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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
this is the complete document if anyone is interested enough to really understand what the far right wants to do to society. they want to completely restructure all of our lives, whether we like it or not.

once again i submit the definition of Fascism;

1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

Now, check this definition against the project 2025 document.

Justice Alito thinks that one side should win and one side should lose the demographic battle between left and right. With him, it's about winning or losing.

Chief Justice Roberts stated that the Supreme Court's job is not to make policy but to ensure that the inevitable policy changes that will come are Constitutional.

Justice Roberts is right. it's not about either side permanently "winning or losing".

If one side permanently "wins", we completely disenfranchise the other side. this is not an acceptable condition and will cause a "rebels against the State" condition that will only produce endless violence.

and therefore no one wins.

the Founders wrote the Constitution knowing that change will happen and built mechanisms and safeguards into it to stop any one group from taking total control.

The proper name for our type of government is a "Constitutional Democratic Republic". this is a "majority rule" form of government. it takes the consensus of the majority to move forward. or backward.

the Constitution is there as a rule book on how to conduct political disagreements without resorting to violence.

The Far Right is threatening violence if they don't get their way. The reason they are threatening violence is that they are a minority in the US right now and are losing the demographic battle for the hearts and minds of the people.

Trump may win this election, but still, the long-term trend in American history has shown that the Far Right is losing appeal with voters.

This is also true of the Far Left.

the reason is that the people, the majority of the people, are moderates, not extremists.

The Project 2025 document is a description of an extremist Fascist takeover of society.

if they try to implement these as arbitrary changes there will be endless bloodshed.

i also want to submit to you all that the Bill of Rights is not an "a la carte menu". you cannot pick and choose which ones you like.

they were written in order of importance, one through 10.
Neoliberalism is why you have a fascist far right republican party.

Neoliberalism is a right wing shift on the overton window and it enables fascist policy as it abandons the working class for corporatism which leads people into the arms of fake populists (fascists).

There is nothing moderate about neoliberalism and it's being constantly rejected throughout the west in favour of strongman trump types or just outright ultra nationalist types.

The objective economic center is social democracy. Hybridising capitalism and aspects of socialism to create a society with a strong social safety net.

Voting for neoliberals (one of the root causes of the ascendancy of fascism) is not going to fix the fascism problem.


Well-known member
sure do.... certainly thought the last election and the aftermath SUCKED... jan 6th/etc... but prior to the election, i liked how crime was lower, prices for just about everything was lower, no wars... then the chinese virus.... for the last 3 years, prices have gone thru the roof.... in nov 0f 2020, i locked in home heating oil for a year at 2.19, nov of 2023 locked in at 3.79- do i need to mention crime, and the bullshit thats its down is just that bullshit, as it aint crime unless its reported... how about wars... in the ukraine and israel ... how we did not have wars when trump was president i don't have a clue, but we have em now..

i doubt the above answers your question
thank you! so, were on the same team. and you did answer my question.

crime was not lower, check multiple statistical sources for confirmation. possibly your perception of higher crime now could be the media reporting more of it than they did in the past.

on prices and inflation, inflation is a permanent fixture in economics. it's the rate of inflation that matters. there is always a delayed reaction to the combined forces that create inflation.

essentially, trump made a big mess of the economy and blames biden for not cleaning it up fast enough.

i don't think a President has much control over the events that cause inflation. for instance, trump had no control over the effect of covid on the world economy. and biden had no control over what he inherited.

i just paid 2.97 for gas to fill up my truck. that's the lowest price i have paid in 3 years.

about the wars. perhaps putin was waiting for trump to destroy nato before he invaded ukraine. i'm sure you remember trump talking about nato. i think putin and trump had a deal. when trump lost the election, putin decided to invade.

and i don't see how someone could say biden started the war between russia and ukraine. all democratic countries have a responsibility to stop blatant aggression. such as has occurred in ukraine. the fact is that russia invaded a sovereign country that had been free of russian rule for more than 30 years.

are you ok with letting putin grab land whenever he feels like it? for the security of the free world someone has to stop him. nato is the anti-putin. putin wants trump to take down nato and for some as yet unknown reason trump is doing his bidding.

the hamas/israel conflict has been going on since 1948. it's been historically a lit fuse on a bomb about to go off at any time since then. neither trump nor biden has much control over the events surrounding israel.

biden is being blamed for funding israel's military when the funding has been in place since the state of israel formed. but what do you think trump will do if he gets into office again? a large part of his base are evangelical christians who feel closely related to israel because of biblical teachings. trump's daughter and son-in-law are jewish. trump will continue funding israel. you will see no changes there.

i don't think the state of israel should exist. the country started the wrong way. the land was taken by force. but, what can we do about it now? there is no way to remove 9.5 million heavily armed people from the land. i feel deeply for the palestinians. their suffering at the hands of israel is incalculable.


Well-known member
Neoliberalism is why you have a fascist far right republican party.

Neoliberalism is a right wing shift on the overton window and it enables fascist policy as it abandons the working class for corporatism which leads people into the arms of fake populists (fascists).

There is nothing moderate about neoliberalism and it's being constantly rejected throughout the west in favour of strongman trump types or just outright ultra nationalist types.

The objective economic center is social democracy. Hybridising capitalism and aspects of socialism to create a society with a strong social safety net.

Voting for neoliberals (one of the root causes of the ascendancy of fascism) is not going to fix the fascism problem.


Well-known member
we used to and still do have that hybridization of capitalism with socialism (mixed economy)... the problem is that balance has tipped heavily to one side & much of the progress is being eroded, removing much of the safety nets and labor advancements Americans fought tooth and nail (and even sometimes died) for.

everything is being privatized. austerity over paying teachers a living wage, cutting everything and bloating the domestic police state, etc. .


Well-known member
we used to and still do have that hybridization of capitalism with socialism (mixed economy)... the problem is that balance has tipped heavily to one side & much of the progress is being eroded, removing much of the safety nets and labor advancements Americans fought tooth and nail (and even sometimes died) for.

everything is being privatized. austerity over paying teachers a living wage, cutting everything and bloating the domestic police state, etc. .

So Hai

Well-known member
and Trump says he will keep us out of WW2 and he beat Obama in 2016! so, what's the difference, they are both way too old to be president.

let me ask you a question, do you, personally, believe in Democracy? or do you prefer an autocratic state such as we witness in Russia?
no I do not ”believe in democracy”. it is really an empty term which is used to describe a zionist occupation government that exist for the sole benefit of international jewry and their puppets aka the peoples traitors. this ”democracy” that you profess belief in has killed, murdered and maimed more people than it ever saved.

”Washington is israels most subservient colony”
-Gilad Atzmon

even from your questions alone it is easy to see that you belong to those who have voted in support of proxy war against Russia as well as genocide of the palestinians. as for Russia being ”an autocratic state”, lmao at the bullshit that americans spew.


Well-known member
we used to and still do have that hybridization of capitalism with socialism (mixed economy)... the problem is that balance has tipped heavily to one side & much of the progress is being eroded, removing much of the safety nets and labor advancements Americans fought tooth and nail (and even sometimes died) for.

everything is being privatized. austerity over paying teachers a living wage, cutting everything and bloating the domestic police state, etc. .
yes, like it or not, capitalism is here to stay. but we need to mix in some socialism the make the suffering more tolerable. capitalism is most certainly not dying. in fact, it's growing all over the planet at an exponential pace.

the most elegant and beautiful proposition for governing has to be Marxism. it is the utopian dream of government. the problem is that there has never been a true communist country.

this is because communism doesn't take into account human nature. some are greedy, some are lazy, some want to live a more luxurious lifestyle at the expense of others. same with fascism.

the chinese look like raging capitalist now. in russia under so-called communism the poor starved and died in wars while the higher ups in the party lived like rich capitalist and their children never died in battle.

i think maybe the ideal government has yet to be invented.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
well maybe fuck the people around this feeble old man - for quite some time we have seen him walk aimlessly , talk gibberish, etc, and his handlers shoot it down... he's sharp as a tack, he runs circles around me in meetings etc... and the media saw it, and didn't report it , except a few rite wing outlets, which were then beaten over the head with a stick calling it bullshit...

maybe it was a bad nite.... if he wins in nov, we better pray that it was only a bad nite
I don't think for a minute it was just a bad night. Still if I had to vote for one or the other, I'd rather a vegetable than a scumbag child rapist, thief, conman, tyrant.


Well-known member
no I do not ”believe in democracy”. it is really an empty term which is used to describe a zionist occupation government that exist for the sole benefit of international jewry and their puppets aka the peoples traitors. this ”democracy” that you profess belief in has killed, murdered and maimed more people than it ever saved.

”Washington is israels most subservient colony”
-Gilad Atzmon

even from your questions alone it is easy to see that you belong to those who have voted in support of proxy war against Russia as well as genocide of the palestinians. as for Russia being ”an autocratic state”, lmao at the bullshit that americans spew.
so you have no real reason to be in this conversation as you are not an american. here, most people cherish the idea of democracy. our democracy is always in chaos because we have a mechanism called the Constitution that allows us to continuously reshape ourselves. we are not perfect.

maybe where you live people like licking the ass of dictators.

So Hai

Well-known member
we used to and still do have that hybridization of capitalism with socialism (mixed economy)... the problem is that balance has tipped heavily to one side & much of the progress is being eroded, removing much of the safety nets and labor advancements Americans fought tooth and nail (and even sometimes died) for.

everything is being privatized. austerity over paying teachers a living wage, cutting everything and bloating the domestic police state, etc. .
yeah we used to have that, and it is good analyses especially when the hybridizing element of the hucksters is entered into it. I will call the tipping of the balance point, that it is the post war period when ”democracy” turned into a kind of auction for the elites, where the highest-bid puppets and peoples traitors are given privilege to entertain billionaires like ari emanuel, son of an irgun terrorist.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
we used to and still do have that hybridization of capitalism with socialism (mixed economy)... the problem is that balance has tipped heavily to one side & much of the progress is being eroded, removing much of the safety nets and labor advancements Americans fought tooth and nail (and even sometimes died) for.

everything is being privatized. austerity over paying teachers a living wage, cutting everything and bloating the domestic police state, etc. .
true dat. the other problem is the idea that the economy must grow. A sustainable economy is a lesson which should have been learned by now.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
i'd vote for a corpse over trump!

probably AI but pretty good

So Hai

Well-known member
so you have no real reason to be in this conversation as you are not an american. here, most people cherish the idea of democracy. our democracy is always in chaos because we have a mechanism called the Constitution that allows us to continuously reshape ourselves. we are not perfect.

maybe where you live people like licking the ass of dictators.
of course I have a reason, the question discussed is ”who will be the next president in the U.S. what do you think?”, and since you are not doing a very good job at thinking yourself I am here to help.

I will predict for you the following outcome,


it will be in this order exactly, much thanks to you voting for the corpse and you can know it to be true because I am @So Hai


Well-known member
of course I have a reason, the question discussed is ”who will be the next president in the U.S. what do you think?”, and since you are not doing a very good job at thinking yourself I am here to help.

I will predict for you the following outcome,
View attachment 19028401
View attachment 19028402 View attachment 19028403
it will be in this order exactly, much thanks to you voting for the corpse and you can know it to be true because I am @So Hai
how about some logic instead of stupid memes? so you are a speaker of truth? ok then, since you don't care for democracy please tell us exactly what form of government you prefer. and tell us where there is a working model of that type of government.


Well-known member
i just went to the hardware store to buy some lumber. i decided to get some chinese take-out for dinner while i was out. i ordered the moo goo guide dog as usual.

in view of the conversations this morning i decided to ask the chinese couple who own the restaurant where they were from and how long have they been here.

they are from mainland china and they have been here 18 years.

i asked them why they came to america and guess what? they said that they came to escape oppression and have the opportunity to make a better life for themselves here. they own a chain of very successful restaurants, drive nice late model cars, and are sending there kids to the best schools.

they chased the american dream and succeded.

then, at lowes i ran into a fellow from mexico who is a construction contractor. he's been here 10 years and said he came for the opportunity. he said, in spanish, "para opportunidad".