effective on the world stage, politics aside?
crazy orange man or a creepy smile harris?
you know she has clout with her dem backing and all world leaders will fall in line under her, just like they did under ol joe
she will win all the respect internationally
im not blaming the attacks on either country on joey.b or dems , but his response has been pretty limp dick
/typical dem, just throw money at it and we can make it go away
let isreal un'f their problem in gaza first and then maybe we can work out a solution
russia isnt backing down and the ukr dosent have the numbers to fight this war to the end
but lets keep the wheels grinding as long as that sweet foreign aid keeps rolling in

i wish there was a legit third party, like an independant or something like that,but thats not happening
and even if we did it would just add to the political quagmire we are already bogged down in


Well-known member
please direct me to where trump has said he wants "NO IMMIGRATION" - thanks

as to deportations, if you have more illegals crossing, u can have more deportations..
of course they don't say it out loud. but trump once said, "why don't we have immigration from nice countries like norway or sweden, why do we have to have immigration from these shithole countries in south america and africa.

limited white immigration results in virtually no immigration compared to what a country of this size can handle and no non-white immigration. his bigotry could not be clearer.

part of the project 2025 paper recommends shutting down all immigration.

remember tucker carlson saying that the democrats want to dilute the voter pool with mass immigration?

what do you think he was referring to? nonwhite voters!

trump with "they are diluting the blood of our country". who could he have been referring to? the darkies, of course. very hitler like, don't you think? have you read "mein kampf" or listened to any of hitler's or mussolini's speeches. you will see that trump shares a common bond with them.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
She loathes mexican food. Its frustrating. Thats why i always look forward to holidays
then what does she eat?
luckily you guys have some of the best smoked meat in tx and... well mexican food!
/ tex mex style is different from what i get here in san diego! i like it
does she like burgers? if i could i would eat at braums everyday myself
how about vegetarian food? i got recipes if you need them


Well-known member
I said "up to" because there is no concrete number.

Areas of the US south have been deemed areas equivalent to third world countries

All the things you're worrying about are happening right now with native born US citizens and at a much higher rate. Documented and undocumented immigrants commit crime at a much lower rate.

Immigration regardless of legality is pretty much a net positive. Especially for greedy American cunts, they should love illegal immigration. They work, pay into our welfare systems and collect nothing in return because they're undocumented.
your use of the term "greedy american cunts" is offensive and undermines your arguments. you know better than that ,man!


Well-known member
then what does she eat?
luckily you guys have some of the best smoked meat in tx and... well mexican food!
/ tex mex style is different from what i get here in san diego! i like it
does she like burgers? if i could i would eat at braums everyday myself
how about vegetarian food? i got recipes if you need them

Haha no vegetarian food in this house buddy but my daughter likes that stuff. Lots of BBQ though and im really learning to enjoy crock pot recipes. Im a very lazy cook


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Haha no vegetarian food in this house buddy but my daughter likes that stuff. Lots of BBQ though and im really learning to enjoy crock pot recipes. Im a very lazy cook
im all in for bbq and send me a smoke signal next time you lay some steaks/brisket on the fire

we got an instapot thing a while back and those things are fantastic and there are a ton of recipes out there for just about anything you can think of

i dont mind vegetarian food but you need to balance it out


Well-known member
i dont mind vegetarian food but you need to balance it out

Yeah as long as its not all you eat. I grew up with a girl thats been a veghead for a long time and she has all kinds of shit wrong with her now

btw tex-mex down here is what happens when innercity yuppies try to open a mexican restaurant 😅

Got to have an actual mexican family making that food to have the good stuff